February 2021 | Vol. 2
The Trent Symons Campus Lands are a precious asset, rich in natural and cultural heritage, vital to the resilience of Trent and our communities. Our vision is to create an inspiring, sustainable, and complete community to learn, live, innovate, and be active. In our care for and use of the land, Trent will demonstrate leadership in environmental education and stewardship, respect for Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, and thoughtful integration of the natural and built environment. 
Review the Draft Implementation Plan
This Implementation Plan, part IV of the Trent Lands & Nature Areas Plan, identifies a Trent-specific approach through which the ideas and concepts of this Plan may be achieved to support the campus vision and principles. It also includes a monitoring and review process that allows for the Plan to evolve as the world around us changes, maintaining the University’s competitive and leadership role as our understanding, partnerships, and available technologies grow.

Feedback is being accepted until Friday, March 5, 2021, and the Implementation Plan will be presented to the University's Board of Governors at their March meeting.
Implementation Plan Priorities
  • Caring for and stewarding the campus lands (including the Trent Nature Areas) to create a thriving campus for people and the environment;
  • Supporting the University’s academic mission by securing space for current and future students, and ensuring a sustainable financial future;
  • Demonstrating leadership by addressing the most pressing issues of our region, including housing, employment, and food security, and contributing to the region’s economic recovery;
  • Advancing reconciliation through a commitment to ongoing collaboration with the Michi Saagiig First Nations, and the inclusion of new spaces for Indigenous teachings and ceremony, and placemaking that honours and incorporates Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK); and
  • Engaging with the University’s diverse communities and, where appropriate, creating space for meaningful involvement and collaboration.
Implementation Plan Highlights
The Implementation Plan brings the Trent Lands & Nature Areas Plan to life, addressing key principles:
  • Guiding engagement and communications for individual projects
  • Stewardship of the University Green Network and Nature Areas, including guidance on creating the system-level plan, and Nature Area Management Plans
  • Campus planning and the development process
  • Ongoing monitoring
Draft for Review


Full Reports

Background Data Reports
Planning for the Future
Since the 1964 Trent University Master Plan, land use planning has helped to protect, enhance and support our natural setting, teaching and research, the student experience, our academic reputation and the surrounding communities.
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