Holiday Networking and Focus on Creativity
Celebrate the end of 2021 with a close-up on creativity. This program is open to ALL members of 100WF.

Dip your toe into photography as Belinda Shi offers tips on shooting family members and capturing travel experiences. Learn how she transitioned from business to full-time photography and bliss in Pursuit of Passion in Travel, Photography, and a Journey in Happiness.

Consider the interconnections between art, creativity, thinking and innovation as Professor Clark Kellogg recounts My Grandma Taught Me How to Sew and Mr. Carney Saved my Life. You will be inspired to nurture your creative spark.

Following these presentations, attendees will be assigned to breakout rooms for networking. Meet our speakers and share your most favorite pastimes or tips on working from home.

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Produced by the 100WF Northern California Education Committee.
7 December 2021
12:00 PM PST/ 3:00 PM EST
Keynote speakers and Q&A
12:50 PM PST/ 3:50 PM EST
Breakout sessions for networking
01:15 PM PST/ 4:15 PM EST
Event concludes
The program will begin promptly.

Clark Kellogg
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Belinda Shi
The virtual meeting access link will be included in the registration confirmation email.
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If you have any questions about this event, please contact the California, North Education committee.

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Clark Kellogg
Lecturer in Creativity, Design, and Innovation, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Clark Kellogg has been a pioneer in the field of Design Thinking for 30 years. Trained as an architect at Berkeley, Kellogg has practiced architecture, product design, graphic design, strategy design and business design. In the early ‘90’s he was a Director of State Street Global Advisors building their Global Innovation and Communication Lab. In 2001, he returned to Berkeley to teach. Since then, he has taught in the College of Environmental Design, the Information School and, since 2011, exclusively at the Haas School of Business. At Haas, Kellogg is the Faculty Lead of the Innovation, Creativity & Design Practice. He teaches a variety of design thinking courses to MBAs and undergraduates and co-leads Haas@Work (industry-sponsored innovation projects). Clark has also invented several courses about art, creativity, and design including, The Creativity Lab, Art from Business, Social Innovation & Design Thinking, and most recently, Sustainability, Art & Business. In 2019, Clark was appointed as the Haas Artist-in-Residence – the first in a business school. Beyond Haas, Clark is the co-founder of BIG – the Berkeley Innovation Group, serving companies, universities, NGOs and governments in Europe, Asia, Latin and the Americas. Last year, he wrote a book about design, Fundamentals of Design Thinking; Advanced Common Sense in the Age of Speed. He is also a practicing studio artist. In 2017 he completed, “The 365 Daily Art Project,” creating a piece of art every day of the year. He lives in Berkeley with his wife of 42 years. They have grown kids and growing grandchildren. For fun, he sails boats, cooks food, and practices Tai Chi.

Belinda Shi
Founder and Photographer,

After a decade of management consulting career with A.T. Kearney in both China and the US, Belinda pursued her passion in travel and photography and spent two years traveling around the world. She started a number of non-linear businesses, including advising US art collectors to collect Chinese contemporary art, self-publishing a photography book called "Discover The World, Discover Me - Searching For True Self, Happiness and Freedom”, photographing children, selling digital products to pro and amateur photographers from 30+ countries, etc. Meanwhile, she has served on the board of Kellogg business school alumni club in the Bay Area and was awarded the best club president by Kellogg in 2013. She combined her entrepreneurship skills and international business network and co-founded Caipital Advisory, an executive search firm that helped Chinese startups recruit C-suite teams in the US. Her first client scored an IPO in NYSE. Belinda majored in finance and graduated with high honor from Shanghai University and had an MBA from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She became a first-time mom in her 40s and spent most of the past 2 years mountain and forest hiking with her husband and their 2 young boys in the Olympic Peninsula.
100WF's 20th Anniversary
Throughout 2021, 100 Women in Finance will celebrate its twentieth year of operations with special events and recognition of the member volunteers who have built 100WF into today’s leading organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the global finance industry. Since its founding in 2001, 100WF’s pillars of Education, Peer Engagement and Impact have established a foundation of purpose, achievement and confidence that will guide the organization's future growth and focus on attaining its 30/40 Vision in the next twenty years.

100 Women in Finance
100 Women in Finance strengthens the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women.
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