Spring 2023 Quarterly Newsletter

Ask For The Impossible!
Tracey Mitchell

TV Host, Author, Speaker, CWIMA’s Senior Vice President of National Connections

Tucked away in the book of Joshua is a story that I don’t think gets enough attention. It is a tale so fascinating that history archives it as, “There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being.” Stop and read that sentence aloud. It sounds like a lead line that would make a screenplay writer salivate. But that phrase wasn’t from some mystery novel or a blockbuster film. No, that line was written by the man who lived the real-life version of the story. And he chronicled the events that took place that day as the zenith, the high point of all history.

Digital Fundraisers For Ministries & Nonprofits
Beth Cathey

CFRE, President, givingMD
As a CFRE (Certified Fundraising Expert), Beth’s career has been spent serving nonprofit/ministry organizations as well as faith-based/family-friendly for-profit marketing projects. Beth’s career spans 20 years developing best practices in direct mail fundraising and traditional media, followed by the next 15 years innovating with digital fundraising applications to help nonprofits effectively engage donors online.

Can you see what GOD sees for you and where you live?
Sandra Pate

Radio, Film, TV, Creative Consultant, Senior Pastor, CWIMA VP of Membership & CWIMA Prayer Director 

The truth is until you choose to get your prayer life together, you will not fully experience the wonder and goodness of our GOD in your community. So, join a prayer group in your city and/or start one. Stand on Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the LORD with your whole heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.”

To be a part of the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous, consider applying the following:

1. Pray with others not just for others. 

2. When you pray publicly, pray more of HIS WORD than your own thoughts and ideas.

3. Make a sincere effort to pray with others who are not like you or who may make you a bit uncomfortable.

Own Your Unique Position
Sarah Grace

Author, Television Host & Producer, Digital Designer
Regardless of the media platforms you use, remember that your contribution is unique. You will make a difference no matter how many others use the same media. Own your uniqueness!

No Need to Imitate 
You may be tempted to find a safe zone by imitating others. However, letting the real you, your authentic identity, shine through will more effectively capture the audience that is waiting for you and your message.
Learn & Assess
Learn from others, but never imitate them. Your approach may be the one that reaches someone that no one else could. I encourage you to take inventory of your work in the media. Evaluate your efforts and what you offer to your audience. Is your work the most authentic version of yourself?

Own Your Unique Position - No Need to Imitate - Learn & Assess

Welcome to our
2023 Bronze Members
 Lee Ann Mancini
 Shonda O'Neal
 Janet Standifer
 Stacee Carr
 Victoria Burse
Jenni Sheneman
 Jill Reynolds
 Linda Mullins
 Nicole Mannion-Roman
Cindy Cook
Celia Reynolds
 Sylvia Dunnavant Hines
 Lissette Aponte
Irum Jones

Faith Shipp (Silver)
Pamela Pyle (Gold)
Alveda King (Silver)
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