
The weather is warming up and the days are longer. May the promise of new life be invigorating to your soul!

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Daly News

April 2023

Did you know?

April is the

National Month of Hope

I just found out!

Hope is a powerful thing. The Oxford Dictionary defines hope as: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

What does hope mean to you? What do you hope for?

Hope is an excellent thing to cultivate in therapy and a healing journey.

Just showing up for therapy, (or most things) is a clear sign that you have hope, hope that what you desire to change will and it will get better.

What are some ways to cultivate/nurture hope?

  • Write down hopes/goals- name the things that you hope for and the steps you can take to get there.

  • Share your hopes/goals- when we share our hopes and goals with safe and supportive people, they can help cheer us on and hold us accountable towards our goals.

  • Expect obstacles- we can get discouraged with obstacles. If you consider that figuring your way through obstacles is a part of the journey, this can help you not be thrown off when they come (and they will,) and instead be creative about figuring out how to navigate them.

  • Remember- recall times in your life when things went well, or you worked through something, or just times of joy. Remembering kindles hope.

  • Find a "Hero of Hope"- find and learn about someone you admire, how they navigated life and what you'd like to integrate into your journey of hope.

Let's celebrate and cultivate hope!

What's the day you are most likely to read this Newsletter?

A Personal Note

Art time!

During the early days of the Pandemic I got into paint by numbers. I think I have done 5 of them to date.

My first one took 6 months to complete, the amount of small spaces to paint in felt overwhelming when I unrolled the canvas. As I adjusted my expectations to just do what I could each time, the feelings of overwhelm decreased.

I enjoy paint by numbers because they give my brain a break and I get to do something creative that has an observable, sometimes/oftentimes pleasing outcome.

This is my latest paint by number. It took me a couple months to complete. I love the symbolism of a red doorway, and the colorful flowers stir feelings of joy and beauty in me.

When you observe the painting, what feelings does it stir?

Do you have a creative outlet?


5 Ways Curiosity Improves Your Marriage

When you think about being curious, what comes to mind? Cats? Kids? George? All joking aside, curiosity is a trait that we don’t often put a lot of thought into, especially as adults. While some people are naturally more inquisitive than others, striving to be more curious is not as common as say, working on being more punctual or organized. That’s why you might be surprised to learn that curiosity can improve your marriage. Keep reading to find out how.

1. It helps you resolve conflict.

When you’re working through an issue, making assumptions about your partner’s behavior and intentions adds fuel to the fire. It easily comes across as judgmental, which can set off a cycle of defensiveness – not ideal for a productive discussion. Leaning into curiosity is a great way to avoid jumping to unfair conclusions. For example, instead of saying, “You’ve been distracted all week. It’s like you’re not even trying to be present,” you might lead with, “I noticed you’ve been really distracted this week. Is there anything going on?” Keep in mind, your tone and nonverbal cues need to align with a genuine sense of curiosity. A warm and caring delivery is much more likely to elicit a vulnerable and honest response from your spouse. In turn, you’re more likely to have a meaningful conversation instead of getting sucked into an unproductive argument.

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Do you know someone looking for a Therapist?

One of the best compliments is a referral

Those interested in Therapy or Formational Prayer can visit this link to schedule a Complimentary Consultation:

Missed a Month?

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March Newsletter <------ Click here

This content is not intended to be a substitute for direct professional diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard your professional's advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this newsletter.

The information above is intended as general information based on minimal information, and does not constitute health care advice. This information does not constitute communication with a counselor/therapist nor does it create a therapist-client relationship nor any of the privileges that relationship may provide.

If you are currently feeling suicidal or are in crisis, call 911 or proceed to your local emergency room.

Daly Counseling & Consulting PLLC

41000 Woodward Ave Suite 350 East, PMB 4333,

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

(248) 242-5763

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