Sleep | Exercise | Nutrition | Stress Management

Words of Wellness Wisdom (WoWW)

from Susan Greeley, MS, RDN,

National Director, Wellness Services

Each season I sit down to write my “WoWW” for this quarterly wellness letter, and I realize how much I appreciate taking time out to reflect. For the November issue, I think back on this year that we are quickly bringing to a close, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to start a new year with a renewed hope for a healthier, happier future. Yes, I am optimistic and choose to stay that way because I continually work to raise the frequency of others and life on this beautiful planet we are lucky to inhabit.

I’d like to make this short and sweet by sharing a list of the simple, free, and “accessible to all” ways to improve your own health, mentally and physically, without much effort.


Smile. The power of a smile is exponential. You can “fake it” and still reap the benefits. Try it out on yourself. I guarantee if you smile at yourself in the mirror, you will look and feel happier!

Breathe. I often catch myself holding my breath during the day. At any time, take a few long, deep, conscious breaths. Notice how you feel, and I hope that helps remind you how easy it is to calm ourselves and feel both at peace and truly present at that moment.

Laugh. One cannot get enough laughter in life! I spend a lot of time alone, so I appreciate those social media reels that make me laugh until I cry.

Seek sunshine, sunrises, and sunsets. (And sunflowers in Italy as I did this year.) No commentary needed.


In case it’s not evident, my short list of activities above are not only life-giving, they help spread peace, love, and joy in small and big ways.


Keep reading to get the latest SENS recipe, which I hope is a crowd pleaser for Thanksgiving. Since November is National Diabetes Awareness month, you will also find more information regarding preventing and reversing prediabetes and (type II) diabetes. Looking ahead to January, I am excited to offer weekly live yoga sessions on Friday mornings to help keep us moving through winter. As always, I hope you take advantage of the offerings of the SENS Wellness Program, and thank you for being a Member!


Wishing everyone love and laughter and a season of peace, joy, and plenty of smiles for good health!


Susan Greeley, MS, RDN

Remember to use password Wellness to access the Member-exclusive content below!

Coming Up!

SENS Winter Yoga Series

with Jake Panasevich

Back by popular demand, you're invited to join us on Friday mornings in January and February at 8am to begin the day with yoga, led by the amazing Jake Panasevich!

This series will run weekly from Friday, January 5th to Friday, February 23rd. Looking forward to seeing you there!


In Case You Missed It

In case you missed our recent Webinars, you can access recordings at PW: Wellness

Optimizing Decision-Making for Satisfaction & Success in Work & Life

In October's webinar, Madelaine Claire Weiss spoke to Members about effective and efficient decision-making to thrive and excel in different facets of life.

Watch the webinar now

Effective Strategies to Improve Your Sleep - Starting Tonight!

In September's webinar, Dr. Nesha Morse taught Members about the psychological component behind sleep issues as well as practical tips to get a better night's sleep.

Watch the webinar now


Savory & Seasonal Spinach Artichoke Dip

Are you looking for a tasty dish to bring to Thanksgiving? Our Savory & Seasonal Spinach Artichoke Dip offers satisfying flavors, and it won't throw your diet out the window!

Get the recipe here

Kale Salad with Edamame and Grains

Potent cancer-fighting phytonutrients are at the foundation of October's recipe in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Get the recipe here

Chili Chicken Sheet Meal

This southwestern sheet pan

meal features lean chicken, baby potatoes, and roasted vegetables for a nutritious meal that's a breeze to prepare!

Get the recipe here

Blog Posts

Exercise and Diabetes: Get Moving!

In honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, this blog equips Members with knowledge on how exercise is connected to diabetes prevention, with practical tips to get moving!

Read the blog

Fighting Cancer by the Plateful: The Latest Guidelines

This blog dives into the latest research and guidelines surrounding nutrition and food's role in reducing cancer risk.

Read the blog

Podcast Episodes

Maximizing Your Workout Through Music!

In this episode of A SENSe of Wellness Podcast, Susan Greeley connects with Russel Greene to discuss the science between music and workout motivation.


Listen to the podcast episode

Nutrition and Breast Cancer Prevention

In this episode, Susan and nutritionist, Rachel Beller, talk about the role the foods you eat can play in cancer prevention.

Listen to the podcast episode

SENS Health Coaching Reminder

As always, we are here to help support Members with individualized remote health coaching and access to a library of wellness programs and resources. To get started, please simply respond to this email, or contact Susan Greeley at:

Thank you and stay well!

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The contents of this email including any attachments or links (collectively, "Content") is for informational purposes only. The Content is not a substitute for professional medical or other healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We remind you that while your Membership Company facilitates the provision of professional health care, it does not provide medical, nursing or other professional, healthcare advice, diagnoses or treatments. For your specific medical or other healthcare needs, you should look to your qualified healthcare provider. If you are in the United States and are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. Do not disregard professional medical or professional healthcare advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in the Content.