Welcome to Artist Alley,
Washington County Arts Council's electronic newsletter.
We hope this publication will engage you with the arts in your community.
WCAC welcomes your ideas and support as it continues to take the lead in bringing together the community's art organizations to strengthen our region's arts culture.
For artist information, arts events, calls for art, and more visit WCAC's web page...
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Seeking paid panelists to revise MSAC’s
Arts in Education grant program!
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This spring, MSAC is facilitating the public-led revision of the Arts in Education (AiE) program, which funds arts education projects in Maryland’s schools and community settings. This effort is based on a need to clarify the program’s policies to provide equitable access to funds and ensure funding opportunities reach across the state of Maryland. The next step of this process is to identify a panel of editors who will work with MSAC staff to develop the policy recommendations that will improve the public service of the AiE grant program. | |
Consider completing an application to serve as an editor in this process. All selected editors will be expected to:
- Become familiar with the previous policies and procedures of the AiE grant program
- Work with MSAC staff to revise AiE policies and procedures in alignment with public need and the goals of the current MSAC strategic plan
- Be available to participate in at least two virtual meetings (see below dates) to discuss the above issues and develop procedure and policy recommendations for further consideration by MSAC staff, council, and Department of Commerce leadership
- Editor Meeting #1: March 7, 1 - 4 p.m.
- Editor Meeting #2: March 23, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
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What we are looking for:
- Maryland residents with backgrounds in a variety of arts administration and cultural worker roles, or who are interested in learning how changes are considered and implemented within MSAC.
- Artists and artist organizations who are currently on the MSAC Teaching Artist Roster are highly encouraged to apply.
- Members of sites who have participated in previously AiE-funded projects are highly encouraged to apply.
How to apply:
- Click the Apply Now button below to log in or create a free account in SmartSimple. You must be registered as an “Independent Artist” to apply to be an editor.
- Under Funding Opportunities, select "Public Call."
- Select "Program Editor" from the first drop down option.
- Select “Arts in Education Grant” as the Grant Program from the second drop down option.
- Click "Save Draft" at the bottom to populate the application.
- Complete the application and click “Submit.”
Editors will receive a minimum of $400 upon completion of assigned tasks, with the possibility of additional compensation if more than two virtual meetings are needed. Internet access is required, and a Gmail account is recommended to participate.
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Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2023
For questions, contact Arts in Education Program Director, Lizzie Morales, at elizabeth.morales@maryland.gov or (443) 794-7564.
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Seeking paid panelists to revise MSAC’s
Arts in Education grant program!
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MSAC is excited to open applications to its newest program, Grants for Artists, which broadly supports Maryland independent artists’ working and living expenses with $6,000 grants. This program was designed based on extensive public input over the past 18 months, and it is intended to bolster the creative workforce that composes a significant portion of Maryland’s creative and economic activity.
Two rounds of grants supporting a total of 250 artists will be given in FY 2023, which ends June 30. Learn more about deadlines and eligibility by clicking here to read the program guidelines on the Grants for Artists portion of MSAC’s site. Click here to apply now by logging in or creating a free account in SmartSimple, MSAC’s online grants management platform.
For questions, contact Senior Program Director Chad Buterbaugh at chad.buterbaugh@maryland.gov or 443.469.8239.
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The Maryland State Arts Council is committed to making sure all Marylanders can access its programs and services. For grant application assistance, please contact the appropriate Program Director. Guests with further accessibility questions or who require accommodations may fill out the Accommodations Request Form or contact the MSAC Office Secretary at msac.commerce@maryland.gov. If you have technical questions about the SmartSimple application system, please contact Grants Director Cathy Teixeira at catherine.teixeira@maryland.gov. | |
The Washington County Arts Council Gallery hosts its January 2023 exhibit, "Paintings and Sculpture” by John Neal Mullican. The exhibit runs through February 7, 2023. | |
Opportunities for Artists
Explore MSAC grants and opportunities available to independent artists, click here for details.
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The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), an agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development. | |
The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of
County Arts Agencies of Maryland,
Maryland Citizens for the Arts, and Americans for the Arts
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The WCAC facility is wheelchair accessible! | |
Thank you for providing your email address to the
Washington County Arts Council. Your information was obtained from
at least one of the following methods: signing our guest book,
becoming a member, donating, entering a contest, or exhibiting with us.
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