The Newsletter of Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America | Vol. XXXVIII No. 1 | February 2023
  • Report from the Chair
  • Notice of upcoming Area 1 Board Meetings
  • Scenes from Winter Workshop 2023
  • Festival Conference 2023 Update
  • Area 1 updates COVID policy again
  • Notes from State Chairs: CT, ME, MA, RI
  • Please be sure to scroll down to see - and support - our advertisers
Report from the Chair
Lisa Arnold
Greetings Area 1,

I’m writing to you after an amazing weekend at the Area 1 Winter Workshop attended by about 75 ringers. A huge THANK YOU to the committee - Jane Nolan, Marilyn Brandyberry, Mary Slattery, and Suzanne Neafus - who did an excellent job of organizing, and to clinicians David Harris (Distinctly New England), Lawrence Berdensey and Diane Burke (Beyond Basics, Before Bronze) who brought out the best in us, allowing us to share music together that stretched our abilities and brought our musicality to the next level.

I’m always excited to attend Winter Workshop because it feels like the overture to an exciting array of Area 1 ringing events that follow, starting with Rhode Island’s Spring BELL-A-Palooza - March 25th; a Cape Cod Spring Ring - April 15th; the 35th Massachusetts Spring Ring - April 22nd; and culminating with Festival Conference - June 23-25, 2023. You can read more about all of these events in the articles that follow.

In other news, it is time to elect a new slate of executive officers to our Area 1 Board of
Directors. We are looking for members who are ready to help shape the future of Area 1, to strengthen our mission: Handbell Musicians of America is dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community and communication, and to advance our vision: Uniting people to create a diverse community in which handbell musicians of every skill level realize their full potential through a musically-respected art form.

So if you, or someone you know, are looking for an opportunity to channel your passion for handbells into something immensely impactful, please reach out to me or anyone currently serving on the Board (see our website). For more information about what it means to be on the Area 1 board, take a look at our Area 1 Board Members descriptions listed here.

Happy Ringing,
Lisa Arnold
Area 1 Chair
Notice of Area 1 Board Meetings for 2023
Area 1 Board Meetings are open to all members of the Guild and held three times a year in January, May and September. Our next meeting dates will likely be Saturday, May 20 and Saturday, September 16. If you are interested in attending, please contact
A few scenes from Winter Workshop 2023, held January 27-28 at UMass Amherst
Festival Conference 2023 Update

Dear Handbell Musicians,

A huge THANK YOU to those who responded to our call for pre-registration for Festival Conference this June 23-25, 2023 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Because you answered our call, I am excited to announce that the Area 1 Festival Conference 2023 is ON! Thanks to your advanced commitment we will have an amazing Festival Conference 2023 this summer.

For those who are pre-registered, class registration opens on February 6th, so be ready to log in, complete your registration, and be first in line to select your courses. If you were not able to put down an early bird deposit by January 31, don’t worry – your opportunity to register starts on February 15th, so mark your calendar now.

This year’s Festival Conference has some exciting new courses, top-notch clinicians, and outstanding guest conductors: Emily Li and Matthew Compton. This year, we’re at a new location - Worcester State University - in a small, intimate campus setting that is conveniently located in the center of New England. New course offerings include White Chapel Maintenance, a Game/Craft Room for socializing, The Science of Handbells, and an opportunity to be a mentor under the direction of Emily Li during the Tins rehearsals. Click here for the latest list of 2023 Festival/Conference Course Offerings.

Our Friday evening opening concert, A New England Soundscape, celebrating the music and diversity of New England, will feature Bronze community and church choirs from Area 1: Back Bay Ringers, Hancock Carillon, Merrimack Valley Ringers, New England Ringers, and Shoreline Ringers.

Several attending choirs will be hosting massed-ringing practice sessions. Check out our calendar for a rehearsal near you, or contact Lisa at to schedule one at your location.

Read all the details by clicking the button below, and then make plans to join us in Worcester this June. We can’t wait to ring with you!

FC2023 Festival Conference Committee
Lisa Arnold, Festival Chair
Bronze Orphans
We'd love you to join us! All the information you need is found here.

We are accepting Festival sponsorships now, so if your organization would like to support Area 1 in this manner while gaining excellent promotional value, visit our Sponsorship page.
Area 1 Scholarships Available!
Did you know that Area 1 offers a variety of scholarships?
To read more about them, visit our scholarship page.
Area 1 Updates COVID-19 Policy Once Again

On January 26, 2023, the Area 1 Board of Directors voted to update its COVID-19 Policy as it applies to all Area 1 Sponsored Events. You can read the update here.
Suzanne Neafus, Connecticut State Chair
As we start our new year in Connecticut, we have a number of upcoming events to share.
First up, CT Spring Ring will take place on Saturday, May 6th. This year’s format will be a full day, handbell music reading session, with lunch, music and new gloves all provided. Our clinician is Ellen Dickinson, Artistic Director of Music on the Hill – Wilton CT.  Registration for this event will open in mid-February at the Area 1 Spring Rings web page.
June will bring Festival Conference 2023. Join our clinicians, Emily Li and Matthew Compton, in Worcester, MA. Bring your whole group, or join one of the semi-full tin, copper, or bronze ensembles. For more information, visit our Festival Conference web page.

