Trinity Tidings
This Coming Sunday: May 29, 2022
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
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From the Rector:
Thank you so much for the wonderful send-off this past Sunday! I love the gifts (some wonderful journaling items), the prayer and the blessing, and had such a great time at the reception after the 10:30 service. I will miss you all, and will look forward to seeing you again in the fall. In my absence, Rev. Claire and Bernadette Ellis will be ably running the church. Please contact Claire with any pastoral issues you may have. If needed, she knows how to reach me.
May God bless you all this summer as you continue in God’s service.
Faithfully, Dave.
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Praying for Uvalde
Dear Friends in Christ, Our hearts are devastated by the evil violence inflicted on little children and their teachers in Uvalde. It is hard to find words in the wake of such violence suffered only 150 miles away. I commend to you these wise words below by Bishop David Reed, Bishop of our neighboring Diocese of West Texas whose church St. Philip’s is an important & integral part of Uvalde. Bishop Reed lays out essential truths of who we are as Christians and the vital gifts we have to offer in the path toward healing: we have received power to love and to resist hatred.
We will fly our flags at half mast in mourning. I welcome a conversation if you need help as you grieve this evil and discern a healthy, healing way forward in your Christian life & witness.
May the peace of Christ which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God,
Rev. Claire
Here are excerpts from Bishop Reed’s letter:
And we can pray. We must pray. Ignore the cynics, and pray with all your heart. Let your cries reach to the heavens. Let your anger and despair be your prayer. And listen to God answering in return. Look for God’s tears revealed and listen for his perfect and righteous anger. Give yourself over to opportunities to join in the Spirit’s work of binding up and healing. Love with all you’ve got, and never, ever surrender to the darkness. …
Because I believe in Jesus, I am convinced that sin and death are defeated and darkness will never prevail over the light of resurrection. Because I believe in eternal life, I trust that the senseless murder of these innocent children is not the final thing to be said about them. If the Gospel is true, it is true in all times and in all places, including in Uvalde tonight. If God is with us, then he is with us even in those times and places where it seems that death and darkness have prevailed.
Jesus loves the little children. He tells the disciples to move aside and make room for them, and he takes the children in his arms and blesses them. In your prayers, make room for the children of Uvalde—all of them, and of all ages—and pray for all victims of violence that the Peace of Christ will be known and welcomed.
Let us pray.
O God our Father, whose beloved Son took children into his arms and blessed them: Give us grace to entrust your beloved children of Uvalde to your everlasting care and love, and bring them fully into your heavenly kingdom. Pour out your grace and loving-kindness on all who grieve; surround them with your love; and restore their trust in your goodness. We lift up to you our weary, wounded souls and ask you to send your Holy Spirit to take away the anger and violence that infects our hearts, and make us instruments of your peace and children of the light. In the Name of Christ who is our hope, we pray. Amen.
You can read Bishop Reed’s full letter here:
Rev. Dave gave us a lovely blessing as he left for sabbatical. Watch this short, beautiful video of Rev. Dave singing this blessing. LINK
May the road rise with you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm across your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields,
and 'til we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
| In Children's Chapel this past Sunday, the lesson was on Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Older & younger children working together is a blessing. |
Sunday Schedule
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person
10:30am . . . No Children's Chapel over
.................... Memorial Day Holiday
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and
2:30pm . . . . 5th Sunday at Claremont
Weekday Worship
9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard
5th Sunday at Claremont
This Sunday at 2:30pm, please join Trinity’s worship team at Claremont Living Facility to provide an abbreviated service complete with musical sing-along for the senior residents. It is very meaningful to bring joy and to worship alongside residents who are no longer able to attend church outside of the facility. Claremont Living Facility is located at 800 Claremont off of Hwy 281 North. Turn past Walgreens and follow Mormon Mills Rd to the left and turn right on Claremont past Office Depot. Curve to your left to the Living Facility.
On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist.
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.
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From The Associate Rector:
While Rev. Dave is away on sabbatical through Labor Day, the good ministry & worship of Trinity Church will continue! Our Senior Warden Bernadette Ellis, and our Junior Warden Greg Soechting, along with our Vestry, Staff, and many other ministries will carry on in their dedicated service.
