EJP Member Announcements

Jan 17, 2023

Click here to view as webpage.

Welcome to EJP's new writer, Mollie Hosmer-Dillard! Mollie is based in Utah and will offer support to projects such as the EJP handbook, reentry guides, and one pagers.

Spring 2023 EJP Directory
2022-23 EJP Handbook

Volunteers Needed: EJP Info Sessions

and Drop-In Tables

It's that time of year again! We're accepting applications to work with EJP programs at Danville, the Reentry Guide Initiative, internship program, and the research & policy team.

We plan two info tables (in person) and two zoom sessions for prospective applicants. You might not think you're an expert on EJP, but people wanting to learn more about us greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet current members. Working at these sessions is a valuable and much appreciated way to support EJP and our recruitment process.

(Also, if you're able to host a table in your own part of campus, please let Rebecca Ginsburg know. That would be great! We have lots of materials ready to go!)

Please sign up for slots here:

Interview Training

If you've been part of EJP for more than a few months, you know that we frequently invite EJP members to participate in interviews.

We do a LOT of interviewing in EJP. :)

We're holding a short workshop for individuals who are interested in learning more about what's involved with serving on an EJP nterview team or a search committee. We want to demystify the process and hopefully generate some interest among more EJP members in taking on these important and fun roles.

Interested? We'll schedule the 45-minute workshop around people's availability.

Please sign up here.

Spring 2023 Critical Conversations

We have four critical conversations scheduled for Spring 2023, on Feb 20, March 29, April 12, and May 5. The subject is language and the conversations so far this year have been deep and challenging.

For more details, to access the (short) readings and videos, and register, please visit the link below.

As a reminder, all EJP members are respectfully required to attend at least one critical conversation each year. If you're reading this, the requirement applies to you! Thank you!

Register for critical conversation

EJP Speakers' Bureau

We're creating an EJP Speakers Bureau!

We get many invitations each year to speak to external audiences who want to learn about EJP and more general topics such as reentry and higher education in prison. We also get requests for speakers with personal experience of incarceration.

To date, we've invited EJP members and alumni to accept these invitations on an ad hoc basis. Now, we want to create a more formal process. It starts with working with the U of I's Speaking Center, which is designing a 3-part public speaking workshop especially for EJP members this spring.

Any EJP member is invited to participate. The skills you learn in this workshop series will be very transferable to other areas of work and life.

We're still nailing down the schedule for the workshops, but there will be three of them, 75 - 90 minutes each. Becoming part of the speakers bureau requires a) participating in this 3-part series, b) attending occasional refreshers, and c) giving support to other members of the bureau and being part of the team.

Occasionally, organizations offer compensation to speakers, and of course members of the Speakers Bureau would be able to receive those funds.

Want to learn more? Please complete this short form.

History of the Prison

EJP Director Rebecca Ginsburg is teaching History of the Prison again this spring. EJP members are welcome to visit the class whenever there's a topic of interest to you. It's a large class and you can come and go as you wish.

The class is Mon/Wed 11 - 12:20pm in Armory 101. The syllabus is attached. Please see pp. 9 - 10 for class schedule.

History of the Prison syllabus

Save the Date: EJP Homecoming

Sat Sept 26, 2023

We're thrilled to be on the verge of EJP's 15th anniversary!

It's been a long time since all outside EJP members gathered together -- since pre-COVID. The lack of connection has been costly. Our anniversary is the perfect occasion to re-connect, reflect, share, and fortify ourselves. For that reason, attendance is required for all EJP members.

Please reserve Saturday September 26 for a full-day homecoming/retreat. We hope that we're providing enough time for everyone to adjust their schedules so that they can participate. Travel funds and carpools will be made available.

Thank you for prioritizing this event and looking forward!

EJP Director Drop-in Hours

EJP director Rebecca Ginsburg is having weekly drop-in hours Tuesdays from 2 - 3pm. You can stop by in person at 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign (Campus YMCA building, 2nd floor) or connect via zoom.

Her door is open for questions, concerns, or just to chat. If you haven't yet met Rebecca, she asks you to consider dropping in just to say hello!

Open Positions with other Organizations

Policy/Campaign Organizer,

California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CA)

Summer Intern,

Douglass Project Summer Fellowship Program (virtual)

Open Positions with EJP

Undergrad and grad hourly positions:

Graphic Design Team Member

Program Assistant (based at DCC)

Other positions:

VISTA/Americorp (paid a flat stipend for the year)

You must first make an online profile and then search for EJP's posted position.

Coordinator positions:

Below please find current open EJP coordinator positions. Coordinators receive $2,000/semester stipends. Click on the links below for full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply. All the positions below are based at Danville Correctional Center and require the ability to get clearance.


(We'd love to get our student newsletter up and running again!)

Computer Lab Coordinator

(We're one of the few college-in-prison programs with a dedicated computer lab.)

Mindfulness Group Co-Coordinator

(Seeking two individuals for this long-standing program.)

Writing Workshops Co-Coordinator

(Students seek opportunities to write and publish.)

CAVE Co-Coordinator

(This innovative program addresses violence through a trauma-informed lens.)

Your Birthday Month

We'd love to help you celebrate your birthday by sending you a little something during your birthday month. It's another way of saying thank you for being part of EJP.

We invite all members of EJP to tell us your birthday month, whatever your role and wherever you're based.

It only takes one minute to complete the form. Thank you!

Have Announcements to Share?

Please use the form below to share any announcements you want us to include in upcoming Member Notices.

Announcement Request Form

The mission of the Education Justice project is to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole.