The young people came ready to worship God this summer! There was a moving of the Holy Spirit in the lives of campers and several children and teens entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The times of music and teaching took on a whole new feel as young people who were seeking something new, something genuine, something true and something life changing heard and responded to God’s Word.
For those of us who plan and organize all year to bring these programs to life, it was a time that we couldn’t have imagined. Night after night, we watched as the Holy Spirit invaded the lives of campers and staff alike. Our hope and prayer is that this continues on in hearts long after the camp season has ended.
I have been told by several parents that their kids are still reading their Bibles, keeping in touch with counselors and staff, as well as friends from camp. This community and the encouragement from peers and staff are essential to supporting young people desiring to follow Christ.
We also had three young men who chose to be baptized in the camp pond at the conclusion of camp. Many campers, staff and parents lined the water’s edge to celebrate this amazing ending to teen camp.