January 2023 - Volume 61, Issue 1
Photo Porsche

From The Editor
Mike Willis

Thanks to everyone who submitted information for this issue of the Drifter.

When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).

Please note text that is blue text is a link.

When we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration. If the ad is an image then the click on it for the link.

This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also all advertisers are linked to their web page.

Editor Comments
President's Column
Vice President Calendar Information
2023 SVR Event Planning
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Valentine Dinner
2 day Autocross School
TSD Rally School
2023 CRAB & History
2023 SVR Autocross Schedule
Panoramas for free
SVR Membership
2022 SVR Christmas Party
In The Zone
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store

Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor

Attention Drifter Advertisers renewal notice will be sent this month
Adventure in the desert.
The Dakar Rallye was never a game in a sandbox. Right from the start, it was one of the greatest adventures in the world and a challenging test of endurance. With the toughest drivers, the toughest vehicles and a legendary winner in 1984: the 911 Carrera 3.2 4x4 Paris-Dakar (953).

The new Porsche 911 Dakar is a worthy successor. With the Rallye Design Package, it pays homage to the original and brings history to life.

 Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
January 2023

Welcome 2023 SVR Board of Directors
·      We start the 2023-24 term with a full board of directors. This is a luxury for me as we did not have a full board in the previous term.
·      Welcome to John Leet as Vice President and Mardi Quain as Social Director. Both have served the club over the years and now they join the board.
·      And thanks to the other board members and chairs for volunteering to serve again (for another 2 years).
CRAB 38 is on track (or in the trap)
·      The CRAB 38 team is moving right along with plans for this fun event. Be sure and checkout the update by John Hawk elsewhere in this DRIFTER.
2023 Planning Session
·      Pizza for $1. Just pay at the door. It is this Thursday. You can help by registering at It costs nothing to register and helps Sally with the counts as to how many pizzas to order.
·      Bring your ideas for events.
·      So far we have 30 people signed up……..aiming for at least 50.
Valentine’s Eve Dinner – February 13th
·      I wanted to make sure that members read the short article by Cyndee Peart about her fondness for Valentine’s Day. Check out her short story elsewhere in this DRIFTER.
·      And since this dinner is the evening before Valentine’s Day you don’t have to worrying about making reservations for the traditional event and deal with the busy restaurants for the 14th.
Car Towing
·      Having witnessed or heard about several recent situations where a PCA member has had to have their broken-down Porsche towed more than 100 miles, I decided to up my coverage to handle such unexpected occurrences. And the price was right……only a couple more dollars a year. Not a bad idea since many of the newer cars no longer come with spare tires (well I guess the SUVs do).
February 1st --- Registration opens
  • Zone 7 Tour hosted by Shasta Region being held in June. This event sells out quickly (like within hours). The OVERVIEW is available at:
  • Porsche Parade in Palm Springs is also being held in June. This is for Phase 1 that gets you an assigned car number and access to the hotel reservation system for obtaining a room at the host resort. Phase 2 registration will occur in April and that phase provides for signups for the various events (competitive and social) as well as the banquets. Be sure you have access to your membership at PCA.ORG before you begin the registration process on February 1st.

John Leet
Vice President
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday season.
2023 will be a great year for SVR! We will kick things off in grand style on January 5th, with our event planning meeting. In keeping with tradition, this will be held at Round Table Pizza in Folsom starting at 6pm. For a mere $1 (paid at the event), you will receive all the pizza you can eat. Reserve your spot by registering at Come with your ideas for hosting great events. If you would like to host an event but are unable to attend, send me an email to

Jerry Alter continues to support our region by chairing the Saturday Breakfasts at Brookfields in Rancho Cordova, on the first Saturday of every month. The first two for the year are January 7th and February 4th.
We also have a Valentines Dinner hosted by Cyndee Peart scheduled for February 13th.
Collin Fat has taken over the autocross program. The first event will be our annual autocross school on March 12th and 18th. This is a very popular event with a limited number of students, so stay tuned for registration details.
And of course, we have CRAB 38 planned for April 21-23. This is our renowned multi-region event celebrating all things Porsche. Not to be missed!
I look forward to hearing your ideas for events throughout the year. It’s going to be fun! See you out there

Valentines Dinner
Monday, February 13, 2023
By Cyndee Peart

This is one of Greg’s and my favorite time of year. We have always gone out for a special meal at a special place.

In 1982 we ran into each other the first time at the Reno Porsche Parade. In fact, he and his girlfriend were at registration in front of me and my boyfriend. We chatted about his last name as it was the same as my former married name. Not Smith or Brown. In the summer of 1983, I had just started autocrossing my 1978 911 SC and Greg was in the CHP academy. The Mitchell’s from Autosport Technology routinely had swim parties after an SVR autocross in Sacramento and the long hot day. Lots of people came over and Greg showed up as he had the day off. I’m not sure if we even talked to each other.

On the day of the Sacramento Valley Region February 1984 Valentines Dinner, Greg stopped by Autosport to talk with Dwight and Linda. He was on his way back to San Francisco where he was now working for the CHP. Long day as he had been up in Redding testifying at a vehicular homicide trial from when he was working at Anderson PD. Linda and Dwight told him about the SVR dinner meeting and he decided to go to it. This time the Mitchell’s made a point of introducing us. Greg and I started dating in February 1984. We usually had Valentine dinners after that with Dwight and Linda. On February 14,1989 at our dinner, Greg surprised us all by asking me to marry him. Later that year we were married and the Mitchell’s stood up with us.

We would love for you to join us at the 2023 SVR Valentines Dinner. We will be celebrating our 39th year as a couple with friends new and old.
What is CRAB
by John Hawk

Throughout the past 50 years Sacramento Valley Region's premier event has been CRAB. Porsche enthusiasts have gathered annually for an activity-filled weekend to enjoy each other's company and, of course, each other's Porsches. The vision for CRAB 38 is to revitalize this event for its original fundamental purpose. 
How CRAB began
One day in November, 1971, Rich Farlinger and Jim Karver went to a road race in Monterey where they were lucky enough to meet Alan Johnson, a famed sports car driver and Porsche enthusiast. They asked Alan if he'd consider coming to SVR and being a guest speaker at a dinner meeting. Alan said yes, so Rich and Jim went to work on it. 
Gary Evans, GGR vice president planted the first seed for CRAB when he suggested an autocross. Phillip Marks not only consented to let SVR use El Macero Country Club for the crab feed, but threw-in one of his mind-bending rallies as well. The event was titled “CRAB”. The Drifter, January 1972, defined the CRAB acronym: "C is for crab feed, R is for rally, A is for autocross, B is for begegnen (German, for 'meeting')." The concept for the first CRAB was brought to life in March 1972 with attendance including 105 cars from ten PCA regions. During the next 47 years (through 2019), 37 CRABS were successfully celebrated. Many included additional events such as a concours, FunkHana/KrabHana, and Porsches decorated as crabs!

John Lanting and I began forming the CRAB 38 committee in the summer of 2019. Most of the previous leadership participants agreed to, once again, engage in the planning and implementation of the major areas of responsibilities. One of our first challenges was the selection of a venue. Prior CRABS had been held in various locations including hotels, convention centers, and even airports (McClellan and Ione). The challenge was to find a setting large enough for around 200 attendees, adequate parking, and other outdoor areas for the Beer ‘N Brats and Concours. We toured numerous possibilities throughout the Sacramento area. However, after several months of research, SVR was able to negotiate a Club membership with the California Auto Museum (“CAM”) in the downtown area. Since this had been the site of CRAB 37, we all viewed this as bit of serendipity. Soon, the entire event started to come into focus. Our food vendors were able to provide some promising bids, the trophies and awards were ordered, and even numerous event volunteers were identified. 

With the New Year of 2020, all the committee members visualized a grand event, bringing together PCA members from throughout Northern California. Then . . . . the world coughed, and you know the rest of the story. Although John and I retained hope, it became crystal clear in March that CRAB 38 would not materialize. Certainly, at that time, we all maintained faith that the Pandemic would be short-lived, and CRAB 38 would return in 2020. Unfortunately, this did not happen. For the next two years, our event would be postponed, as our concerns included both the safety of our attendees and the potential for a muted attendance.

In Mid-2022, the SVR Board of Directors again solicited our vision for CRAB 38. The Pandemic was finally ebbing, and other SVR social events were experiencing enhanced participation. After seeking counsel of past CRAB leaders and numerous other SVR members, John and I concluded that CRAB 38 must proceed. Several new obstacles surfaced. We contacted the venue, CAM, and negotiated a new date, April 21-23, 2023. This was a bit challenging due to new management and the museum’s renewed focus on event-rental revenue (weddings at the CAM with vows beside a 1934 Lincoln – certainly!). One of our larger issues, however, was the re-staffing of a number of the major sub-committee chairs. Over the previous three years, many of the most-seasoned leaders asked to be excused due to relocations to other areas or even states, health issues, and/or other reasons. In addition, since 2022 reflected a period of significant economic inflation, most of our major costs, including crab and beverages, increased.
Finally, in late 2022, CRAB 38 was coming together. With a venue in place, most major sub-committee heads identified, and many major vendor bids crystalizing, we were able to finalize the ticket price at $125. Although much work remains for all involved, John and I firmly believe that CRAB 38, with its Auto Cross, Tour, Rally, Concours, festive Crab dinner, and some other surprises, will be a gathering to remember. Tickets will be offered in early January, so please watch for a pending announcement. Oh, by the way, an event of this magnitude does not occur without the assistance of a great number of volunteers – so, please consider offering your services. John Lanting, myself, and all the others helping to organize CRAB 38 are looking forward to seeing you in April!
CRAB 38 Co-Chairs
John Hawk (916-849-3479,
John Lanting (916-798-3225,
CRAB 38 Rally
So we now know that the “C” in CRAB 38 stands for crab --- the main course for the Saturday night dinner. Now we get to the second letter: “R” which stands for the rally. The “R”, just like the “C”, has been around since the very first CRAB in 1972. The rally this year will be held on Sunday morning and will be a simple event. It will be a short time-speed-distance (TSD) event that only requires the ability to read and follow instructions (similar to SVR Tour Route Instructions) and maybe make some notations along the route by using your car’s odometer and a timepiece.
A TSD Rally is a contest where entrants (2 people per car) follow a set of instructions over public roads at assigned legal speeds. The object is to pass/enter each checkpoint exactly when you are due ---- not early and not late. This is like following a bus or train schedule.
When you finish the rally, you will be back in time at California Automobile Museum (CAM) so that you can compete in the Concours. Make sure you have a partner to drive or navigate. So that there are no excuses for not rallying, it is OK to drive your “other car.”
Out times will be posted at the CRAB 38 banquet on Saturday night. Be sure to check for your out time. Read the General Instructions which will be provided to you when you complete the signup process with the Rally personnel. The rally will have a rest stop or two along the way (and an opportunity to get gas if you are running low….and restrooms also).
The navigator must be at least 13 years of age. To run the rally there must be 2 people in the vehicle.
We will be using the RICHTA timing and scoring system which provides for real time checkpointing and scoring. No stopping at checkpoints. The RICHTA is a free app that runs on your smartphone or tablet. No scorecard to fill out. And there is a rally clock that appears on the screen.   EZ PZ
Questions: ----- send an email to
Our rallymaster is Richard Wetzel, an expect TSD rallyist since the 1960s.
"The PCA Sacramento Valley Region has many years of the Porsche Club of America magazine "Panorama" that we have been storing from the 1980's to current. 

We are making these available to our Members for free in groupings by calendar year. These can be shipped at your cost, picked up in Fair Oaks or brought to the next SVR event.
Please contact Membership Director Steve Long at with your inquiries."

Steve Long Membership Director

New to SVR or just need a new name badge
-- you can order a badge--
and send to:
Membership Director, at:

Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: -This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2021 SVR Membership Director, at
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at

Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director,
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Few photos from the SVR Christmas Party
Photos by Colin Fat and more are available here

In The Zone
January 2023

Zone 7 Representative
Diablo Region

 Hello Zone 7,
I’m Brian Adkins. Your new zone representative.
·      A Diablo Region member since 2009
·      Served on the Diablo Region Board as Member at Large
·      Served as Vice President
·      Past Social Media Chair and
·      most recently President (2019 - 2022)
I was born into the Porsche and PCA world, coming home from the hospital in a suitcase on the back seat of a ‘58 356 was just the start of this journey. My father joined PCA in November of 1956. Dad started and grew many PCA Regions. A prize possession of mine is the concours trophy Dad won when I was 6 months old. He discovered diapers are great detailer tools. So I got the trophy.

My first Porsche was a 75 911 2.7 wide body. It was a bit of a “Frankenstein” with no OEM VIN number. I learnt a lot to say the least. A Cayman became the fun car and track car where instructor credentials were earned. Toss in some other cool cars along the way, all a unique experience, The current stable is now 2 ½ Porsches; a 996 that started as a bit of a project is my current daily driver. My wife is a true supporter of my passion just happens to have found a Macan in the driveway with her name on it. (She says I can borrow it). The ½ is a 1998 Porsche Bike FS.

These are in the company of motorcycles and even a Russian motorcycle sidecar that my dog just loves.
With much encouragement and guidance from Collin, I have stepped into the position and hope to fill those shoes well. Collin, thank you for your past years of service as a zone rep. And in the most recent past all of your help, information and insight on the role learning how to best serve zone 7 Regions and members to the best of my abilities.
I look forward to working with all 10 of our zone’s presidents, their team, and getting to know them and each and every one of you, learning all the different stories of who we are what brings us here, what our passions are with a common ground of the brand and maximizing that experience with everything that PCA has to offer.
2023 looks to be shaping up to a full schedule of things to do. I see updates already from PCA West Coast Race Series, Zone 7 Autocross, Zone 7 Concours, Werks & carweek, Rennsport Reunion, Parade in our back yard (Palm Springs) & MORE.
2023 Zone 7 Autocross Schedule
as of December 19, 2022
2023 West Coast Race Series Schedule
as of December 19, 2022
Events of Interest: 
Spring Treffen will be held in the Georgia Mountains (touring the Southern Blue Ridge) from April 19-23rd. If you have not yet attended one of these national premier events it is a do not miss opportunity to attend a Treffen. Registration opens January 4, 2023. Check out the details in advance at
Porsche Parade 2023 will be held at the La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs from June 18-24th. The hotel is a five -star rated property that has a famous history of being the hangout for movie stars and the Hollywood elite during the 1940s. For PCA members this promises to be one of the premiere locations for a Parade on the West Coast. Registration opens February 1st
Werks Reunion will be held in Monterey. Date is August 18th. The website is
Fall Treffen will be held in St. Louis. Dates are September 20-25, 2023. Check out the info at

Rennsport Reunion VII: Rennsport Reunion will be held at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey on September 28th to October 1st. Advance ticket and corral passes are currently on sale at If you have not yet booked your hotel accommodations now is the time to secure your lodging at the best price.
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge.

Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.

Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Steve Long

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.

However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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