Dear Stakeholder,
Thank you once again to all who participated as part of the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) and City of San Diego Cannabis Business Division cannabis operator stakeholder meeting held on Wednesday, Nov. 9. Listen to the meeting recording.
Here are the answers to the questions received that required research after the meeting, and lists with helpful links, DCC contacts and participant lists for the meeting.
Will CSV formatting change with CSV update? No, the CSV formatting will remain the same.
Can there be a Listserv that licensees can sign up to receive Metrc updates? Metrc posts bulletins on their California partner page. We suggest licensees check that page for updates and follow the Department’s social media for announcements. The Department also maintains an email list where they can be updated on announcements, publishing of education and guidance and the release of regulation proposals. Subscribe to DCC email updates.
Does Metrc auto-correct usernames? No, Metrc does not have auto-correct built into their system and believes this might be a browser issue.
Helpful Links
DCC Participants
- Stephanie Dorminey, CCTT Services Office Chief
- Cassandra DiBenedetto, DCC External Affairs Manager
- Tabatha Chavez, Investigative Services Branch Chief
- Zarha Ruiz, Environmental Compliance and Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch Chief
- Daniel Briot, Investigative Services Assistant Branch Chief
- Michael Bordeaux, Senior Environmental Scientist
- Michael Vella, Supervising Senior Environmental Scientist
We'd like to wish you happy holidays and all the best in the New Year. Peace, blessings and the best of joy from the City of San Diego Cannabis Business Division!