Dear CCS Family,

This past Monday, you were notified by email that four middle school students reported positive for COVID-19 and that we were shifting to Cougars at Home for the middle school division on Thursday and Friday. Since then, we have been notified that an additional seven middle school students, one high school student, and one staff member tested positive for COVID-19. 

Based on our contact tracing procedures, students who are considered to have been in close contact with an individual who tested positive have already received specific notification of this exposure.

Due to the number of cases (5 or more) linked by on-campus exposure occurring within a 14 day period, the Mecklenburg County Health Department is expected to include CCS in its report of “COVID-19 Ongoing Clusters in Child Care and School Settings.” We are sharing this information with you in the interest of transparency and requesting your continued prayers for health. Thankfully, this is the only time CCS has experienced a “cluster” of cases since March 2020 when the pandemic began. In addition, we wanted to note that during the last week, no cases of COVID-19 have been reported in our elementary division.

As noted in the previous email, our plan is for middle school students to return to campus on Monday, November 8. Our health team is closely monitoring campus health, and if any change to that plan is necessary, you will be notified by email by 3:00 pm on Sunday. 

If our middle school students return to campus on Monday as planned, the middle school musical will take place next weekend, November 12-13. The Arts Department will inform ticket holders as well as cast and crew members about the details or any additional adjustments. Thank you for your understanding. 

Please closely monitor your student’s health. If your student begins to have COVID like symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, please contact your healthcare provider for the appropriate next steps and submit a confidential COVID-19 reporting form. If you have questions regarding medical concerns, please contact the school nurse at 
We appreciate your continued cooperation with health & safety protocols, and please join us in praying for these students and families for a quick recovery. 

In Partnership,