I took my dog on our annual river trip this past weekend. We had a great time covering 32 miles in two days. The lone exception is that I failed to listen to my father’s advice in testing my equipment in advance. When I was a kid, he would always say “prior planning prevents poor performance.” My other idol, Bobby Knight, added a sixth “P”- for color- but the sentiment was the same.
I should have listened. Sleeping on a gravel bar with a deflated air mattress is less than ideal.
Tech Council Meeting Wrap-up
Thank you to everyone who attended our Tech Council meeting this week at our office in Chicago. Additionally, I would like to thank our speakers Representative Lamont Robinson, DoIT Secretary Jennifer Ricker and Assistant Secretary Brandon Ragle.
Representative Robinson focused most of his remarks on narrowing the digital divide. He is focused on both racial and wealth gaps, as well as geographic ones in terms of access to the digital infrastructure required to prosper in the 21st century. He mentioned the success of the data center incentive and the need in the coming sessions to extend its duration.
The representative also generously stood for questions. Of course, I asked him about BIPA and he indicated he felt there was room for improvement with the bill and a willingness to work with us in order to do so. His goal is to balance the interests of privacy and innovation.
DoIT Secretary Ricker also spoke about diversity issues. She mentioned that the agency has doubled its BEP spend and recently hired a Chief Diversity Officer. The agency is struggling to fill vacancies in a timely manner but is ramping up efforts with local colleges and universities. They currently have 500 openings out of a headcount of 1700.
Assistant Secretary Ragle spoke about the efforts to move state websites off premises. They are roughly one-third of the way finished with that effort. He also discussed cybersecurity efforts as DoIT works with local election authorities and will soon work to help municipalities with their cyber navigator program. Coming full circle, that local government portion was passed in legislation carried last year by Representative Robinson.
Speaking of DoIT…
Further congratulations are in order to the agency as NASCIO selected DoIT as a national awards finalist on Wednesday. The national award nominations showcase the use of information technology to address critical business problems, more easily connect residents to their government, improve business processes, and create new opportunities that improve lives. DoIT is among 31 finalists across 10 categories from nearly 90 nominations for NASCIO’s State IT Awards.