Village Administer Gail Devol Retiring

After 10 years of dedicated service, our dear friend Gail Devol is retiring. Her last working day will be June 30th.

Gail has been an integral part of the Village for the last 10 years. Prior to joining Huntington Bay, Gail worked at the Village of Lloyd Harbor for 18 years. Gail’s commitment and dedication are worthy of admiration. She has made many friends in the area along the way. We will miss her deeply but are also excited for her next adventure. 

"Gail has done a great job as our Village Administrator. She handles many technical issues, deals with the State, overseas the building and grounds and handles all communications with our Board of Trustees and Zoning Board. Most important she interacts with our residents on a daily basis. The Board Staff and I will miss her but wish her well in the next chapter of her life in North Carolina." -  Mayor Herb Morrow

"Gail has the type of personality that makes everyone around her happy and comfortable. Her presence in Village Hall will be deeply missed. Gail, whatever comes next for you, may it bring you the same joy and fulfillment that you have brought to each and every one of us!" - Chief Chris Jack

Please feel free to stop by Village Hall to wish her well before she leaves.  

Do you know there is an invasive species on your property?

We are talking about English Ivy! English ivy is native to Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa. It was brought here by colonial settlers for cultivation as early as 1727. It may look pretty but it is actually an aggressive invader. Its most dangerous attribute is that it vines up and chokes trees. It’s fast growing and hard to control and will smother other plants as it crawls over the ground and forms a dense cove. Not only does this prevent photosynthesis from happening by blocking foliage from sunlight, but it also damages tree bark by holding moisture against the trunk. Dead or damaged trees fall and are a huge danger to residents on their property and in roadways.  The ivy also creates dense and moist bedding areas that is perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes

Plus, English ivy is also poisonous to pets and if ingested can result in vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, and diarrhea

What can you do?

The most effective way to remove this invasive vine growing in the ground layer is to hand-pull and uproot an area. Although this can be time-consuming, you will have the least amount of regrowth and damage to native plants. In areas where thick mats have formed, a hard rake can be helpful in getting started.

Use a hand pruner to cut ivy stems from their roots around the bottom of the tree's trunk. Getting as deep as you can, pull the roots out. Remember, this is the best way to kill the plant for good. Leave the ivy growing on the tree to die on its own.

 Golf Carts on Roads are Illegal!

Golf carts that lack the NYS requirements of a motor vehicle are therefore prohibited from being operated on any roadway within the Village.

You can contact NYS DMV Technical Services (518-474-5282, select option #4) to determine if a particular golf cart or golf car is certified and approved or how you can get it legally registered to be used on a roadway.


If you get stopped by the police while operating a golf cart on any roadway, you may be issued appropriate summonses and your golf cart may be subject to impound.

The Huntington Bay Police Department will actively enforce ALL NYS Vehicle and Traffic Laws against the operation of golf carts within the Village for the greater good and safety of the residents.

Buxton Cove Clean Up

You may see men in hazmat’s along East Shore Road in Buxton Cove this week into early next week. They are doing our third annual cleaning of washed up trash and debris.  Thank you to Best Poison Ivy Removal for always doing an excellent job! 

Click here to see video and pictures from the past few years of clean up. 

Willow Pond Alert

Please be aware there is algae in Willow Pond and we recommend you do not allow your dog to drink it or swim in it. Willow Pond is located at the end of Vineyard Road.

Noteworthy Mentions:

The budget will be presented and voted on at the April 24th Board of Trustee meeting.

Tax bills will be mailed next month. Taxes are due by July 1.

Election Day is June 20th.

Meetings this Month:

Board of Trustees

Monday, April 24, 2022 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

Thursday, April 20, 2022 at 7:30pm

At Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road

Town of Huntington Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 2:00pm

At the Town Board Room, 100 Main Street, Huntington
