April 18, 2023
So Said Saint Vincent
"The good God, who has ordinarily provided you with everything
at the right moment, will not abandon you now."
— St. Vincent de Paul
Vincentian Insights from the Province
Fr. John Freund, CM

I Thought I Knew the Apostles.
Fr. Freund explores his growing realization that the struggle the church faces today existed even among those Jesus chose. Read his reflection HERE.
Fr. Tom McKenna, CM
Toward Jerusalem
As disciples of Christ, we profess to follow the Lord Jesus. Can we follow behind Him with His Father’s presence, but also to places simmering with rejection of His view of the world? Read Fr. Mc Kenna's reflection HERE

Fr. Patrick Griffin, CM
A Vincentian View:
Washed Feet
The washing of the feet offers the important lesson dealing with the humble service of the poor. As Vincentians, we see and hear that instruction as we
strive to do what Jesus did. Read Fr. Griffin's reflection HERE
Special VinSight

Our history from the days of the Garden shows that God remains our God even through the worst of times. Sadly, the chosen people over and over wavered in their grateful acceptance of God’s gift. They also forgot their mission to be a light to all peoples. God meant for them to model treating others as God treated them. Instead, they became like children who, as they grow up, think they know more than the parents who want the best for their children. Read Fr. Freund's reflection HERE.
May is the month of our Blessed Mother. Join us at The Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for our annual May Procession to honor her with songs, the Rosary, Novena prayers, flowers, a special crown of roses, and Mass. Learn More HERE.
Easter 2023:
Through the Eyes of Mary, Finale
With Father Aidan Rooney, CM

In this video, Fr. Aidan Rooney, CM, Executive Vice President for Mission at St. John’s University in Queens, New York, ponders how the Blessed Mother has spoken directly to our Catholic community through her many apparitions, sharing her universal message and bringing us closer to her Son, Our Lord Jesus.
Meet Fr. Hugo Medellín, CM
A monthly series in Vincentian Voices where we ask five random questions to an Eastern Province Priest or Brother.
This month, we talk with Father Hugo Medellín, CM, who serves as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Charlotte, NC. To read Father's answers click HERE.

Final Vincentian Chair Lecture Discusses Religion and Democracy

All of us have a stake in whether or not the Church, as a corporate body, is willing and able to stand as a prophetic witness against racism in our time. Shawn Copeland, PhD, Professor Emerita of Systematic Theology, the Department of Theology and the Program in African and African Diaspora Studies at Boston College, made that exhortation during her final Vincentian Chair of Social Justice lecture of the 2022-23 academic year, “Prophetic Faith and Social Reform.”
Niagara University shows "Power of Our Voice" to end
gender-based violence

Hundreds of Niagara University students, faculty and staff were joined by members of the community on March 30 to “Take Back the Night.” The annual event, now in its sixth year, aims to end gender-based violence in all forms, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
SUPPORT the Work of the Vincentians
The Vincentian Priests and Brothers of the Eastern Province serve those on the margins in areas often forgotten by the world. This includes pastoring the poorest of parishes, prison ministry, addiction recovery, immigrant and migrant services, and much more.
Fr. Rooney's most popular Vincentian Minute video from the past month is titled,
A Vincentian Minute: Signs of New Life and Eternal Life 1
Fr. Rooney relates the themes of Lent to Vincentian Spiritual Practice
That's Very Vincentian
Fr. Tomaž Mavrič meets with the Vincentian
Marian Youth (VMY) in Rwanda and Burundi
Superior General Fr. Tomaž was in Central Africa from March 12-24, 2023, visiting different communities of the Congregation of the Mission, the Daughters of Charity, and meeting with different branches of the Vincentian Family, including the VMY in Central Africa, Rwanda and Burundi. Read the reflection HERE.
A Very Vincentian Poem

To the Poor

Child of distress, who meet’st the bitter scorn
Of fellow-men to happier prospects born,
Doomed Art and Nature’s various stores to see
Flow in full cups of joy—and not for thee;
Who seest the rich, to heaven and fate resigned,
Bear thy afflictions with a patient mind;
Whose bursting heart disdains unjust control,
Who feel’st oppression’s iron in thy soul,
Who dragg’st the load of faint and feeble years,
Whose bread is anguish, and whose water tears;
Bear, bear thy wrongs—fulfill thy destined hour,
Bend thy meek neck beneath the foot of Power;
But when thou feel’st the great deliverer nigh,
And thy freed spirit mounting seeks the sky,
Let no vain fears thy parting hour molest,
No whispered terrors shake thy quiet breast:
Think not their threats can work thy future woe,
Nor deem the Lord above like lords below;—
Safe in the bosom of that love repose
By whom the sun gives light, the ocean flows;
Prepare to meet a Father undismayed,
Nor fear the God whom priests and kings have made.

Photo by: Timur Weber
Comic by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM
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