February at One.

OK, so I swear I am NOT a crazy cat lady, but during this month of love I felt this was a perfect family photo op to bring smiles to your faces. It warms our hearts to see the brotherly/sisterly love these two have for each other, this was too adorable not to share and yes, they literally do this all the time.

During the month of February, if you are looking for the perfect gift for Valentines' Day, there is nothing better than the gift of health, get your gift certificate with us for any of the many services we provide.

We hope that you are taking control of your health at the start of this year, but if you need a little extra help, read on. Our newsletter is chock full of information on ways to improve our health and things to add to make small positive gains. We hope you enjoy it and as always and if you are new to us, please give us your feedback, we love hearing from you!

Yours in Wellness,

Jennifer and Christina