Beloved Extended Family and Relations,
Mid-winter greetings from the Northern Hemisphere, here in traditional Snoqualmie Territory, what is now known as Seattle, WA, USA.
Peace be with you!
Have you ever imagined your heart as a garden and you the gardener? A place where your original instructions are simply to be a grateful gardener, tending beauty, sharing the harvests of your heart-garden to nourish the rest of life?
Where I live, on a farmstead between a giant metropolis and vast wilderness, it is winter in the garden. Harvests of the fall are stored: boxed, cellared, canned, dried, fermented or frozen. Fallen leaves and manure heaped and tarped wait in stillness for spring sprouts. Ponds and rain barrels fill and freeze and thaw. Full woodsheds feed home fires. When sun shines through the winter rains, the light is long and low and golden.
Yet, there is still work to be done! It looks different than the work of any other season.
Choose the seeds. Prune the perennials. Cover the soil. Compost the rotten. Share the harvest. Keep us all alive. Is it any different in the garden of the heart?
What seeds of practice ask to be (re)planted in your heart-garden? What deep-rooted tree of practice calls to be pruned and reshaped for a fuller harvest next season? What inner bounty offers itself to be shared with others who need your light and warmth and guidance through the winter season?
Whether Mureed or Murshid, I offer you this winter reminder: Tend the garden of your heart with well-chosen, soul-infused practice. Energize your practice with the power of your mind’s attention and nourish it with the sincerity of your heart.
Bowing with gratitude,
Hamid, on behalf of the Ziraat Council