Aspen Ridge Newsletter

November 4, 2022

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Thankful for Our Connected Community

Happy November, ARPS families! During this month of thankfulness, we're feeling grateful for our close-knit, connected community at Aspen Ridge. We're thankful to be in a school community that feels like family, where every student is seen and known, every teacher has a loyal support team, and every parent is warmly welcomed as a partner in their child's educational journey.

When we have so much to be thankful for, it feels good to give back to others! We have the most generous families around, and we're asking each ARPS family to help us reach our goal of filling the bins for our Sister Carmen Food Drive between now and Thanksgiving Break. Please consider sending in non-perishable food or toiletries from the list of most-needed items. Let's show our Owls that amazing things can happen when we work together towards a goal!

We have lots to share in this November newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Upcoming Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!

Click subscribe on our Events page to stay up to date on ARPS happenings!

  • 10/22-11/18 | Sister Carmen Food Drive | Let's fill those bins!
  • 11/07 | Boys' Basketball Home Game vs. Firestone, 3:30pm
  • 11/08 | Room Parent Informational Meeting, 8:30am
  • 11/09 | PTO Kickoff Meeting, 6:00pm, All are welcome!
  • 11/11 | End of Season Boys' Basketball @ Twin Peaks, 3:30pm
  • 11/14 | GO BLUE to show your support on World Diabetes Day!
  • 11/08-11/11 | Grateful Grams on sale, before and after school!
  • 11/16 | TIDES 1 Parent Meeting, 3:40pm
  • 11/18 | Grateful Grams delivery day
  • 11/21-11/25 | Thanksgiving Break, No School
  • 11/30 | Dine to donate at Buffalo Wild Wings, 11:00am-11:30pm
  • 11/30 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 12/02 | PK-5 Breakfast with Dad* | RSVP Required
  • 12/02 | Watch our ARPS Band march in the Parade of Lights!
  • 12/06 | ARPS Informational Tour | Sign up here!
  • 12/07 | TIDES Scuba Diving Trip to Utah
  • 12/15 | K-2nd and Middle School Choir & Band Concert, 5:00pm
  • 12/16 | Middle School Breakfast with Dad | RSVP Required
  • 12/16 | Parents' Night Out Fundraiser | Sign up coming soon!
  • 12/16 | Middle School Drama Performance, 6:00pm

*An additional Breakfast with Dad date may be added for K-5 due to high number of RSVPs.

Important Owls' Nest Update

Owls' Nest Families,

It has been our pleasure to start the year providing before school care for families who need the extra support before our doors open at 8:00am.  

Please note that beginning Monday, November 28, 2022, we will no longer be offering this service due to low enrollment and staffing issues. Our hope is that having a three-week notice will give time to adjust your schedules and find alternative childcare as needed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Thank you again!

The brand new Aspen Ridge PTO is forming now and our schoolwide kickoff meeting is coming up next week! All Aspen Ridge parents are invited to an informational meeting in the gym on Wednesday, November 9th, at 6:00pm to learn what the PTO is all about, how we plan to make a difference at ARPS, and how you can join us! This is a great chance to get connected at Aspen Ridge!

Need childcare to attend this meeting? Limited spots are available - so sign up today! We will also have an option to Zoom in. The link will be coming soon on our newly forming PTO page. This will be your go-to spot for ongoing PTO updates.

There is no obligation to join the PTO by attending this meeting. Come join us to learn more and see if it interests you. We're excited to partner with parents to make our ARPS community stronger than ever! 

Spirit Wear is Ready for Pick Up!

If you ordered ARPS Spirit Wear in the first three weeks of October (through Friday, October 21st), your order is ready for pick up at the front office!

Spirit Wear makes a great gift for the holidays! Order within the first three weeks of November (through Monday, November 21st) and your items will be ready for pick up the first week of December. Hop online and order today! Thank you for supporting Aspen Ridge!

A Note of Gratitude from Our Principal

Hello, Owl Families!


Fall is in full swing at Aspen Ridge. There's a chill in the air, the trees are beginning to look bare, and we're all getting excited for the holiday seasons ahead. The month of November brings the theme of gratitude into our lives. Practicing gratitude provides the power to transform our health, happiness, and success. It’s like a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it grows.


We have so much to be grateful for at Aspen Ridge!

Our gratitude list grows by the day, but here are just a few thank you notes to kick off November.


  • We are grateful for our outstanding teachers/staff, coaches, and club sponsors! They spend countless hours outside of the school day connecting with students and their families to teach and support students academically, socially, and emotionally. 
  • We are grateful for the continual outpouring of love and encouragement from our families and students! The time and talents shared to provide amazing experiences for our community such as Fall Fest, formation of the PTO, classroom celebrations, the middle school dance, and snacks in the teacher lounges are just a few examples of our families creating positive energy for our school community.
  • We are grateful for our students who fully embrace what it means to be an Owl by SOARing! Whether excelling academically, participating in clubs, or demonstrating great sportsmanship during extracurricular activities, our students shine bright each and every day. 


Our students, teachers/staff, and families are the absolute BEST around! Thank you for partnering with us to create a student-centered environment that is safe, connected, and successful.


With gratitude,

Rachel Miller, Principal

Hop Online and Sign Up Today!

Save the Dates to Support Aspen Ridge!

This Month in Photos: Owls in Action

Ms. Zehnder's 1st graders showing their SOAR spirit on Hat Day

Pumpkins on Parade 1st place winner, crafted by 2nd grader Emma Rowe

Ms. Anderson's 3rd graders reading Pico the Chug, written by an ARPS parent!

5th graders enjoying two days of nature education and freezing fun at Cal-Wood

6th grader Libby Grein singing the National Anthem at the first Boys' Basketball game

ARPS basketball players strategizing with Coach Hettlinger

8th grade students collaborating to design their own roller coasters

Photo booth fun at the Middle School Masquerade Dance

Congratulations to our Owls of the Month!

Katie Zehnder has been a first grade teacher at Aspen Ridge for seven years. She consistently demonstrates a willingness and commitment to promoting the growth of students and staff. Katie has been a team lead and currently leads our Induction Program, which is designed to support new staff at Aspen Ridge. She’s determined to create a calm and positive environment for her classroom and is highly respected by her colleagues. Congratulations, Katie!

Carrie Cantwell has been a member of the Aspen Ridge community for 10 years! She shows her Owl spirit throughout the day as the first welcoming face our families see when they enter the building. Carrie connects with every family through the enrollment process and has done an excellent job reporting our October count and facilitating/managing the lottery process. Her energy and enthusiasm when advocating and promoting Aspen Ridge are contagious. Congratulations, Carrie!

FYI: Absences at ARPS

If your child is sick or otherwise unable to attend school, the best way to let us know is by emailing you!

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!



Phone: (720) 242-6225