We're creating an EJP Speakers Bureau!
We get many invitations each year to speak to external audiences who want to learn about EJP and more general topics such as reentry and higher education in prison. We also get requests for speakers with personal experience of incarceration.
To date, we've invited EJP members and alumni to accept these invitations on an ad hoc basis. Now, we want to create a more formal process. It starts with working with the U of I's Speaking Center, which is designing a 3-part public speaking workshop especially for EJP members this spring.
Any EJP member is invited to participate. The skills you learn in this workshop series will be very transferable to other areas of work and life.
We're still nailing down the schedule for the workshops, but there will be three of them, 75 - 90 minutes each. Becoming part of the speakers bureau requires a) participating in this 3-part series, b) attending occasional refreshers, and c) giving support to other members of the bureau and being part of the team.
Occasionally, organizations offer compensation to speakers, and of course members of the Speakers Bureau would be able to receive those funds.
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