News for Black Hills Early Learners
At the end of each activity domain and goals for the activities are provided. For a copy of the Early Learning Guidelines click on the photo.

Infant Corner
Activities for children under 1

Babies are fascinated by faces, connect with your baby by giving them lots of eye contact and making fun faces at them.
The process of object recognition starts very early in babies: Studies have shown that even newborns, with their eyesight limited to about 12 inches, can recognize a face, and, in fact, prefer to look at faces — especially Mom's. Once your infant begins to spend more time awake and alert, they will spend a great deal of time observing and studying the world around them, which promotes recognition of favorite toys, objects, people and, eventually, themselves.
Developing Relationships Goal SED-2

Making your own family board book is also a fun and creative way for your baby to learn and identify important people in his or her life. Seeing the familiar faces of family and friends will attract them to the pages of the book, making it a great introduction to books and reading in general.
Developing Relationships Goal SED-2

Link below to 10 fun baby games that can boost your child's skills and development.
Construction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning Goal CD-1
Busy Toddlers
Activities for children 1-3

The snowflake hop is a great winter gross motor game! You can print pre-made snowflakes or make your own.
Motor Development Goal HPD-4
Here is a pre-writing activity making snowflakes. Children trace straight lines and squeeze glue to strengthen their hand muscles.
Motor Development HPD-5

The best thing about fizzy play dough is it’s really 3 different activities rolled into one. First, you have a soft and squishy play dough. Second, you have a fizzy reaction. Third, you get a sensory foam.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-8

Looking for a fun outdoor activity for the kids this winter? Build some Colored ice Sculptures in the Snow.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-8

Link below to songs and chants about winter. They are great for toddlers and preschoolers! 
Communicating and Oral Language Development Goal CLL-3

Children learn through hands on activities. Here is an indoor snowball number race activity toddlers will enjoy while learning counting skills.
Mathematical Thinking and Expression Goal CD-4
Social Emotional

An emotional outburst of anger and frustration, a tantrum isn't a pretty sight. In addition to kicking, screaming, or pounding the floor, children's tantrums may include throwing things and hitting. Tantrums are normal and common, especially with 2- and 3-year-olds. Take heart – they typically occur much less frequently by age 4
Self-Regulation and Pro-
social Behavior Goal SED-4
Hands-On Preschoolers
Activities for children 4-5

Try some target practice activity. Kids try to put the "snowballs" through the snowman!
Motor Development HPD-4
Here is a cute way to practice letter formations and also work on some pincer grasp.
Motor Development HPD-5

Children and adults alike enjoy slime. Add styrofoam bits to make Snow Floam for winter sensory bin.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-9
Explore colors and melting ice with this activity.
Scientific Exploration and Knowledge Goal CD-9

Preschoolers can learn the letters in their name in this Scratch and Sniff Name Activity.
Foundations for Writing Goal CLL-10
This scarf activity will help preschoolers make and learn about patterns.
Mathematical Thinking and Expression Goal CD-6
Creative Arts

Make sparkling winter paintings using a little paint, glue and Epsom salt.
Creative Arts and Expression Goal CD-12

Collages are great sensory activities. Provide some chilly colors of winter objects for the children to explore and create their winter wonderland.
Creative Arts and Expression Goal CD-12