Volume 2, Issue 2 | February 2022
HeartMind e-News: Teach, Learn, Lead
A monthly publication dedicated to trauma-informed, compassionate school practices that help educators, students, and families move toward a sense of wholeness and well-being
Trauma and Strategies for Long Term Gains
Today, educators are deeply concerned about students who are struggling to adapt to being back in school. Writing with Dr. Mason, Andrea Bartolo and Pritha Sengupta provide insights into strategies to both alleviate this trauma and also improve academic outcomes.

In this month’s HeartMind eNews, you’ll have an opportunity to savor insights from the Cultivating Resilience Podcasts series, and also to contemplate how we can improve the efficacy and the long-term gains of early childhood programs. Thankfully, there are so many strategies available! This month, also learn about another trauma-reducing strategy, as Stephanie Noel describes some of the benefits and advantages of providing programs in schools that are based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). As Noel mentions, stress can sometimes propel us forward. Yet, there are times when the scales are tipped, and the trauma becomes overwhelming. CBT is an effective research-based strategy to both help reduce depression and also increase coping skill for students.
Featured Articles
Welcome to HeartMind e-News, dedicated to translating research and theory to practice, to aid implementation of compassionate practices in schools. Each issue has practical suggestions for teachers, researchers, school administrators, educational policymakers, mental health providers, students, and families. You are also invited to join the HeartMind Community to receive discounts on publications and workshops, networking opportunities, and special offers for virtual consultations and additional resources from the Center for Educational Improvement.
Cultivating Resilience: A Whole Community Approach for Alleviating Trauma in Schools
Andrea Bartolo, CEI Intern, and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director
Interested in conversations about childhood trauma and how it manifests in students' health, cognition, and academic learning? Student trauma has myriad sources: poverty, incarceration, substance misuse, bullying, and chaos at home are only a few.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated concerns about children’s mental health epidemic. However, in 2021 and as we enter 2022, we also continue to experience the collective trauma of violence in schools and racial trauma and tension, as well as the everyday variety of adverse childhood experiences. All in all this can be overwhelming. Despite these adversities, we can learn strategies to provide better support to students as we access wisdom from child experts and cutting-edge research and practices. Read more.

How to Maintain Gains Made in Early Childhood Programs
Pritha Sengupta, CEI Intern, and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director
Swimming, Not Sinking, in a Hypercompetitive Academic Environment
Stephanie Noel, CEI Intern
Upcoming Events and Announcements

Workshop on Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being

With Dr. Christine Mason, Jeff Donald, Krishna Kaur, Dr. Michele Rivers Murphy, and Valerie Brown

Register Now and receive our book at no additional cost! In this time of stress and trauma, participate in this transformational experience. We will answer your questions, give you practical hints, and help you understand how the practices we recommend can be game-changers for you and your students.
Join us on Feb. 16, Feb. 23, and Mar. 3 at 7-8:30 pm.  Learn about our ground-breaking work in education.

Cultivating Resilience Podcast

podcast series that showcases thought leaders and school leaders at all levels who are working to lessen the impact of trauma that students bring with them to school. 

Search "Cultivating Resilience: A Whole Community Approach to
Alleviating Trauma in Schools" on your favorite podcast provider (Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon, Stitcher, etc.)

Recharging Education: CEI Survey

Please complete our survey by February 20th to help CEI understand how we can best support our advocacy for teachers, schools, and students.

Available Now:

Cultivating Happiness, a new book by Dr. Christine Mason, Jeffrey Donald, Krishna Kaur Khalsa, Michele M. Rivers Murphy, and Valerie Brown.

Here's what readers are saying:

"Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement represents an immense contribution to the field. Beginning with research findings, the authors anticipate and address virtually every what, why, how, who, when, and where question that educators, parents, and the public may have about the book’s subject. Their goal is nothing less than to provide blueprints for an education that truly serves the needs of students and teachers in today’s troubled times. They have succeeded!"

Richard Brady
Author of Walking the Teacher’s Path with Mindfulness and Founder of the Mindfulness in Education Network
"This generously comprehensive manual will open new doors for any educator hoping to share best practices in introducing yoga and mindfulness to their students and schools. Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement fills an important gap in well-being in education work, reminding us of the crucial importance of paying attention to the body, mind, and heart when working with young people. Well-being is increasingly taking center stage in educational redesign initiatives, and the authors rightly emphasize the importance of teachers establishing their own awareness before setting out on this rich and rewarding journey with their students. With this valuable book by their side, teachers will be equipped with a wide range of practical self-care tools and approaches to bring greater well-being to themselves and their community."

Kevin Hawkins and Amy Burke

Learn more about Dr. Mason’s recent and upcoming books and availability on her website