After having survived and been strengthened by the "bomb cyclone of 2022" I needed a few days to rest and reflect on all that happened this past year. So much happened! The biggest was building a new lounge for all my clients to be comfortable whether the soggy heated days of summer or the coldest blustery days of winter. The best part is that the horses still know when they are needed and come to the gate right outside the window.

Our Gestalt client list has grown greatly this year. Surprise! It's a lot of young people! Anyone who knows me knows that I have worked with children all my life and I've loved every minute of it; 55 years as a horsemanship teacher, 25 years as an early childhood teacher, and now who knows how many years as a Gestalt coach! While Gestalt looks different

for the young folks, it is Gestalt and believing that each person is whole, capable and resourceful.

I also have an ongoing private sessions and a women's group, currently meeting on Wednesday mornings from 10:30-12:30 until the weather warms and the days are longer, then we will have one or two evening groups.

We added two new horses to the farm. I am fostering them (will it be a foster fail?) for Spirit Horse Equine Rescue and Education Center in Janesville, Izzy and Raya. They are both very sweet and we will see if they enjoy the work with clients once they settle in. I thought I was getting a pony for Christmas, but the weather was too nasty for that! He will be coming to That Zen Farm soon! His name is Captain. Hmmmph! Another year I didn't get a pony for Christmas!


January 14, 2023

Mandala Stone Painting. Learn to design and paint Mandala Stones the way I do it! 1-4 pm.

January 21, 28, and February 4 Lean back and Leap Ahead! 1-4pm

This is a great way to see what you accomplished this year and what you can visualize accomplishing in 2023. It isn't your old resolution list in any way, shape, or form! You need to be there for all 3 sessions.

March 4 DREAM THEATER 1-4pm

Have you ever wondered what your dreams meant? Come and explore. This is a truly fun and eye-opening event!

April (date and time to be determined) Energy and Somatic Awareness Workshop with Laura Konopacki

How aware are you of your own body and use of energy? How can the horses help awaken this and awaken your awareness of self and the environment?

June 4 Energy Connection for Humans and Horses. This workshop is designed for people who work with either young Gestalt clients or teach horsemanship.

A couple of other things come to mind. The horses and I could use your help. We could use horse handlers when we have young clients and handlers when we have groups in the arena with horses (adults only for handlers) or doing other chores (any age). If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know your availability. You may unsubscribe to these emails at any time. for more information on Equine Gestalt Coaching, contact me at

W1065 State Road 92

Brooklyn, WI 53521

(608) 575-2176