What's in our enrollment roundup edition?
-- Introduction: Thanks for aiding our record-setting efforts!
-- By the numbers: 2021-22 enrollment snapshot
-- Let's work together: How you can help Enroll Wyoming?
-- Life-changing opportunities: Do I qualify for a special enrollment period?
-- Celebrating Black History Month
-- Helpful tax reminders: Things to remember when filing taxes
-- Continuing coverage: Retirees have health insurance options
-- Health spotlight: Wake Up to Heart Health
-- Calling all Marketplace connecters
-- Contact us: These are the Navigators in your neighborhood
-- Poll: Can we connect with you?
-- Calendar of Enroll Wyoming and partner events
-- Support our partners: Links from our partner organizations includes suicide awareness, a celebration of recovery, and emergency rental assistance.
Thanks for aiding our record-setting efforts!
Looking back over the open enrollment period, it is clear that Wyoming is truly on top of the game. A record-setting 14.5 million Americans took advantage of the low-cost plans and now have health insurance coverage, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Of that unprecedented number, more than 34,000 Wyoming residents enrolled through Healthcare.gov. That is quite an accomplishment for our small population, and the staff at Enroll Wyoming were in the thick of it.
Each of the Navigators felt such gratitude to be a part of this monumental accomplishment, and we could not have done it without the help of our partners. Many of you opened your doors and let us set up “shop.” A large number shared The Buzz with other partners and clients, and still others spread the word. Whatever you did to help was phenomenal and very much appreciated. On behalf of the Navigators, we just want to say thank you! We truly could not have done this without you, and due to your assistance 39% of the Wyoming population is now able to access quality health care.
But there is still work to be done. Life-changing events happen every day, thus opening up what we call a special enrollment period, or SEP. If you are one of these people, or you know of someone who qualifies, please refer them to 211 or find the Navigator in your region. We love to serve.
By the numbers: 2021-22 enrollment snapshot
A total of 14,492,506 Americans signed up for health insurance during the 2021-2022 open enrollment period. There were 2,981,132 new consumers who signed up for a 2022 plan and 11,511,374 people who renewed or switched to alternative health insurance coverage.

Those figures include 34,762 people in Wyoming who either renewed their health insurance plans or signed up for new coverage in the federal health insurance marketplace.
“The Enroll Wyoming Navigators worked so hard during open enrollment, spending countless hours in the evenings and on weekends with consumers making sure that they got signed up for Marketplace Health Insurance Plans.” Enroll Wyoming Program Manager Jason Mincer said. “Thank you team! You all are amazing!”
How can you help Enroll Wyoming?
Tips to get involved and continue our momentum
The highwater mark of record health insurance enrollments could not have been possible without the many partners who made it possible. Enroll Wyoming sees its reach and impact grow when others share information, table space and personal testimonies.

We want to see more families covered by health insurance and know Enroll Wyoming offers free, knowledgeable and personalized information. Here are some ways we could use your help to spread the word:

1. Like and share our Enroll Wyoming Facebook posts
2. Print this flyer and post it in your business
3. Host a meeting -- If your membership/volunteers/staff are interested in learning more, Enroll Wyoming staff would be happy to lead a presentation in person or via Zoom to answer questions and provide further information (Call 211 or see the region map and contact information below)
4. Include enrollment information in your newsletter
5. Simply advise those in need to contact 211 to get connected to a Navigator
Do I qualify for a special enrollment period?
Open enrollment is over, but some people can still sign up for Marketplace health insurance through a special enrollment period, or SEP.
An additional special enrollment period just started. This SEP is aimed at individuals and families whose income is less than or equal to 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL). If you think you qualify or would like more information, get in touch with a regional Navigator from Enroll Wyoming. Call 211 or use the contact information listed below.
The FPL is based on one's annual income and the number of people in a household. A detailed FLP chart can be found here, but here's a summarized version.
Even if your household doesn't fall into the 150% FPL range, it still may qualify for a special enrollment period if there have been certain life-changing events in the past 60 days.

You may qualify if in the last two months you or someone in your household:
-- Lost health insurance
-- Got married
-- Gave birth, adopted a child, or placed a child for foster care
-- Got divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance
-- Died
-- Changed residence
-- Gained membership in a federally recognized tribe or status as an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation shareholder
-- Became a U.S. citizen
-- Left incarceration
Check if you qualify for an SEP here.
Celebrating Black History Month
The 2022 theme for Black History Month is “Black Health and Wellness.” The idea for the annual celebration comes from Carter G. Woodson’s work to establish a history week to promote the narratives, culture, and achievements of African Americans and other people of color worldwide.

Today this includes public and community health initiatives that focus on exercise, nutrition, mental health, and augmenting access to preventative care across the country. As part of this observance, we at Enroll Wyoming wish to acknowledge the history and legacies of medical practitioners from birth workers, doctors, scholars, midwives, doulas, and others who have contributed to the health, understanding, and wellbeing of their communities.

We should all work together year-round to continue Woodson’s efforts to strengthen communities and improve the daily lives of African Americans. For more on the topic of Black health and history, see the Searchable Museum presented by the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Things to remember when filing taxes
The Internal Revenue Service is now accepting tax filings for 2021, and we wanted to share some friendly reminders to keep in mind this tax season.

-- THERE IS NO PENALTY FOR NOT HAVING INSURANCE: The previous fine for not having health insurance has been removed. If you didn’t have health coverage during 2021, the old fee no longer applies. Not everyone is aware of the change, but it means you don’t need an exemption in order to avoid paying a penalty.

