Weekly eNews

January 22, 2023

Mental Wellness "Be Seen"

This Sunday, January 22

9:15 - 10:10 AM

Guest: David Galvan

Location: Church

Join the Rev. Matt Holcombe with special guest David Galvan, St. Michael's Mental Health First Aid Trainer in Residence, for a conversation about mental wellness, faith, and "being seen". Join us in-person or watch online. Viewing quick links can be found at

Prayer Card Station for Rev. Angela

As Angela continued to recover please stop by the Prayer Card Station in the Gathering Space this Sunday, January 22, to create a prayer card to show Angela and her family your love and support.

Health Update: The Rev. Angela Lerena

After 10 days in the hospital Angela is finally home! She will be working with a great team consisting of therapists, a neurologist, and doctors as she recovers, heals, and rests at home. Angela will also be following up with a specialized OB to walk with her through her pregnancy. Angela & Rico are so grateful and encouraged by all the support, prayers, and love. Please continue to keep the Lerena family in your prayers.

To read the email sent to the parish on January 12, 2023, by The Rev. Matt Holcombe CLICK HERE.

Annual Meeting

January 29, 9:15 AM

Join Matt and the outgoing Senior & Junior Wardens (Kristy Callihan & Jim Marquart) as we look back on all we've accomplished as a parish in 2022, vote in new vestry leadership, update you on the finances of our spiritual home, and take a peak at some of our 2023 plans for making Christ known within and beyond our walls. All documents and information pertaining to our Annual Meeting can be found at Online voting is open January 23 through January 29 at 10:00 AM using a voting link found on the Annual Meeting website (linked above). In-person voting will occur during the annual meeting.


Altar Flower Donations

St. Michael's Flower Guild invites you to sponsor Altar Flowers for a Sunday in 2023. A $50 contributions allows you to give altar flowers in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or in celebration of a special event. CLICK HERE to reserve a Sunday and to make a $50 contribution to cover the cost of flowers. Our gifted Flower Guild will purchase and arrange the flowers. Donations will be printed in the bulletin and read during the Prayers of the People on Sunday morning.

Cookies Needed!

Can you bake a dozen cookies (or two or three)? Cookies can be placed in the kitchen freezer or brought to a Sunday service. Please label cookies and contact with questions. Did you know we also need cookies for special events and funerals?

How can you help?

There are numerous ways to volunteer at your spiritual home. Each Sunday we need over 30 individuals to step forward to help with Worship Services and provide hospitality. CLICK HERE to serve on an upcoming Sunday in January. CLICK HERE to serve on an upcoming Sunday in February or March.

Owen Copps at FORMA

Representing St. Michael's

Earlier this week Owen Copps, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries, represented St. Michael's at FORMA, the Network for Christian Formation for the Episcopal Church and beyond. The 2023 Conference was held in Alexandria at Virginia Theological Seminary with clergy, church leaders, and formation directors from across the country! Keep Owen in your prayers for safe travels home to Colorado.

This Sunday, January 22

Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 11:45 AM

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin Download

Join us for Coffee Hour & Fellowship after each Service.

Education & Ministry

9:15 AM Education for Children & Youth meet in St. Andrew's Hall.

9:15 AM Sunday Forum "Mental Wellness "Being Seen" in the church or online.

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

January Worship Volunteer Sign-up
February & March Worship Volunteer

2023 Outreach Grants

Due January 31

St. Michael's Outreach budget includes grant money to provide to organizations in need. Do you know of an organization in need that you feel passionate about? If yes, you are invited to submit a grant application describing the organization and corresponding need for funds. The Outreach Committee will review all submitted grant applications and vote on funding disbursements in February. Grant applications must be submitted in writing using the 2023 grant application form by end of day January 31, 2023. CLICK HERE to download the grant and instructions for submitting. Questions? Email Susan Futey

40s & 50s Dinner

February 3, 6:00 PM

Are you in your 40s or 50s? If so, you are invited for fellowship, brisket, & salmon at the Wettemann's on Friday, February 3 at 6:00 PM. Can you bring a side, salad, dessert, or drinks? CLICK HERE to sign up to let Bob & Kay know you can come. See you there!

"Sacred Water"

Small Group, Feb. 7

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Do you care about our rivers, lakes, and oceans? Our Creation Care team has been trained to facilitate the JustFaith Program of “Sacred Water: Oceans & Ecosystems.” Through prayer and spiritual practices, participants will explore their relationships with water in both Christian Scriptures and their daily lives. The Sacred Water small group will be a 10-week small group experience. CLICK HERE to register for the small group that begins February 7. Questions? Contact Jon Numair at

CPR / AED Training

Sunday, February 12

12:00 - 2:00 PM

CLICK HERE to sign up and participate in this hybrid CPR & AED training. Training will occur online in advance of the Sunday, February 12 in-person training at 12:00 PM. Cost is $50 per person, payable to St. Michael's Church. This training is open to staff, vestry, lay leaders, and all 16-years or older. Must register on or before February 1. Questions? Email

Scout Sunday

February 12

On Sunday, February 12, we will recognize the scouts in our community and those who call St. Mike's their gathering space. All Scouts (all ages) are invited to wear their uniform. Scouts will be helping during the 10:30 service and recognized during the announcements. Girl Scout Cookies will also be available for sale after the service! Scouts can CLICK HERE to sign up. Questions?


Valentine's Day

Pasta Potluck

February 14

5:30 - 7:30 PM

Location: St. Mary's Hall

Come celebrate love & St. Valentine with your friends at St. Michael's with a pasta potluck. Sign up to bring pasta, salad, dessert, or just come with an appetite! CLICK HERE to sign up or let us know you are coming. Questions? Contact our Potluck Hosts Danny & Beverly Raider

“Simpl􏰁y Gorge-ous Concer􏰄t”

Royal Gorge Philharmonic & Daniel Foster

February 25, 4:00 PM

The Royal Gorge Philharmonic is coming back to St. Michael's with a special concert featured Organ Soloist, Daniel Foster. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets and learn more about this special concert. Questions? Contact

January & February

Archangel Newsletter is Now Available!

We have a lot of great things happening at St. Michael's this January & February. If you haven't received your copy in the mail, CLICK HERE to read a digital copy.

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, January 20

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, January 21

9:00 AM - Daughters of the King Hybrid

10:30 AM - St. Clare's Guild Virtual

2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group

Sunday, January 22

7:45 AM - Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM - Education for Children & Youth in St. Andrew's Hall

9:15 AM - Sunday Forum "Mental Wellness & Anxiety"

9:30 AM - Adult Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist

1:00 PM - Scouts "God & Me"

3:00 PM - Scouts "God & Family"

6:00 PM - Youth Council

Monday, January 23

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

Tuesday, January 24

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meetings

9:30 AM - Prayer Room Reserved

12:00 PM - The Well Team Meeting

3:30 PM - Girl Scouts

6:30 PM - Boy Scouts

6:45 PM - Chapel Reserved

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, January 25

12:00 PM - Healing Service in Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

1:00 PM - Active Shooter Training

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

5:30 PM - Middle School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

7:00 PM - High School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

Thursday, January 26

11:30 AM - Retired Clergy Lunch in St. Andrew's

5:30 PM - Sub Scout Den Meeting in St. Andrew's

6:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality

6:00 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal

6:00 PM - Celtic Spirituality Group

6:30 PM - Light for the Journey in High School Class Room

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, January 27

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, January 28

8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship in the Chapel

Youth Ski Trip Offsite


Birthdays This Week:

January 22 - Jinn Birkes

January 22 - Danny Cowell

January 22 - Catherine Gollan

January 22 - Braden Sears

January 22 - James Verlinde

January 24 - Emily Darling

January 25 - Audrey Houser

January 25 - Audrey Smullen

January 27 - Linda McPeak

January 27 - Kim Person

January 28 - Luke Brooks

January 28 - Bill Daughton

January 28 - Robert Jager

January 28 - Chad Spencer

January 28 - Levi Sutherlin

January 28 - Matthew Waidelich

January 28 - Bob Wettemann

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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