Dear Friends and Neighbors: 

Happy Monday! Today marks the return of our students to school after Winter Recess. Please be mindful of school zones and speed limits as you are making your way through the Village on your morning commute. There will be an increased police presence in the Village so give yourself some extra time in the morning for student drop off and your work commute.

Ohhhhh, they said what? We have a new look! The New Year is also bringing a NEW LOOK 👀 to our Council Agenda. The section of our website dedicated to meeting information has been redesigned, making it easier than ever to find what you're looking for. The new section is called Meeting Central, with a shortcut located under the GOVERNMENT tab at the top of our home page and in other areas of the website, including the bottom home page links. Here you'll find agendas, minutes, and videos for public meetings for the calendar year 2023 and beyond. Agendas for prior years, essentially from 2014 to 2022, remain available online in the Agenda Archives.

2023 is also ushering in new permit procedures. Permits that require a Miami-Dade County Plan Review must receive that review before they are submitted to the Village of Palmetto Bay. This includes reviews from the county's Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Water & Sewer Department (WASD), Fire Plan reviews, and tree permits. We are also improving the building permitting process for our customer's ease and convenience, including online plan submission and review. Watch the video to learn what's planned to start in January. Watch the video to learn what's planned to start in January. Click here for more details or contact our Building & Permitting Division at 305-259-1250.

Tonight we have our Regular Council Meeting and will be recognizing four Palmetto Bay residents Terri Stephen, Cynthia Demos and Matt Rubio, and Andrea Phillips Lopez for sharing their talent with our community. Recognitions start at 630 pm and our meeting begins at 7 pm. The new agenda software allows you to go to each individual item and review the caption and supporting documents. Try it out! Tonight's items include the first purchase of a Village pocket park (Cunningham), expenditures for traffic calming (Administration), changes in the Village's charitable contributions ordinance (Tellam and Matson), reallocation of unexpended funds for well water abandonment (Cody), 2023 Village Legislative Agenda (Cunningham), retrofitting and updating of the basketball court lighting at Palmetto Bay Park (Administration) and the Comprehensive Plan update (Administration). View the entire agenda here and learn how you can participate and give your input by clicking here.

Our Parks Department is working on many events for this month. You can view the events calendar here. As always, I am here to answer questions or lend a helping hand and I encourage you to tune into reliable sources of information. Please feel free to contact me at or at 305-799-0695. Together we are making Palmetto Bay an even better place to live, work, learn, and play.

Warm regards,
9705 East Hibiscus Street
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157