-- IRS PROMOTES ELECTRONIC FILING OVER PHYSICAL SUBMISSIONS: The IRS is encouraging more Americans to file electronically to avoid processing delays. If one is getting a refund, the IRS suggests using direct deposit and tracking its progress here.

-- MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL OF THE FORMS: In addition to the standard W-2 form provided by employers, those who purchased health insurance through the Marketplace will need Form 1095-A -- the Health Insurance Marketplace Statement -- which should arrive in the mail. If you haven’t received it, visit HealthCare.gov to download an electronic copy by logging your Marketplace account, selecting your 2021 application, and then selecting “Tax forms.”
For additional information about Form 1095-A and filing your taxes, go here.

-- FREE TAX ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE: While Enroll Wyoming staff cannot help fill out tax forms, we often work with skilled volunteers who do provide this service. You can call 211 or visit the Wyoming 211 website to inquire about the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program or similar programs. Additional options are included in the partner links below.

IRS answers to additional tax questions can be found here and here.
Retirees have health insurance options
Just because you’ve retired, it doesn’t mean that you have to go without health insurance.
-- If you retire before you’re 65 and lose your job-based health plan when you do, you can use the Health Insurance Marketplace to buy a plan. Losing health coverage qualifies you for a special enrollment period, which means you can enroll in a health plan even if its outside the annual open enrollment period. 
-- If you retire and have retiree health benefits, you can still choose to buy a Marketplace health insurance plan but you won't qualify for premium tax credits and other savings based on income.

Learn more here.
Health spotlight: Wake Up to Heart Health
February is American Heart Month, and the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center hosted the 13th annual Wake Up to Heart Health event to promote improved health and well-being. Enroll Wyoming was happy to participate along with experts on cardiology, diet, and exercise.
Those who couldn't attend in person can watch a recording online, where the Enroll Wyoming presentation starts at the 13:45 mark.
Calling all Marketplace connecters
Enroll Wyoming is working to better partner with other individuals across the state who help folks sign up for Marketplace health insurance. These are often referred to as Marketplace Navigators, Assisters or Certified Application Counselors (CACs). Please email dasa.robertson@crmcwy.org with your contact information, and we will make sure you are included in future communications including a pre-open enrollment conference we are planning and other information that should be helpful as you do this kind of work.
These are the Navigators in your neighborhood
Enroll Wyoming is a grant-funded program that educates individuals and families about their health insurance options. Even though our base of operations is in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Navigators are located throughout the Equality State. Enroll Wyoming cares about our Wyoming neighbors' health care needs and wants to make sure that everyone can obtain a plan that is not only affordable but will meet their personal needs.
Let us know if your organization wants more information or would like to schedule a presentation or visit. Navigators are available in person, over the phone, or Zoom. We accommodate all stakeholders to the best of our ability. Those in need of health insurance can call and set up an appointment. Translation services are available.

Jason Mincer - 307-633-7299
Campbell, Cook, Johnson, Sheridan, and Weston
Nancy Drummond - 307-461-9099
Erik Saulness - 307-461-9572
Converse, Natrona, and Niobrara
Cynthia Nunley - 307-274-2312
Albany, Goshen, Laramie, and Platte
Lead Navigator
Dasa Robertson - 307-214-0786
Carbon, Lincoln, Sublette, Sweetwater, Teton, and Uinta
Angela Thatcher - 307-352-9109
Bighorn, Hot Springs, Park, and Washakie
Abby Pratt - 307-254-9639
Wind River Reservation and Fremont
Alicia Underwood - 307-240-9053
Jolene Rod - 307-224-2041
Caleb Michael Smith - 307-209-4896
Jordyn Tkach - 307-733-8146

Enroll Wyoming does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, marital status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, religion, political belief, disability, or veteran status. This correspondence is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $2,248,619 with 100% funded by CMS/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, nor an endorsement by CMS/HHS or the U.S. government.
Poll: Can we connect with you?
Enroll Wyoming is working to better reach Wyoming residents who need health insurance. Please let us know if you can help us with our
outreach goals by participating in this poll or directly emailing us at caleb@enrollwyo.org or dasa.robertson@crmcwy.org.
Would your group benefit from hosting an Enroll Wyo. presentation on health insurance option?
Maybe -- I need to learn more
Would you like more information about Enroll Wyoming?
Calendar of Enroll Wyoming and partner events
Upcoming events include:

-- The Laramie County Farm & Ranch Show returns Feb. 18-20 at the Event Center at 3801 Archer Parkway in Cheyenne. Parking and admission is free. Enroll Wyoming will participate all three days.

-- The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is hosting the Fremont County Employment Expo from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, at the Central Wyoming College Art Gallery in Riverton. Enroll Wyoming will participate.

-- The Wyoming Cancer Coalition will host an in-person meeting from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1, at the Blue Federal Credit Union's Community Event Center at 2401 E. Pershing Blvd. in Cheyenne. Virtual options may be available. Click here to register.

-- Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is partnering with Enroll Wyoming to host informational meetings on the special enrollment period. Events are scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, at the MHCC Family Practice Clinic, 300 Third St. in Rawlins, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 10, at the MHCC Health Center-Platte Valley at 1504 S. River St. in Saratoga. Contact Navigator Angela Thatcher at 307-352-9109 or angela@enrollwyo.org to schedule a private consultation. 

-- Navigator Dasa Robertson will be available to answer questions from from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, March 10, at the Platte County Public Library at 904 Ninth St. in Wheatland. 
Links from our partner organizations
Do you like to network?
Looking for an event that you may want to attend?
Click on the links to learn about the events in your community.

University of Wyoming Family Medicine Residency Program is looking for help.
Click the link below or the job description and if this looks like a good fit for you apply through the University of Wyoming website to the right.
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