TBZ Celebrates Pride Month!
Dear TBZ community:

Each year as we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, we recognize the ongoing gift of receiving Torah. This is the holiday of revelation. The Torah is given to us and we accept it as the guide to our lives, to our actions and our practices. 

Our tradition teaches that even before receiving the Torah, we accepted it with the words Na'aseh V’Nishma - we will do and we will hear.  

We receive the Torah with the understanding that our relationship with God and Torah is one of acceptance and action. In the story of Sinai, the Jewish people promise first to observe the laws of the Torah, and only afterward to study its laws. This statement has come to symbolize the Jewish commitment to Torah and mitzvot as a path of Jewish living. 

But how so? What does it mean that we accept Torah? That Torah is revealed to us? What does it mean that we act through Torah? I understand it as Torah, God’s teachings, are the guiding principle of our lives, of all what we do, of all the ways we show up in the world. 

We learn from a teaching attributed to the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism, the following: 

There will be times when something will come your way
And you will be uncertain whether or not to pursue it
If you have studied Torah that day, however, 
You will be able to determine your course of action from your learning
For this to occur,
You must sustain your connection to God.
Then, He will enable you to understand the connection
Between your studies and your life. 

(Tzava’at HaRivash #31 Translation from “God in All Moments" by Rabbis Or Rose & Ebn Leader, page 97) 

The Baal Shem Tov says two things here: First he says that the practice of engaging with Torah will guide your decisions in life, and that in moments of uncertainty you will find through the practice of learning Torah the answers, guidance, and help you are seeking. Then he adds one more important thing to this teaching – that the practice of engaging with Torah must be guided by sustaining a relationship with the Source of Life. The practice of being in relationship with God and in the study of Torah, combined is what can guide us through our daily life. 
Torah is not a book, nor a scroll, that we celebrate once a year. Torah is a practice of deepening our relationship, daily, with the Divine presence in our lives so we can make decisions along the way, every day, the small and the big decisions. The commitment to learning and engaging with our Jewish texts is not just an intellectual one, it is one that calls us to a life of values and action. Torah manifests in our actions in the world.
Perhaps, I would say, it is through our showing up in the world, it is through the ways we act in the world, that Torah is revealed daily and that we can experience God. 

Every Shabbat and every time we read Torah we conclude the service with the words: 
עֵץ חַיִּים הִיא לַמַּחֲזִיקִים בָּהּ. וְתמְכֶיהָ מְאֻשָּׁר
דְּרָכֶיהָ דַרְכֵי נעַם וְכָל נְתִיבותֶיהָ שָׁלום
It is a tree of life for those who hold fast to it, 
and those who uphold it are happy. 
Its ways are pleasant,​ and all of its paths peaceful.

If we hold into Torah, we can live a life of meaning, a life that can bring joy, and happiness. And our walks through life can be ones of shalom

The blessing that one says before studying Torah reads: 

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu laasok b’divrei Torah.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to engage with words of Torah.

I love the verb used in this blessing: laasok, to engage with, to be busy with. The encounter with Torah is one of commitment and engagement. It is an encounter of relevance and meaning. 

My invitation to each of us in this Holiday of Revelation is to continue engaging with our tradition and Torah. See yourself in it. Be inspired by its teaching to live your life with intention and make it a practice.

Join us this weekend as we study Torah all night! and prepare ourselves to receive Torah. TBZ is participating in two Tikkunei Leil Shavuot (one online and one in-person), see below for more information.

May this Shabbat and this holiday bring renewal and blessings to all of you and your loved ones.
May we find strength, courage, and patience, and open our hearts with generosity.
May all those who are ill find healing. 
May we have a joyful, sweet, and peaceful Shabbat. 

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Rav Claudia
Farewell to Danny Stein this Shabbat
On June 4th we will honor and say farewell to Rabbinic Intern Danny Stein during the service. Join us in wishing Danny hatzlacha -success- on his next endeavors and expressing our gratitude for all that he brought to TBZ. Danny's last day of Beit Rabban will be June 8th.
Friday Night
June 3rd!
We are so excited to have Yoni Battat back to lead Kabbalat Shabbat services!
By Phone: 1 929 436 2866, Meeting ID: 864 8563 9530, Password: 863733

Can be accessed at
For Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv we will be using this siddur.
You may want to have your candles, kiddush cup and challah (or any bread) available to join in saying the blessings.

Check the Schedule of Service leaders HERE.
Shabbat Morning
Check the Schedule of Torah Study leaders HERE.
By Phone: 1 929 436 2866, Meeting ID: 864 8563 9530, Password: 863733

Can be accessed at
We will be using Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and festivals. 
You can download it HERE.
Download the Torah reading for Bamidbar from Etz Hayyim HERE.
Check the Schedule of Shabbat leaders HERE.
Please see the Shavuot email that went out earlier this week
for more information on all of these events.
Saturday, June 4 @ 10:30pm - Sunday, June 5 @ Sunrise (4:15am)
Channel your inner night owl at the Brookline Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Join us in person for one hour, or stay up all-night. Learn from world-renowned educators and neighborhood favorites. There will have multiple concurrent sessions starting at 10:30pm. Sessions will be held inside and outside (in a tent). Masks are required at inside sessions

There will be one Pre-Session at 7:30pm outside in the tent. You MUST preregister to attend. Space is limited and we will give priority to those aged 55+. Teachers include TBZ’s Rav Claudia, Naomi Gurt-Lind and all night singing with Noah Weinberg. Following the all night Tikkun, Rav Claudia will be leading a sunrise shacharit (with others from the Brookline Community) at the tent outside of KI at around 4:15am. 
Saturday, June 4 @ 5:00pm - Sunday, June 5 @ 6:00pm
TBZ is once again joining Temple Israel for an all night online Shavuot celebration. Join us for our 3rd annual Tikkun Zoom Shavuot. Learn alongside people from around the world as dozens of teachers, artists, and facilitators lead us in study, prayer, art making, music and more over 25 hours in the zoomosphere. Online sessions run back to back all night and day, and you can pop in for an hour or two, or brew a pot of coffee and stay with us for the long haul. Teachers include TBZ’s Rav Tiferet, Reb Moshe, Naomi Gurt-Lind. 

Saturday, 6/4 from 10:00-11:00pm:
When You Wish Upon a Jewish Star with Reb Moshe
Sunday, 6/5 from 1:00-2:00am:
The Art of Blessing: The Sefirah of Malchut as the Source of Torah
and All Blessings with Rav Tiferet
Sunday, June 5 @ 10:00am
Led by Reb Moshe and Danny Stein
Including Halel, Reading of Ruth and Yizkor

Siddur links:
By Phone: 1 929 436 2866, Meeting ID: 864 8563 9530, Password: 863733

Can be accessed at
STAY CONNECTED | 617-566-8171
Rav Claudia, Senior Rabbi - ext. 104,
Reb Moshe, Founding Rabbi,
Rav Tiferet, Rabbi of Congregational Learning & Programming - ext. 105,
Carol Kamin, President -
Susan Diller, Executive Director - ext. 102,
Rochelle Kelman, Assistant to Rav Claudia - ext. 103,
Stephanie Dyer, Office & Membership Manager - ext. 101,