Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 29 May 2022 - 21 Iyar 5782
Shun Evil and Do Good, Seek Peace and Pursue It
✡︎ Shalom and Good Shabbos Friends ✡︎

We created our May flyer to focus on the obvious injustice of abortion that was brought into public view from a discovery of late term babies found in a medical waste bin outside of a DC abortion center. We thank all the publishers who ran this ad for us even as Jewish media has a field day covering the NCJW Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice that took place just a few blocks from the infamous abortion center.

The news articles and opinion pieces continue to fill news outlets with mostly immoral, selfish or misguided social concerns as reasons to kill the 99+% of innocent children who pose no threat to their mother's life. Baruch HaShem for several intelligent op-eds and commentary offered by righteous rabbis in Jewish and pro-life publications, which we share in this newsletter.

It is no surprise, but nevertheless shameful, that this week's horrifying school shooting in Texas allows those who promote child killing an opportunity to virtue signal their concerns for the safety and protection of children - the same children whose existence in the womb just a few years before would have been determined to be valueless except for a line item in the profit/loss statement of the abortion center that would have killed them.

The NCJW is the most vocal among Jewish organizations to call for legislation that they determine will save children's lives. These promoters of child killing can't call for an end to abortion as a way to stop senseless murder because doing so will destroy their reputations and self serving agendas. They are the most vocal because they have to drown out their consciences and the awakening spirit of those who idolize them and donate money upon which their lifestyle and unholy causes depend.

We close this edition with a webinar hosted by AAPLOG, The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs, in which these truly dedicated physicians discuss the medical issues about abortion before Roe and looking forward to after Roe. I urge you to watch this excellent presentation.

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 
The most egregious article published by the JTA and the Jerusalem Post was authored by an 'Orthodox' rabbi and his female counterpart, who make a great effort to justify unnecessary child killing based on nuanced, ie., fanciful, Halachic interpretations to assuage any ethical dilemmas that may occur. We are blessed to offer responsive counter opinions by two righteous Orthodox rabbis who uncover the false assumptions and illogical reasoning within the article. Thank you Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer and Rabbi Chananya Weissman!

Overturning Roe would be an unconscionable infringement on the religious freedom of Orthodox Jews

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer's response published in the Jerusalem Post.
Halacha is not pro-choice - opinion.
Rabbi Chananya Weissman's critical review of the piece.
R&B Medical War Crimes #41 - Taking Out the Trash
Baruch HaShem that two more righteous, forthright Orthodox rabbis recently spoke out against child killing. These two rabbis very clearly disagree with the heretical declaration that Jewish law allows mass killing of innocent babies in the womb. Thank you Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Rabbi Dovid Smith!
Jewish Rabbi: Abortion is Wrong, God Clearly Values Human Life Before Birth. Thank you, Rabbi Menken!
Rabbi David Bleich welcomes the reversal of Roe and suggests that a fund be established to cover the costs of abortion limited to women who produce a statement signed by a recognized posek(a rabbi who decides about a point of Jewish law) attesting to the halakhic propriety of the procedure. While we respect Rabbi Bleich's view on rabbinical decisions in the area, we must point out that many otherwise learned rabbis remain woefully ignorant of medical advances capable of saving the mother's and the baby's life. After abortion, women suffer acute and chronic spiritual, emotional and mental problems. Many rabbis minimize these major difficulties and know little about how to treat them. We wonder, too, if most rabbis understand exactly how unborn babies are killed during abortion procedures, gruesome and painful deaths that ought be ordered only in the most life threatening circumstances, not for mental health reasons or pressure from family members. Instead of condemning innocent children to death and putting women at risk from abortion, rabbis could Institute Respect Life groups in synagogues whose members rally around women facing difficulty and help meet their needs during pregnancy and afterwards. Rabbinical training should cover abortion related issues, including information about the dangers of abortion and its aftermath, how to develop Respect Life groups, and up to date medical facts from pro-life OBGYNs who can advise about genuine life threatening cases. This training would help rabbis make informed decisions regarding abortion that preserve life, women's health and safety, and family integrity.
From the Jewish News of Northern California, the NCJW leads the crusade to protect children.
Jewish groups condemn Uvalde school shooting, but only some push for action
Our letter to the editor of the New Haven Register was published!
Letter: Differing opinion on abortion rights
From our friends at AAPLOG, The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs, talking about the medical issues about Roe and after Roe. Excellent!
The End of Roe What Would It Mean For OBGYNs - Webinar Recording 5.12.22

Read a pdf of the transcript of the webinar here.

'Who Was The Genius Who Forgot To Poll The 63+ Million Aborted PreBorns?????'
"Special Healing Event: 
How you can heal from abortion loss." 
Our healing event on March 20, 2022 in our private zoom room was positive and peaceful for our participants. We plan to host another healing afternoon at the end of July, so please contact BarbaraBeth to register!

A unique opportunity to meet and participate in a post-abortion group encounter and discussion. TR offers a unique Teshuvah based approach to healing for Jewish women who suffer with post-abortion regret. Attendees can meet and speak with one another afterward in a private chat room."
To register, please contact or phone 347-566-7898.
"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart, and joy is lodged in the other" The Zohar
Monthly Mishpacha
Our June Monthly Mishpacha will be June 12th at 11 am ET. We will show a short video and then enjoy private conversation and connection.

At last month's meeting, I announced that I would set up a private video/chat room so that members can share ideas in between meetings by posting messages for other members or by video chatting together, The room is now enabled on Discord. To participate, download the Discord app onto your mobile or desktop device at

To maintain safety and privacy, our Discord channel is private and unable to find unless you have an invite link.
We will share the invite link at the meeting on May 1st. If you want to join us on Discord but can't get to the meeting, please email me and I will give you the invite link and help you access the room.

I've set up the registration for our Monthly Mishpacha so that you can register once and that registration will work on subsequent Sundays. Also, to maintain safety and confidentiality, I will receive an email confirmation of each registration so I know who to expect. If you want to invite someone, please send them the registration link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please register in advance at:

We're very much looking forward to seeing you in June!
Worship Corner
Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.
You can view his Shabbat sermons at
Contact Rabbi Bovit at
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah, a Sephardic online community of spiritual seeking Jews and Noahides. He offers a wide range of Shabbat and holiday services, and Torah studies. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship, and dedication to traditional Jewish teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!
You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at
Contact Rabbi Nachman at
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel

Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download from our library here,

Our amazing flyer book has our monthly educational flyers in one place. Share them with your family, friends, and shul associates.
View and Download from our library here.

Our amazing meme book has our eye catching graphics all in one place. Share them with your family, friends, and shul associates.
View and Download from our library here.

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our Jewish couples waiting to adopt!
Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Support After Abortion

Worship online with our Pro-Life Rabbis
Rabbi Nachman at Beit Emunah

Rabbi Menashe Bovit on Rumble
Check out our archived newsletters at 
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Contact Us

Rabbi David Novak
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman
Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143