Breslov Bridge
10th of Teves / Vayechi 5782
Today's Live Likutey Moharan Shiur - Sunday, the 8th of Teves (Dec. 12th) - begins at 4:30 pm ISRAEL, 9:30 am EST. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
DAILY LIKUTEY HALAKHOS SHIUR this week at 8:05 am Israel, 1:05 am EST. Speaker: R' Nasan Maimon. To register, contact (Note: shiur begins at 8:15 am on Rosh Chodesh.)
Vayechi - Secrets of the Final Redemption (Video, 4:04)
Text: Likutey Halakhos, Even HaEzer, Periya uReviya 5, Para. 4. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
"A Fast is More Powerful Than a Sword." (Video, 2:57)
When we fast this week on the Tenth of Teves (Tues. Dec. 14th), we can elevate our power of speech and prayer to the purity of innocent children learning Torah. The breath of these children renders the hands of Esav powerless. Text: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deyah 1, Shechita 4, Para. 9. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 37. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Reb Michel Dorfman z"l and Rabbi Nasan Maimon at the gravesite of Reb Noson of Nemirov z"l in Breslov.
Fast of the Tenth of Teves -The spiritual and historical significance of the Tenth of Teves is presented in context of the passing of Reb Noson of Nemirov on this day.
During his last hours in this world Reb Noson spoke of three essentials for a Breslover chossid:
1) Uman Rosh HaShanah
2) Studying Shulchan Arukh every day
3) Hisbodedus – praying in solitude every day.
(Siach Safei Kodesh 168)
Praying With Honesty - Breslov Basics 13 (Video, 2:37)
Hashem yearns to hear the truth. Speaker: R' Nasan Maimon.
שבת שלום