Hello Elise,

Santa visited us the families of FPTV last week! Family Promise of Tualatin Valley partnered with many local faith communities, businesses, and the City of Tigard this holiday season to offer a robust array of holiday activities. This included a visit with Santa, a concert, a solstice party, and more! We also had a room dedicated to parents “shopping” for presents for their children with special options for teenagers, who are often missed during gift drives. Creating these meaningful experiences for shelter guests helps make a difference for those we serve.


While Oregon tragically ranks number first in the nation in unsheltered family homelessness, FPTV is proud to have added shelter capacity for families this year, and we will continue working to ensure access to shelter for all families in need.

Give to FPTV

Exciting news! FPTV was evaluated by Charity Navigator, the world’s most trusted nonprofit evaluator, and earned a Four-Star Rating! This is the highest possible rating. This third-party accreditation validates FPTV's operational excellence.

This milestone couldn’t have happened without you and your support. Your trust and support helps us make a difference for the families and individuals we serve. Follow this link to learn more about what this rating means, or give with confidence by clicking the button below!

Please donate today!

FPTV's Chef Eric holds some holiday goodies for our families!