Family Promise Children's Program Update
We remain committed to working alongside children and providing them with helpful and supportive settings. That's why growing our Children’s Program is so important to us and our community.

Last year, you all helped tremendously by donating desks, school supplies and snack bags for distance learning and volunteers helped by leading extracurricular activity lessons. This year, most children will return to school in person.

So, we will be transforming the room again to meet the current needs and will focus on creating a comforting environment for the children and we'll provide mentoring, tutoring, youth nights and more! We would be so grateful if you joined us. Our team has put together a thoughtful list of items they would like to complete the room. Please consider donating and watching the video above for more info! Thank you!
Wrigley Coffee

We’re excited to share updates on Wrigley Coffee - a coffee shop where we'll work alongside parents to help train and connect them to permanent employment. Through Wrigley Coffee, our goal is to give un-housed parents a fresh start and a path to independence through coffee, career training, and community. This will allow families a space to focus on building skills and mindsets for sustainable careers in a supportive environment with a welcoming community with trained staff who are understanding of their background. For a closer look at Wrigley Coffee, follow us on Instagram and Facebook @WrigleyCoffee
Upcoming Events
Save the Date! 9th Annual Empty Bowls - Saturday, October 9th at 5PM, Patio Outside O'Donnell Hall at American Martyrs Church AND Live Streaming

Save the date for our 9th Annual Empty Bowls event where we’ll enjoy a look at what’s going on at Family Promise and we’ll have plenty of exciting auction items!
Running With A Purpose - Online Fundraiser

This summer, one of our awesome volunteers decided to help raise awareness and funds by running with a purpose. Katie and other members of the South Torrance Cross Country Team committed to run during the months of July and August with the purpose of helping our families. They raised just over $600 and we are so grateful for their shared commitment to our mission. Huge thanks and appreciation, runners!
Sandpipers - Back to School Shopping

Thank you Sandpipers for providing children with a back-to-school shopping trip at Kohls! Children from our program were able to were able to shop for all new clothes, shoes and supplies. Read this feature on Dig MB to learn more about this wonderful event held by Sandpipers. Thank you!
Enjoy Cooking?

We're looking for volunteers to make and drop off dinners for the families in our rotational shelter. Sign up for a date HERE or contact Liz at for more details!
Stay Connected!