Unitarian Universalist 

Congregation of Duluth

835 W. College Street

Duluth, MN 55811

April 2023

Faith in Action
Where is love calling you?

Faith in Action, an update highlighting the work of UUCD's Act for Justice and Care Teams, helps keep you informed of local, state and nationwide opportunities to engage in justice work. Check out the listings to see where you feel led.

If you do not wish to receive this special e-newsletter, rather than unsubscribing which will remove you from the CONNECT list, as well, simply contact Cherie who will record your preferences.

Expanding democracy within our congregations:

Show up for a multicultural, anti-oppression, anti-racism 21st Century UUism

Tuesday, April 25th, Reprise & Reflect with Paula Cole Jones, co-author of the proposed 8th Principle & member of the UUA Article II Commission.

This follow-on meeting is open to everyone who participated in our convening Feb. 18th, 2023, with Paula, taking a deep dives into the exciting proposed updates to our UU Principles and Sources. We gather again to consider how this conversation is evolving within and among our congregations. Bring your updates, questions, ideas and ideals! The link will be mailed today to participants from the February 18th meeting. Contact Karen at with questions.

Thriving Lives & Being Good Relatives:

Join Senator Tina Smith's office

to speak up for the Farm Bill


Online, on Wednesday, April 26th, 9:30 AM

Meet with the federal office of Sen. Tina Smith, hosted by MUUSJA and the UU Social Justice (UUSJ) network, to advocate for sustainable, greener farming and a real commitment to fighting hunger in America.

We will discuss the FARM BILL for which Sen. Smith is a committee leader. (click the link to learn about it).

Sign up ASAP here if you are able to participate with Minnesota UU's from across the state, by filling out the meeting interest form HERE or reach out to Pablo at or Karen at to sign up. We need to know you are coming, for meeting security and to let the Senator's office know how many to expect!



COMING UP IN LATE MAY OR EARLY JUNE, DATE TBD: MUUSJA is hosting a convening with the Minnesota legislature's Queer Caucus, and UU's across the state, to talk about what's happening with bills to make Minnesota the safest and most welcoming state in the country for LGBTQ+ people, setting a national example. We're pinning down the exact date and time. We are inviting members of every congregation in Minnesota to gather as a small group, in person or on Zoom, and the convening will allow time for your group to reflect on how they can best show up as an affirming and welcoming congregation over the next year or two -- including legislative advocacy in connection with the Queer Caucus' work!



The Reproductive Freedom Codification Act (HF 91/SF 70)

Chief Authors: Rep. Tina Liebling, Sen. Erin Maye Quade

Description: Repeals Minnesota’s abortion restriction laws, including the two-parent notification law for minors, the mandatory 24-hour delay on people seeking abortion, the requirement that providers recite a state-mandated script of misinformation about abortion to patients, the ban on advance practice non-physician clinicians providing abortion, and more.

Send your legislators a message asking them to support the Reproductive Freedom Codification Act!

Positive Pregnancies Support Act (HF 289 / SF 336)

Chief Authors: Rep. Liz Olson, Sen. Mary Kunesh

Description: Bans state grant-recipient agencies from encouraging clients toward one pregnancy outcome over another, requires agencies to provide pregnant people with medically accurate information and services about abortion and pregnancy, and requires agencies to provide clients with resources and assistance applying for public health programs, domestic violence services and mental health counseling, in addition to other services already required.

Send your legislators a message asking them to support the Positive Pregnancies Support Act!

Save The Date!

May Assembly, May 16th - Gathering of delegates from each congregation. St. Michaels 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Sunday, June 4th - Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Location to come. We are gathering together to give thanks for all that we have been able to do.

Saturday, June 24th - The SUPER Rhubarb Festival!

This will be the biggest Rhubarb Festival since 2019! There will be lots of games and activities for families. And many opportunities to volunteer.

CHUM's April Newsletter

SACReD Reproductive Justice Spring Seminar (ONLINE)

start date is POSTPONED to May 1st, 2023

LINK TO REGISTER, May 1st-June 12 (or paste to browser) (or paste to browser)

The Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity (SACReD) is a national organization, co-led by a Unitarian Universalist minister, whose mission is to empower congregations and spiritual communities to become loving, justice-seeking faith communities that fully support the fulfillment of reproductive moral agency and flourishing for all. ( 

SACReD has developed an amazing curriculum to help participants deepen their understanding of the connection between faith, racism, and reproductive ethics, and to identify strategies and actions for liberation within religious communities and the larger world.

Given the recent rollback of Roe v. Wade–and that many people have never had meaningful access to reproductive healthcare–it is a critical time to learn and to act. Minnesota is becoming an "abortion access island" in the midwest as our neighbors in Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota face increasing restrictions and even criminalization of their health care options. As part of our commitment to reproductive dignity, MUUSJA is offering the SACReD curriculum in a series of 7 interactive seminars on Monday evenings (May 1 - June 12) from 6 - 8pm.

Individuals, as well as congregational teams, are encouraged to join. We still have room for a few more participants.  

Subscribe to MUUSJA's e-newsletter

Ruby's Pantry Needs Volunteers

Interested in volunteering? Visit or call First United Methodist at 218-727-5021. Volunteers are needed throughout the afternoon and evening of the distribution day. Currently, all volunteers are masking to protect guests and volunteers. Details for volunteer involvement.

230 E Skyline Parkway - 'Coppertop Church'

DAYS AND HOURS: 3rd Thursday of the Month

Registration begins at 4:30 PM

Food bundles available 4:30-6:00 PM

Hosted by: First United Methodist Church

Additional DetailsWebsite  Facebook Page

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth


Board of Trustees 

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