8th grader Macy and 4th grader Phoenix helped kindergartener Hannah practice skating at the rink on Friday.

It's the season for gratitude. We are grateful for families who carefully follow our COVID guidelines, for teachers who are flexible and energetic, and for students who do their best to actively learn actively and kindly support one another.

Happy Monday!
After conversations with the affected family, the VT Department of Health, and two local providers, we are comfortable saying that last Tuesday’s COVID notification was the result of a false positive. We’re sorry to have unnecessarily implemented precautions, but grateful for everyone’s support and our community safety. Please email Roy if you have questions about how we arrived at that conclusion.
To help streamline the process around reporting absences, gathering materials, joining class remotely (for middle schoolers), and receiving additional support for at-home students, we’ve revised our procedures and ask that you read these carefully so that you can follow them from the parent perspective and know how best to guide your students:

Reporting Absences
  • If you email your child’s teacher about an absence, please also include Krystal, as she keeps attendance. Remember, any symptomatic student should be getting tested, unless their provider says otherwise.
  • If a student isn’t feeling well, they should be resting and recuperating. Our intention is for remote supports to be used by students who would otherwise be here if it weren’t for our COVID protocols, which includes children waiting on a sibling’s results, with lingering minor symptoms, etc. These supports are for students who would be at school, except that we are asking families to be extra safe.
  • After you’ve called or emailed us that your child will be absent, teachers will reach out to you and your child about what is happening in class and will gather materials. This means middle school students should be checking their Riverside email accounts for communications. Teachers often can’t correspond during the school day, so they may reach out in the evening. In most cases, there will be materials available the next morning. Elementary materials may take longer.
  • If it looks like your child will be out for several days because of COVID precautions, you will also hear from Emily Dunn about how she can support your child’s learning from home.
  • Middle schoolers wanting to join classes remotely will usually receive an email (on their Riverside email account) from a classmate with a link during the first academic period of the day. If they think they should have gotten a link but haven’t, they can call Krystal (626-8552) and she’ll call the classroom to help resolve that.
For those families with students joining clubs, please remember these three important things:
  1. You will not be charged for the EDP, because most clubs are free and separate from Sean, Lucia, and Zane's supervision and activities.
  2. Your child will not be given a snack from the EDP, so they should pack an extra snack and know to save it for after school.
  3. Pick up time is when the club ends, those participants cannot rejoin the EDP.
Please double check that there are no soccer jerseys in your home, your car, your students' backpacks, and wash and return any you find as soon as possible.
For those who would like school photos re-taken, or for the MANY who were absent on the original picture day, our re-takes will be on Monday, November 15.
Thank you to all the families who chose the downhill program for Fridays in January and February for completing your paperwork so thoroughly and quickly for us! Cross country families: there is just one form going home with your students today. Please return it by next Friday, November 19.
The Parent Advisory Group will meet this Wednesday, November 10 at 5:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. All parents are welcome to attend this meeting.
This Friday, November 12, Aqua and Terra houses will go skating. Those students should be picked up at the Fenton Chester Arena at 3:15. Students must have a second layer of pants, long sleeves, hat, and mittens or gloves. Helmets are encouraged.

Those students not skating (Caelum & Ignis) will be participate in engaging, mixed-age movement activities on campus. K-5th graders can be picked up at 3:00 and 6-8th graders at 3:30.

The Extended Day Program is only open to those students who are on campus and do not go skating. We can't transport students back to campus and need to keep the groupings clear and simple. This follows with our policy that the EDP is never an option for students dismissed from our swim or ski programs off campus either.
This is the last week for catalogue sales for the fundraiser with Rada Knives and Kitchen equipment. Items from this catalogue make great upgrades to your own kitchen inventory or wonderful gifts for others during the holiday season. Online orders will be available for an extra week, until November 19. Share the link ( with friends and family, and products can be shipped directly. If you have any questions, you can email Annie Patoine.
The bottle drive continues with a goal to collect 10,000 returnable bottles and cans. Proceeds will be used to support Lyndon Area Food Shelf. So far Riverside has cashed in approximately $260. All returnables are accepted that have VT label on them. Individual returnables can be deposited in the “Bottle Drive Box” behind the house, bags may be left near the dumpsters. If you have questions, please email Student Council VP Jeremiah Watson.
Northwoods Stewardship Center, who manages the winter season cross country ski trails on Dashney Road, is offering discount family season passes for Riverside families, for $75 (instead of $125). If you think your family would like one, please email and reference the code RIVERSIDEFAM.
Adventure Club for K-8th graders will meet today from 3:45-5:00.
MahJong Club for older students and parents will meet this Tuesday at 5:00 pm. We are still welcome to having new participants join!
Chess Club will meet this Wednesday. K-2nd graders will be in Allee's room and 3-5th graders will be in Hanna's room from 3:00-3:45. 6-8th graders will meet in Hanna's room from 3:45-4:45. We would love at least one parent to commit to being in one of the elementary rooms, so Mr. G can bounce back and forth. We would also welcome snack donations to the club. If you want to help out either way, please email Mr. G
Crazy 8s club for 3-5th graders will meet this Wednesday from 3:30-4:30.
Nature club for K-8th graders will meet this Wednesday from 3:30-4:30. Students should remember to dress for any weather. We would love to have some older (4-8th grade) students join the club to help work with hand tools and improve our campus.
Theater Club for 3-5th graders begins this Thursday, from 3:15-4:15. We have 3 spots left! We meet on Thursdays beginning November 11th and ending December 9th. Our first session will last 4-5 weeks and focus on improv games. We hope to continue throughout the year. No experience necessary - just an interest in theater and fun!  To sign up, please email parent Anna Crytzer (4th grader Fiona). Huzzah!
Math Counts Club for 6-8th graders will begin this Thursday from 3:45-4:30 pm. The group will be led by Caroline and parent Kim Adams (5th grader Cora, 6th grader Gabe). Please email Caroline if you have questions or plan to join.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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