I am in the office Monday through Wednesday, and I welcome a call or visit from you. Thursday is my sabbath day. Friday and Saturday I catch up on my week's work from home. I sincerely want to address any urgent, pastoral needs, so please do not hesitate to call my cell on the days I am not in the office, 806-470-7826.
Faithfully, Claire
Parish Work Day
Thank you to all who participated in the Work Day, cleaning closets, sorting through what needed to stay, what needed to go, and what needed to be cleaned. Warm thanks in particular to Jr. Warden Greg Soechting and to Kim Soechting who provided our tasty lunch.
Adult Christian Education
Sunday Adult Ed is now on summer break. If you have a passion about Sunday Adult Education, please share that with Rev. Claire, as later this summer we will be planning for the fall.
Looking Back
Claire apologizes for neglecting to record last Sunday's Education for Ministry (EfM) conversation. The graduates talked about how this program of study has widened & deepened their faith, their ministries, and their friendships. Are you intrigued? Contact Bob Link, Ashley Harper-Oberle, or Rev. Claire to learn more! EfM gatherings resume in the fall.
Summer Bible Camp!
We hope our children, and maybe even some of their friends, will join us for our one-day Bible Camp on Wednesday, July 20, 9 am - 3 pm. Our theme is Creation, and we will have a good day of learning and fun. We are starting small and will keep attendance to 15 children. We imagine ages 5-11 easily enjoying this day. We are also happy to work with an older or younger child who might enjoy either sharing in the leadership or coming for a portion of the day. Cost is $10/child to help us with snacks & craft materials. Interested? Have Questions? Please talk to Rev. Claire by June 5.
Volunteers Needed!
Highland Lakes Crisis Network is looking for lots of volunteers. Trinity has partnered with this group for many projects, both as a a church and as individuals, since its inception in 2016. Here is a link to their site Home - Highland Lakes Crisis Network
If you can help a little or a lot, please contact them.
Outreach / Construction:
We have a ton of projects stacking up that require some labor, demolition, rebuild, and/or cleanup. You can be skilled or unskilled on the construction side of things. Many of these projects are elderly/disabled folks in our community who need a little help with upkeep on their home. Some of the projects include demolition of our warehouse space, help with Transformational Living units, or brush cleanup. If you can spare a lot of time / talent, or even just a little, we can find a good place for you to plug in. We would like to build a list of people that we can call whenever we need this type of handy/demo help.
Fund Raiser
St. Frederick’s Baptist Church is having a monthly fund raiser meal on Saturday, May 28th, from 11am-2pm. Tickets are being pre-sold at $20 each and these ticket/donations will provide for a catfish lunch and money toward the building fund for a Black History Museum on the church grounds.
St. Fred’s (as everyone is familiar with this name) has a remarkable history in Marble Falls as one of the oldest churches started in 1893 and while small in numbers, they are big in heart serving free meals out to the community for over 30 years. Many Trinity members are familiar with St. Fred’s as they have volunteered or collaborated with them over the years in multiple projects to help people in need in the Highland Lakes area. Mission Outreach was formed at St. Fred’s and free lunch meals are prepared and served from the church every Tuesday and Thursday from 11am-1:30pm. Community lunches are also sent out (almost 300) two Saturdays a month from St. Fred’s (Fellowship Baptist prepares and sends out meals from St. Fred’s kitchen one of those Saturdays).
A dream of St. Fred’s is to build a Black History Museum to recognize the history and local accomplishments that have been made in our area as well as inspire our whole community. See more history in Texas State Parks celebrate Black history ( Contact Bessie Jackson/St. Fred’s directly at with any questions.
See a poster in the Narthex for tickets and/or contact Rita Marquess at or 512-461-7066 for more information.
Save the Date
May 30 - Office is closed for Memorial Day
May 25 . . . Leslie McCraken
May 29 . . . Bernadette Ellis
Sunday's Hymns
We all enjoy music & sing with more confidence when hymns are familiar. Become familiar with the upcoming Sunday's hymns by clicking these links from
Entrance: 7, Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies LINK
Sequence: 635, If thou but trust in God to guide thee. LINK
Communion: 341, For the bread which you have broken. LINK
Communion: 685, Rock of ages. LINK
Exit: 482, Lord of all hopefulness. LINK
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