Strangers No Longer Welcomes to Michigan
Sr. Norma Pimentel
Exec. Director Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
Friday, June 24th through Sunday, June 26th
In Brownsville, Texas, Sr. Norma has been on the front lines of the immigration crisis in the U.S. for decades--witnessing first-hand the effect of U.S. immigration policy at the southern border, including the 2020 Title 42 order barring individuals without documentation from entering the U.S. As the nation contemplates ending Title 42, anti-immigrant efforts are growing.

Sr. Norma is coming to present her first-hand account of the crisis at the southern border and how our outdated immigration policies and Title 42 have impacted people simply looking for a better life.
Friday, June 24th at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Grand Rapids
This event is hosted by Pastor Stephen Dudek and Holy Name of Jesus Parish

1048 Chicago Dr SW, Wyoming, MI
Registration not required.
Saturday, June 25th at Noon - Lunch and Conversation with Sr. Norma in Northern Macomb County
Hosted by North Macomb Vicariate Hispanic Ministry

La Fonda Mexican Restaurant
71332 Van Dyke in Romeo

Taco bar and beverages provided.
Registration not required.
Saturday, June 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit
Monsignor Charles Kosanke will host this event and Paul Propson, CEO of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, will introduce Sr. Norma. 

1000 St Anne St, Detroit, MI

To register for this event click here.
Sunday, June 26th at St. Mary Student Parish in
Ann Arbor
Sr. Norma will speak at each Mass and then be available for conversation.
  • 10:00 Mass, in English, followed by coffee and donuts
  • 2:00 Mass, in Spanish, followed by refreshments

 331 Thompson St, Ann Arbor, MI
Registration not required.
In 2020 Sr. Norma Pimentel was named one of the 100 most influential people in the US and has recently received the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award by the interfaith Pacem in Terris Coalition (click here). She met with the US Catholic Conference of Bishops after recent press attacks on her and Catholic Charities for their assistance to asylum applicants (click here).
Sr. Norma is coming to visit Strangers No Longer in Michigan to help us understand what is going on at the border and to nourish our souls and those of your parishioners and friends. At each of these events, you will have the opportunity to invest in Sr. Norma's work.
Questions? Please email