From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

April 2023 | No. 2


    Faithful. That's a great word! Someone who is faithful does what they say they are going to do, consistently, every time. Someone who is faithful does not let you down, ever. The faithful person never betrays you. You can rely on the someone who is faithful

God is faithful! He's made a lot of promises in the Bible, and HE WILL KEEP EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Every time.

     I try to be faithful in all things, but often fail. God already knew that about me, even before I was born. What He encourages me to do is to be faith FULL - full of faith in our faithful God! It takes FAITH to live optimistically and joyfully in today's world - not faith that "things will always work out", because often, they don't. Rather, faith in a God who is faithful to His promises and to us! 

     May the Lord help us to put our faith NOT in ourselves, NOT in our politicians, NOT in "Science", not even in our churches, but in He who is FAITHFUL.

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

Inflation, crime, division, mistrust - those things seem to dominate the news and get us worried. But then I connect with a missionary who serves in very challenging conditions, and it puts things into perspective for me. In this issue, we highlight three of our missionary families who are in places that most people would avoid. The Ernst family lives in Venezuela, a country where 1 million percent inflation is not unheard-of. Due to security concerns, we cannot reveal the locations of the other two families in this issue, but they are in remote areas with very little access to the kinds of things we take for granted. Yet in spite of it all, God is faithful!

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise.Together, we rise up. Rise with us!

Missionary Teachers Needed!

Are you a teacher or do you know a Lutheran teacher who has felt God's call to serve as a missionary? We have many opportunities available! If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, please send us an email!


The Spiritual Battle

Tim and Beth H. (Africa) have been implementing the DMM (Disciple-Making Movement) since 2018. Disciple-Making Movements spread the gospel by making disciples who get to know  God and quickly make other disciples, who then repeat the process. A key feature of the DMM is a "Discovery Group", which is basically a group of people who read the Bible and discover for themselves what it means by asking questions like these: What does this teach us about God? What does this teach us about people? If this is from God, what should we do/obey in response? Who should we share this with? 

            Since 2019, Tim and Beth have seen a seemingly-unending series of problems, pain, and struggles. For example, every member of their family faced serious, often life-threatening illness; the people involved in the Discovery Groups began suffering sickness, family problems, strokes, lost pregnancies, and death; and all the Discovery Group leaders stopped leading their groups for various reasons. We can only conclude that this is real spiritual warfare.

           How do you fight a spiritual battle? With spiritual weapons of the Word of God and prayer! Tim and Beth have a mighty prayer army. Now in 2023, they report that the "tide" seems to be turning: Discovery Groups are starting up again and are meeting more consistently; family problems are being resolved; stroke victims are recovering. 

            Whether at home or in another country, sharing the Good News of Jesus is ALWAYS a spiritual battle! We are invading enemy territory, and the enemy is Satan. Please keep Tim, Beth, and all GLO missionaries in your prayers! 

  You can learn more about DMM here.

The Battle Ends at the Cross

   I love what missionaries Rev. David and Luz Maria Ernst (La Caramuca, Venezuela) pointed out in their last newsletter: "Spiritual warfare is a recurring theme in Lent." We see it in the confrontation between Jesus and Satan in the Temptation in the wilderness; when Jesus casts out the demon which afflicted a Canaanite woman’s daughter; in the accusation by the Pharisees that Jesus cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub; and when the Pharisees accuse Jesus Himself of being possessed by a demon. Finally, the Great Battle of choosing to go the way of the cross.

      Our life as Christians is an unending spiritual battle. Jesus gained the victory in all of His spiritual battles through prayer and fasting, intimate times with His Father. I praise God that those same "tools" are also ours through Christ, and that His victory on the cross and in the empty tomb guarantees our victory as well! Easter is all about celebrating the victory! We are also subject to temptations, but God is FAITHFUL!

(below, left: Children of La Caramuca show their "Lamb of God" artwork)

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We praise God for the service of missionary Luz Maria de Ernst (pictured above, right). Once again she is mentoring women who aspire to be deaconesses in the Lutheran Church of Venezuela (ILV). The three-year program, developed by Concordia The Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic and administered in Venezuela by the Juan de Frias Theological Institute, offers them the theological training to assist their pastors in meeting the spiritual as well as material needs of the congregation and the community. Each year of the program is a combination on in-person seminars and online classes. Luz Maria and David traveled to Caracas to attend the first seminar from March 8 to 10. The women and pastors who attended were from congregations in the central zone (the cities of Caracas and Maracay) of the Lutheran Church of Venezuela.

