Can you see what GOD sees for you and where you live?
Sandra Pate
Radio, Film, TV, Creative Consultant, Senior Pastor, CWIMA VP of Membership & CWIMA Prayer Director
The truth is until you choose to get your prayer life together, you will not fully experience the wonder and goodness of our GOD in your community. So, join a prayer group in your city and/or start one. Stand on Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the LORD with your whole heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.”
To be a part of the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous, consider applying the following:
1. Pray with others not just for others.
2. When you pray publicly, pray more of HIS WORD than your own thoughts and ideas.
3. Make a sincere effort to pray with others who are not like you or who may make you a bit uncomfortable.