The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
Introducing the NEW BHS PTSA Website!
Staying connected and informed is a top priority for families in the BHS community and we want to make it even easier! We are THANKFUL to unveil our new PTSA website, which launched on Thanksgiving Day! The website update was a strategic initiative for the 2022-2023 school year, and we hope it has a lasting impact for future years of Wolverines and their families.
Great news! We are half way reaching our goal of $70,000! But we are still far from our $70000 goal. Please keep on joining us in supporting our students, teachers and school by donating to the PTSA Make an Impact Campaign! Donations help pay for an additional mental health counselor at BHS, college preparation and counseling as well as grants to various academic, athletic and school clubs. Our goal this year is to raise $70,000. Every donation, no matter the size, will help. Donate today and Make an Impact!
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440.
If you donate through Benevity, there will be a delay to put your name on our honor roll. If you want your names to be added into the honor roll now, free to email your full name and your donation number to
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Got questions?
Thank you very much for your support!
Amazon donates .5% of the price of eligible purchases to a charitable organization of your choice for the same Amazon products at the same prices. Please shop AmazonSmile and support the Bellevue High PTSA!
One of the greatest determining factors in academic success is parental involvement.
Your participation and membership have a direct impact on students’ success at school!
Make Bellevue High School Strong – Join the PTSA
Topic: College Planning
When: Friday, December 9, 8:15 am – 9:45 am
Where: BHS Library and MS Teams
The 2nd meeting on December will be mainly focused on college planning and school resources.
Dr. Anderson will talk about ACT and SAT, AP classes, Naviance for college planning, High school and Beyond Plan, and so on. Additionally, we will learn the change made on the required standard test after COVID-19 pandemic as well as the details of WA Guaranteed Admission Program.
Interpreters will be available for Chinese-Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean languages.
Multi-Language Coffee Hour, December 9, 2022
Meeting ID: 216 940 423 011
Passcode: j8b9gA
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-800-4133,,754494949# United States, Seattle
Phone Conference ID: 754 494 949#
This November, the PTSA Grants Committee received 24 grant requests totaling just over $52,000, a noticeable increase over past years. This week, we announced full and partial funding for 17 grants in the amount of $19,989. We are excited to share with you some highlights of things the PTSA has funded from the Fall 2022 grant cycle:
- Theater Tech/Drama Dept: New/additional lighting equipment needed for theatre productions; plays and musicals
- The Barque school newspaper: Production support
- Music Department: New music stands
- English/Language Arts Department: Fixed Film Screen for enhanced film viewing
- Neuroscience Club: Laboratory supplies
- Marine Biology Club: Field trip support
- Robotics Club: Materials/Supplies
- Boys & Girls Tennis: Court Benches for players
- Girls Softball: Equipment Bags
We look forward to the Spring 2023 Grants cycle and will announce when applications are open in the Blast. If you have any questions regarding grants, please reach out to our PTSA Grants Chair,
Dear BHS Families,
May the warm glow of autumn surround you as you celebrate the holiday with family & friends. Let's also show our heartfelt thanks to our BHS teachers and staff. Our next Staff Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled on December, 7th, 2022.
Freshmen & Senior class parents, please fill in the slots:
Very much appreciated!
Staff Appreciation Co-chair:
Hyunjin Kwon & Qiuya(Rachel) Li
The 2022-23 Wolverine Guard Program is going strong! We already have received applications and hours for some students. For those who aren’t familiar with it, WG is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Students who complete the WG requirements earn a certificate of recognition and who get WG two years during high school, get a special tassel at graduation.
For current guidelines, rules and required forms for WG 2022-23, please go to the BHS PTSA website, Wolverine Guard Program.
A few ideas for volunteer service with links below:
As a reminder: The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District's volunteer hours requirement for graduation. However, hours that are earned to meet graduation requirements may also be used to meet WG requirements. You will need to download WG forms off of our website to both record your hours (and get supervisor’s signatures!) and the WG Application form. Thank you to those students who are supporting people through giving your time and energy. You do make a difference!
Help support the Class of 2023! Order your BHS Gear with BHS or Senior 2023 Logo today! Order by DECEMBER 5 for guaranteed delivery in time for holiday gift giving.
These are the perfect gift for your Bellevue student (or yourself)! Show your school spirit with a variety of apparel and accessories and even window clings! Items for every budget and style.
We really need additional volunteers to help us get the party started for our seniors. Be a part of the planning team for this special event by clicking on the link below for available roles. If you have questions, please reach out to Lauren Ridgeway, Melissa Maffei or Rebecca Johnston at 2023BHSGradParty@gmail.com
Thank you SO MUCH!
Rebecca Johnston (Melissa Maffei and Lauren Ridgeway)
Sr. Grad Party Leads
It’s time to hit the ice!
The Class of 2024 is hosting a fundraiser at the Bellevue Downtown Ice Rink from November 18th – January 8th!
For every ticket purchased, $3 will be donated to the Class of 2024! To participate, make sure to mention that you are affiliated with the Bellevue 2024 fundraiser when you are purchasing your ticket at the counter (applies to in person purchases only).
Anyone can participate in this fundraiser and the class officers of 2024 thank you and wish you a happy holiday season!
