News from the CSPDC Region
May 2022
CSPDC to Present on Housing at SVP Spring Forum
The Shenandoah Valley Partnership (SVP) will be hosting a Spring Economic Development Forum on Friday, May 20 from 9am-11am at Blue Ridge Community College’s Plecker Workforce Center. The meeting will center around housing challenges and opportunities in the Shenandoah Valley. Developers, local officials, housing providers, realtors, builders, and economic developers around the region are invited to attend.

CSPDC staff will be attending the event and will provide a brief presentation on the PDC’s housing programs and initiatives.

Localities Selected to Participate in Work from Home Pilot Program
This April, the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) launched a Work from Home Pilot Program and selected three localities in the Central Shenandoah Region to participate: Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, and Highland County. (DHCD also selected the Town of Luray and Marion.) Through the Pilot Program, the National Main Street Center and Virginia Main Street will provide technical assistance to assess remote work and residential attraction as a community revitalization strategy. The program kicks off this May and will result in place-based recommendations and a feasibility report.

Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Released
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), now referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was approved by Congress in November 2021 and provides $1.2 trillion in infrastructure funding over five years. BIL includes $550 million in new transportation funding, and establishes more than a dozen new transportation grant funding programs.

In May, the Federal Highway Administration released details for the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program that provides $5-6 billion in grants over the next five years for MPOs and localities to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.

Draft FY23 Six Year Improvement Program (SYIP) Available
The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has published the draft FY23 SYIP. The SYIP documents all transportation projects (roadway, transit, bike/pedestrian) that will be funded in the next six years in Virginia. Residents and localities in our region had an opportunity to review the projects in the draft SYIP, and provide comments to the Secretary of Transportation, our Staunton District CTB representative, VDOT and DRPT staff on Monday, May 2nd at Blue Ridge Community College.

Grant Opportunities
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Farmers Market Promotion Program 5/16/2022
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Local Food Promotion Program 5/16/2022
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Regional Food System Partnerships 5/16/2022
VA Department of Conservation and Recreation Virginia Recreational Trails Program  5/26/2022
Visit the Grant Resource Guide for more.
New Statewide Broadband Map Unveiled
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recently revealed the statewide broadband mapping tool, ‘Commonwealth Connection’. This online tool developed by DHCD and Virginia Tech allows users to view broadband coverage in their area, filter the data by speed and technology type, find vertical assets and public WiFi hotspots, and conduct speed tests. The information is based on information submitted by internet service providers (ISPs) in Virginia and can be compared with FCC’s broadband coverage data.

May is Bike Month 
During the month of May, the CSPDC and our RideShare commuter assistance program are celebrating Bike Month! Throughout the month, we’re promoting the benefits of incorporating bicycling into your daily commute.

The week of May 16th is Bike Week, and Friday, May 20th is Bike to Work Day. RideShare staff will be visiting bike shops throughout our region on Saturdays in May to talk with riders about bike commute benefits. 

Job Opening – Regional Planner 
The CSPDC has the following job opportunity:

Planner I/Planner II - This position provides planning services for localities which may include a broad range of services such as economic development, transportation, transit, environmental, emergency management, housing, recreation, and capacity building.
CSPDC Hires Fiscal Technician
Kayla Snead was hired as the CSPDC Fiscal Technician and began work on April 18th.  Kayla received her Bachelor’s Degree from Old Dominion University, and she was previously employed by James Madison University in Procurement Services as a Contract Administrator. She currently resides in Augusta County, and in her free time, Kayla enjoys kayaking in the Shenandoah Valley.
CSPDC Resources: