Aqua Membranes is Heading to Vegas
Our team is packed, ready, and looking forward to seeing you at the AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exposition, February 21-24 in Las Vegas.
We’re cramming 108 years of industry knowledge into Booth #210, so stop by to talk shop with Craig, CJ, Kendall, and Kevin.
Early Adopter Saves Millions
Car washes use a lot of water. The team at Aqua Bio was looking to increase element life, recover water, and increase reliability in the water recycle systems they make for car washes.
Since installing membrane elements made with Aqua Membranes' patented Printed Spacer Technology® at one of their customer sites, Aqua Bio already sees a return on their investment after just a few months. Next steps?
They're adding more installations across the Southwest.
Make More Water Using Less Energy
Reverse osmosis (RO) elements are essential to daily life – power plants use them, they’re under your sink, and they’re essential to making the coffee or soda you may be sipping right now. But the standard RO process is energy-intensive and sends a lot of water down the drain. Our Printed Spacer Technology® manufactures an RO element that is more efficient and costs less.
The Joy & Hidden Costs of Orange Juice
Making up a batch of orange juice for breakfast is a tradition in many homes and one that CEO Craig Beckman fondly remembers with his family. But the concentration process used to produce OJ and other everyday products takes a heavy environmental toll. Learn how Printed Spacer Technology® improves the filtration process used in juice concentration while reducing energy and chemical usage. 
About Aqua Membranes
With its unique Printed Spacer Technology®, Aqua Membranes is revolutionizing membrane water filtration in home RO systems, desalination, food and beverage, and industrial processes.  Applying a unique customized raised pattern to flat sheet membranes, the new technology replaces conventional mesh feed spacers in spiral-wound elements. This simple innovation dramatically lowers user operating expenses and capital costs and increases water throughput capacity.

Connect to learn more or arrange a trial!