Cooking Matters Series
June 1 - July 6, 2o22 // 7 pm EDT
Join the Carolina Hunger Initiative for free online, nutrition, and cooking education lessons! This Cooking Matters series encourages caregivers and their children to prepare healthy meals and snacks together. Lessons will also share ideas on how to help kids eat more fruits and vegetables, and will include live cooking demonstrations. All lessons will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to participants after completing the registration form.
Register here.
Self-Advocacy: Getting What You Need to Thrive
June 8, 2022 // 3 pm EDT
In this workshop with the BIMPOC School Nutrition Leadership Network, participants will spend time digging into what self-advocacy is and how to do it. Participants will also talk to one another about how they have used self-advocacy in the past, what barriers prevent us from speaking up about our needs, and get prepared to use it in the future so we can all thrive!
This workshop is free and open to Black, Indigenous, Multiracial, and People of Color who are working in the school food system.
Register here.
Funding Your School Food Garden
June 14, 2022 // 4 pm EDT
In this webinar, hosted by Kids Gardening, a panel of garden experts will discuss ways to fundraise. From crowdfunding, to securing donations, learn what makes your program attractive to local supporters. Join to learn how to fundraise and secure donations locally.
Register here.
Racial Equity in Farm to School Training Series (Virtual Workshops)
June 21 - October 25, 2022 //3 - 5 pm EDT
Please join the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) Farm to School Initiative for a virtual series on Racial Equity in Farm to School. This free, 5 session, 120 min workshop series will be led by a team from we are ( This year’s series will be structured to allow for extended learning for past attendees while remaining accessible for new participants. Join us! Questions? Contact
Register here.
Women in Agriculture Conference
August 17 - 18, 2022
The AgrileadHer™ conference is created for every woman who is passionate about agriculture and food, whether you are a university student studying agriculture, producer, entrepreneur, representative of a grower association, or corporate agribusiness. Register for the 2022 virtual conference today and get inspired to make a difference in your career.
The conference is hosted by the University of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and the University of Tennessee. Funding was made possible in part by the USDA's Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) grants.
Register here.