Dr. Vijay Singh, University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, and Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, has been inducted into the National Academy of Engineering. He was elected for his contributions to wave modeling and the development of entropy-based theories of hydrologic processes and hydroclimatic extremes.
- Three College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty members were recognized recently by the Texas A&M Faculty Affairs Amplifying External Awards Program.
Dr. Rodolfo Nayga, professor and head, Department of Agricultural Economics, received a Pathway Award recognizing his election as an Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Fellow.
Dr. Jeff Tomberlin, professor, Department of Entomology, received a Pathway Award for being chosen as a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America.
Dr. Dara Wald, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications, received a Pathway Award in recognition of her National Science Foundation Early Career Award.
- Physiology of reproduction student Brooke McAnally was the runner-up in the master's division of the Texas A&M Regional Three Minute Thesis Competition.
- Judging teams in the College have brought home major championship titles:
Animal Welfare Judging Team: 1st Place Overall, Undergraduate Junior Division, 22nd Annual Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Horse Judging Team: Reserve World Champions, AQHA World Show Judging Contest, Oklahoma City.
Livestock Judging Team: Reserve National Champions, National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest, Louisville, Kentucky.
Meat Judging Team: High Team Honors, International Meat Judging Contest, Dakota City, Nebraska.
Poultry Judging Team: Co-winner of the National Collegiate Poultry Judging Contest in Fayetteville, Arkansas (tied with Penn State Poultry Judging Team).
Dr. Jeffrey Savell and Dr. Patricia Klein are hosting Dean's Open Office Hours in December. Sign up for a time and day, and contact Kelsey Agnew if you have any questions.
- Spring 2023 course shells are available in Canvas. The last day to merge sections is Jan. 12, 2023.
- Canvas third-party tools: From Dec. 1 to Feb. 1, the Office of Academic Innovation will accept requests for third-party tools to use in Canvas. Please fill out this form if you have a third-party tool in mind that is not available yet.
Saturday, Dec. 17, 9 a.m., Reed Arena: Master's and doctoral commencement.
Graduate Recruitment, Enhancement and Travel, GREAT, supplemental funding provides a full funding package for recipients of eligible nationally competitive dissertation and multiyear external fellowships, federal training grants and federal research grant supplements promoting diversity. Email for more information.
- Graduate Student Well-Being
Dr. Esther Wright at Texas A&M Counseling and Psychological Services, CAPS, is trained in graduate student issues and concerns. Graduate and professional students may make appointments with Dr. Wright via the CAPS appointment portal system.
Graduate Resources and Development for Aggies, G.R.A.D. Aggies, offers professional development programming. For more information, visit the G.R.A.D. Aggies webpage.
Friday, Dec. 16, 9 a.m., Reed Arena: Undergraduate commencement for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
- The COVID Student Excuse Tracking form provides documentation that students may share with faculty to secure excused absences after a positive COVID-19 test or for students who are unable or unwilling to wear a mask after being exposed to the virus.
- The West Campus Math Learning Center is providing tutoring for MATH 140 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-8 p.m., at Kleberg 117. See the full schedule online.
- Know an underrepresented minority undergraduate in a STEM major who is interested in research? The LSAMP Scholar, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, program is accepting students by application.
Student Success and Development
Prospective student information sessions occur on Fridays. Students can register for a visit with a recruiter.
College virtual sessions are being held 6-7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month for students to learn how our degrees help them achieve their goals. To join these sessions and represent your department, please contact Ahmir Nichols.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council
- Student Leadership Celebration
- On Nov. 7, COALS Council hosted the Student Leadership Celebration to highlight the different student organizations within the College.
- Auburn Exchange Program
- COALS Council Officers went to Auburn University to participate in the Auburn Exchange Program for the weekend of the A&M vs. Auburn football game.
- Every other year, the COALS Council goes to Auburn University to represent Texas A&M and the College. Next year, the newly elected officers will host Auburn students here in Aggieland.
- Follow us on social media!
- Facebook:, Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council.
- Instagram: @coals_tamu.
- Website:
Merry & Bright, Maroon & White, Sunday, Dec. 4, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Visit the Leach Teaching Gardens' annual holiday stroll to enjoy cookies, cocoa and sparkling lights.
Texas A&M AgriLife Food Drive
On scheduled hours Nov. 29 to Dec. 6, a collection station on the AgriLife Event Lawn will accept nonperishable food donations for Brazos Valley food banks.
Online courses on communication, customer service, diversity and inclusion, performance management, safety and technology are available from the Texas A&M University Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness.
- Calligraphy classes: Texas A&M AgriLife Employee Wellness has organized several free holiday-themed calligraphy classes. A few spaces remain. Learn the basics of calligraphy and take home your own personalized ornaments, just in time for Christmas. Lunch will be provided.
Each month, we highlight faculty and staff who have embodied the Aggie Core Values and demonstrated their immense dedication to advancing the mission of the College in teaching, research and service.
Dr. Betsy Pierson, professor and associate head in the Department of Horticultural Sciences, is consistently acclaimed by students, some of whom credit her in their decision to shift their academic career toward horticulture. Students praise Dr. Pierson's infectious passion about her subject, clear explanations, caring nature and success in making horticulture classes fun.
Dr. John Crompton, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, is in the top 2% of recreation, leisure and tourism scholars, based on citations. His research on the impact of parks on communities has shown that parks attract talent, businesses, retirees and tourists while alleviating residents' mental stress and energy costs.
John Chivvis, virtual engagement specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Events, has an undeniable positive impact on events' user experience. He takes time to educate those he interacts with on the range of available options while ensuring they have all the information to make the best decision for the virtual component of their event. Mr. Chivvis is a lifelong learner who strives to find solutions to any barriers and is a tremendous advocate for the College.
Have a colleague in mind we should feature?