BHS Orchestra Booster Club Meeting - Nov 29th @ 7pm
All BHS Orchestra parents are invited to our booster meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 7pm in Room 1405. We will be discussing the upcoming Winter concert as well as the Spring Disneyland trip.
Upcoming Play - She Kills Monsters - December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at 7 PM
Save the date for a comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and 90's pop culture. Tickets are $10 at the door or online through the BHS In Touch payment website - see new QR codes for easy ticket ordering!
Upcoming Booster Club Meeting: Tuesday, December 6th at 7 PM
Please join us for a Theater Booster Club meeting on Tuesday, December 6th at 7pm in the Black Box. All theater parents are welcome. See you there!
Screenshot receipt or show email receipt for admission to Theater!
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics is Bellevue High School’s robotics team. Every year, we compete under the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). By building, designing, and testing a robot to compete in and win competitions, members of our club develop skills that are highly valuable in future STEM careers and life. Through FRC, we are also able to get recognition on a district-wide, state-wide, and national level. We are also able to be directly involved in a community passionate about STEM. In the immersive and tense situations of competition, many necessary skills need to be learned and developed.
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics provides an innovative way to teach students skills that may not be developed in a traditional classroom. These skills are not limited to mechanical, software, electrical engineering, as well as financial management, marketing, photography, and digital media. At the same time, soft skills are also developed, such as on-the-spot problem solving, teamwork, leadership, and public speaking.
Unlike the tightly structured projects of AP Computer Science, or exact specification sheets for 3-D printed designs in Computer Graphics, the development done in robotics is purely from the ground-up, challenging students to code, design, and test with little framework or format. Furthermore, robotics is one of the few clubs that primarily relies on students to manage income and expenses, with real financial risks and rewards involved. Our club operates daily with expenses and income in the tens of thousands of dollars. Last year, we handled around $32,000. This experience proves extremely valuable, as it closely mimics real world applications of these skills. Through this experience we also build a collaborative and caring community.
The success of our club has been widely proven with our alumni, who are now placed across the country in some of the best engineering programs in the world including MIT, Stanford, UW, Yale, Cornell, UC Berkeley, and UT Austin.
We highly encourage you to become a valued member, learn a new skill or apply a familiar one, and experience what we do firsthand. Contact
We look forward to meeting you,
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics
Team 949 at a competition in October where they went on to win
Wolverine Baseball is Back! First Players' Meeting is 11/29
The Bellevue High School Baseball Booster Club would like to welcome you to the first of two Player/Parent/Coach meetings of the 2022-23 season!
Together with new head baseball coach Craig Parthemer, the Baseball Booster Club is hosting a coach/player/parent/booster meeting on Tues 11/29/22 7PM at the BHS school library. We look forward to you coming to meet the coaching staff, hear Coach Parthemer's plans, and get a rundown on how the families along with the booster club and school are working hard together to make for a great season.
What: Baseball Introductory Meeting
Where: BHS Library (2nd floor)
When: 11/29/22 7PM
Who: All student/players and parents looking to play BHS baseball in the spring
Feel free to reply to Janet Daly <mizdaly@gmail.com> - Acting Co-President of the Booster Club - as this will ensure you are receiving all the information regarding upcoming training opportunities and activities for BHS Baseball Boosters.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!
Monday November 28th
Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball at Cedarcrest High School JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Tuesday November 29th
Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball at Newport High School Girls 5:30pm, Boys 7:00pm
Wednesday November 30th
Boys JVC, Girls and Boys Junior Varsity Basketball at Newport High School Boys JVC 4:00pm, Girls JV 5:30pm, Boys JV 7:00pm
Thursday December 1st
Wrestling at Newport High School with Bothell High School v. Bothell 6:00pm, v. Newport 7:15pm
Friday December 2nd
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball at Mercer Island High School JVG 3:30pm, JVB 5:00pm, Varsity G 6:30pm, Varsity B 8:00pm
Supervisors Vic Anderson and Thomas Gangle
Saturday December 3rd
Boys JVC Basketball at Mercer Island High School 3:00pm
Go Bellevue!!!
Business for Good workshop cohosted by Microsoft Advertising and Be Bold Girls
Over the summer, a group of BHS students and their friends worked with passionate adult leads from a non-profit org Be Bold for change, and created Be Bold Girls, aimed at middle and high schoolers who are passionate about making changes to overcome challenges that girls and young women face, and to empower Bold Girls to become changemakers.
On Saturday Dec 10th, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, Be Bold Girls and Microsoft Advertising will cohost an in-person workshop in Bellevue, WA. During this expert led forum, you will learn how Microsoft and other brands drive social change, and work with a group of professionals and like-minded peers to explore how you can bring your voice to influence an organization's product development, branding and advertising. Seats are limited. Register now to reserve your spot at What's Possible Workshop: Business For Good | Be Bold Girls
For further information about Be Bold Girls, please contact Angelina Kam or Ariel Kam from the Be Bold Girls club or email to hello@beboldgirls.org.
The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice President Fundraising
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
PTSA Secretary
Krista Heys
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Administration
BHS Athletics/ Activities
BHS Main Office
Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington