MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | November 2022

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REI is "calling" for authors and experts to research and develop Co-Learning Plans on economic development tools, models, policies, programs and practices based on several areas of interest. Co-Learning Plans should fall within one of four categorial areas, including: 1) resiliency planning, 2) financial resiliency, 3) 21st century communications, and 4) circular economies. The findings and recommendations in these Co-Learning Plans, funded through this request, will serve as a source for current and practical information for local and state economic development practitioners and policymakers as they consider important decisions that affect development efforts for Michigan communities and regions.  


The REI University Center has identified the following topical areas for possible Co-Learning Plans of 2023. These include: 1) Clean Energy Economies of Michigan, 2) Defining Equitable Economic Development in Your Region or the State, 3) Circular Economies of Michigan, 4) Blight and Deconstruction within Michigan, 5) Michigan Planning Organizations Leveraging the Planning Process Together for Greater Impacts, and 6) Other. These topical areas within one of the above mentioned four categories were weighed by the REI Consultative Panel with consideration to likelihood of creating or retaining jobs and/or businesses in economically distressed regions of Michigan.  

The REI Innovation Fellows Program is also seeking applicants to incorporate the tools, models, and policies identified in Co-Learning Projects, or new ideas, into practice in communities around Michigan.


To learn more about all opportunities or to submit an application for a Co-Learning Plan, please click the link below or image above. Please share with your networks. 

Learn More and Apply Now

Welcome Our New Research Assistant Gabrielle Teachey

Gabrielle Teachey is currently a senior at Michigan State University double majoring in Information Science with a focus area in Information and Society with the College of Communication Arts and Science and Criminal Justice, minoring in Security management with the College of Social Sciences. She is excited to join the team at CCED and is interested in community development, urban planning, and ways to help minorities pursue a higher education.
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