HOVC Scouter Newsletter | January 20, 2023

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Be a Friend of Scouting - March 21st, 2023!

The 2023 Friends of Scouting Dinner, taking place on Tuesday, March 21st in the Grand Ballroom of the Greater Richmond Convention Center, will be one to remember. Our celebration of Scouting and adventure will feature keynote speaker, Christian D'Andrea. We hope you'll join us.

[Get the details]

2023 Camp Card Pre-Registration is Open!

Looking for an easy fundraising opportunity? Camp Cards are a great way to raise dollars for your unit and can also be used to provide the necessary funds for summer and fall camping programs! Cards are sold for $5 each with 50% of the proceeds kept with the unit! These Camp Cards are a great value to the customer, and easy to sell. Pre-registration is open!

[Sign-Up Today!]

2023 Commissioner College Registration Closes 1/31!

Commissioners, register now for College of Commissioner Science, scheduled for February 4th, 2023, at the HOVC Leadership Center! Encourage your units to send a Scouter to help build a foundation of future Commissioners. Registration closes January 31st, 2023!

[Register Today!]

Save the Date for Scout Night at the Diamond!

The Richmond Flying Squirrels invite Scouts of all ages to come out on July 28th for Scout Night at the Diamond! Gates open at 5:30pm. A Scout Parade (wear your uniforms and bring your unit flags) at 5:45pm, then the game at 6:35pm. For $10, you'll get your ticket, as well as a commemorative patch, the pre-game parade, and a movie and campout on the field.

[Take Me Out to the Ball Game!]

2023 Klondike Derby Registration is Open!

Welcome to the 2023 Arctic Mirage Klondike Derby! A twist on the typical mirage of an oasis in the desert, Scouts BSA teams will see the warmth of the Egyptian Desert while in the cold of the Klondike. Everything from the event theme and patch design to every single activity station is designed and planned by Scouts so you know your youth will have a blast.

[What's That in the Distance?]

“Shoot for the moon; you might get there.

- Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, American Astronaut and Scout, born this day in 1930

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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