Baptisms in Central Asia

    "Alex and Diana" (not their real names) are GLO missionaries FROM one country in central Asia and TO another country in central Asia. Looking back on 2022, Alex and Diana report that "We visited many places ... and preached to them about Jesus. There were many amazing meetings, acquaintances, and testimonies about Jesus. Of course, there were many who opposed the Gospel, but despite this, 21 people repented and 12 people were baptized. This year, 250 people heard the Gospel."

            Alex and Diana visit from village to village, but their Gospel ministry often centers around their dining room table. "We specially invited half of them to our home by setting a table for them, and half of them we visited in different villages.... Almost every day guests come to our house to spend time with us, ask for advice or take a bath. With all our hearts we try to help them in something, to encourage them in the Word of God. Although we get tired, we are always glad that people come to our house because we know that this is part of our ministry. Through our hospitality, we show them God’s love."

            Their ministry is not easy, and the message of Jesus is not always well-received. Of one village, Alex says "I had to visit this village several times and share the gospel, but this time they did not want to hear the gospel. They openly said that they would not betray their religion and that I should not come to them again."

            Alex and Diana also minister by helping the people with their daily tasks. In another village, Alex relates that "We planted potatoes, carrots, and turnips. We did not get a lot of harvests, but we got a lot of experience, and on the one hand, through this work, we had the opportunity to build friendly relations with local people.... Among them, two became new Christians."

(below: potato harvest)

Medical Lifeline for Venezuela

Yes, GLO has missionaries in Venezuela, one of the most troubled countries in the world! Rev. David Ernst (Venezuela) summarized the current conditions: "According to a report by the Wilson Center, more than 82 percent of people in Venezuela have incomes below the poverty line and 53 percent live in extreme poverty. More than 78 percent of households experience food insecurity. In addition, according to the Global Hunger Index, more than 23 percent of Venezuelans suffer from high levels of malnutrition, the highest in South America."

            Global Lutheran Outreach has been spearheading humanitarian assistance to Venezuela since 2017 through the GLO Venezuela Relief Project. Operating in coordination with the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile, medicines are purchased in Chile and volunteers collate the orders and prepare each shipment according to lists of needed prepared by participating Lutheran congregations in Venezuela. During the initial years (2017-2020), many pharmaceutical companies had ceased operations in Venezuela, and local pharmacies had bare shelves. Today, medicine may be once again available but at high prices and in dollars! 

Rev. Ernst reports that "Venezuela’s restrictions on the entry of humanitarian aid are higher than in Haiti, Syria, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Afghanistan. So GLO’s success in placing these medications in the hands of our people is quite an accomplishment!" A typical shipment will benefit over 800 patients with a months' supply of up to three medications per patient. There are 22 congregations in Venezuela that participate in the program. 

Tip: Pray by Category

I'll be the first to admit: my prayer life is chaotic. Here's something I have done to be more consistent in prayer: I have assigned prayer "categories" to various days of the week. As an example, on Monday you could pray for your family; on Tuesday, for extended family; on Wednesday, for your missionaries; etc. Saturday is my make-up day for any days I missed!

Together before the Throne

*We earnestly pray for a Mission Awakening in Kenya. On April 27-29, GLO will be leading a mission conference in the Lake Diocese, home diocese of GLO missionary Amos and Evelyn Otula who have answered God’s call to serve in Uganda with their family and are needing the financial base to be deployed. Pray for the Holy Spirit to descend with power and move the church to become a missionary-sending church!

*Lord of the harvest, we ask you to raise up Lutheran teachers who are willing to serve cross-culturally. Move in the hearts of individuals who would be affective as missionaries in schools in Nigeria, Guatemala, and Chile.

*We praise God for the ministry of Tim & Beth (Africa). Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers and bringing people back into the fold after facing peer pressure to leave the Christian faith.

*We rejoice with Heather & Nathan Pittman upon the birth of their son Jay on Easter Sunday! Pray for Nathan’s health – that the doctors may find a way to treat his constant headaches. Pray that God continues to prepare them to serve in Kenya in the near future.


*We pray for Victor & Belen Rivas as they acclimate to life in Guyana. Thank you for the support they receive from brothers and sisters in Guatemala. Give them patience in learning the English Creole of this South American country.


*We thank the Lord that Viya Stoltenow (Cambodia) was able to acquire her USA visa. Guide and protect Joe and Viya and their 2 children as the repatriate to the United States. The street kids ministry that they started in Cambodia, called "Ray of Hope", will continue under the Cambodian leadership that Joe and Viya trained.

*We implore God’s intervention for the granting of USA Visa for missionary Scarlett Paz de Tino (Guatemala).

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.