Let me know if you have any news or events to share with your fellow bell ringers. Articles for the next Fundamental Tone are due by March 16th.

Hope to see you at an event soon!

Suzanne Neafus
CT State Chair
Notes from MAINE
Dana Humphreys, Maine State Chair
Hello Maine Ringers!
For many choirs, January has been the time to catch our breath between the Christmas and Easter seasons. But spring is coming and there are some ringing opportunities to consider.

The Maine Spring Ring will return in April 2024. In the meantime, you have the opportunity to attend the Massachusetts Spring Ring on April 22 in Tewksbury, MA. Four arrangements are in the day’s repertoire, all from the 2023 Festival Conference repertoire. If you are thinking of attending Festival Conference, this is a great opportunity to rehearse these pieces. For details registration, click here.

And, speaking of Festival Conference, here are some great reasons to attend:
I hope your choirs are up and running after our Christmas break. And should you need a substitute for your rehearsal, with a little notice I would love to join your group and ring with you!

Dana Humphreys
ME State Chair
Abigail Schoppe, Massachusetts State Chair
As I write this, it’s snowing outside my window… but it’s not too soon to think spring! Specifically, there are not one but TWO Spring Rings coming up in the state of Massachusetts this April. Registration is now open, so I hope you will consider joining us!

First, our usual Massachusetts Spring Ring will be held on Saturday, April 22, from 10 AM to 5 PM, at Tewksbury Memorial High School (Tewksbury, MA). Clinicians are Karen Leonard and Ed Henderson. Registration is $15 per ringer. Repertoire is:
• Massed: “Song of Assurance” by Arnold Sherman (2-5 oct). (2-3 octave version for Tins, and 3-5 octave version for Coppers) Choristers Guild MCGB603 (full score), MCGB604 (2-3 octave version), and MCGB605 (3-5 octave version) This piece is for double choir; please choose the part that best fits your choir’s needs!
• Massed (optional for Coppers): “Amen Siakudumisa” by Cathy Moklebust (2-6 oct bells + optional chimes, L2, with optional auxiliary percussion). Choristers Guild CGB1036 (for 2-3 oct) or Choristers Guild CGB1037 (for 3-6 oct).
• Massed (optional for Tins): “Divenire” by Matthew Compton (3-6 oct bells + optional chimes, L2+). AGEHR Publishing, AG36057
• Coppers: “Ride On” by Brenda Austin (3-6 oct, L3). Lorenz LC202102L

More information, and the link to register, for the Tewksbury event is found here.

Additionally, 2023 marks the return of the Cape Cod Spring Ring (for the first time since 2016)! It will be held on Saturday, April 15, from 9 AM to 3:30 PM at Harwich Community Center (Harwich, MA). The clinician is Griff Gall, and registration is $15 per ringer. Repertoire is:
• “Rejoice, He Is Risen,” by Cathy Moklebust. CGB720 and CGB721. Level 2+, for 2-6 octaves of handbells and optional 2-3 octaves of chimes.
• “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” by Jason Krug. SF201779SF. Level 3, for 3-6 octaves of bells.
• “Divenire,” by Matthew Compton. AG36057. Level 2+, for 3-6 octaves of handbells.

More information, and the link to register, for the Harwich event is found here.

I hope to see many of you at one or both venues! Until then, happy ringing!

Abby Schoppe
MA State Chair
Suzanne Neafus, Rhode Island State Chair
Happy New Year to All!

While it's winter now, Spring is right around the corner. Looking forward to longer days of sunshine and some exciting upcoming events.

First up - Saturday, March 25th, is the Rhode Island Ring-a-Palooza. This half-day event will allow ringers of all ages to grow in their bell ringing experience. All levels are welcome, and no music to learn ahead of time. Bring your gloves, binder, and sense of humor. We will ring, play games, laugh, and learn! The day is divided between full group ringing and workshops of ice-breakers and team-building exercises. Registration for this free event is now open. Pre-registration is requested by March 15th.
June will bring Festival Conference 2023. Join our clinicians, Emily Li and Matthew Compton, in Worchester, MA. Bring your whole group, or join one of the semi-full tin, copper, or bronze ensembles. For more information, visit

As always, I would love to share information in these articles about the ringers and groups here in Rhode Island. Please share your ringing news and/or pictures from concerts and rehearsals by March 16th.

Happy Ringing!
Suzanne Neafus
State Chair covering the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island
New Hampshire: OPEN!
Vermont: Pat Pranger,
Please support our Area 1 Advertisers:
Fundamental Tone is a publication of Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America,
published six times a year: February, April, June, August October, December.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.

Call for Articles:
Do you have a story to share with fellow handbell musicians? Submit news briefs to your State Chair or email your article to Amy Rollins at

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Our next publication is scheduled for April 1, 2023
Articles and Ads must be submitted no later than March 18, 2023

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