In and Around the Yeshiva
Special Presentation to the Rosh Hayeshiva, Yarchei Kallah, Chanukah Mesiba, Shabbos with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita

The Mir Around the World
Houston Shabbos of Chizuk, Toronto Kabbalas Panim, Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk, Cincinnati Kabbalas Panim

Fiscal Year
Special Presentation to the Rosh Hayeshiva

When Pesach was approaching last year, there was a great deal of uncertainty in Eretz Yisroel due to the pandemic. At that time, the Rosh Hayeshiva made an impassioned plea that talmidim should stay in the Yeshiva and not return home for Yom Tov, in order to ensure that they would be there for the coming zman. Those who remained vividly recall how the Yeshiva took care of their every need, from ruchniyus to gashmiyus. There was a beautiful seder, well-planned outings, and a remarkable melding of the entire group into a close-knit family. 

Several weeks ago, on a erev Shabbos, those very talmidim presented the Rosh Hayeshiva with a newly published sefer of their chiddushim, aptly titled “Toras Hamishpacha” showing the feeling of family that was created for them. As an additional gesture of their heartfelt hakaras hatov for taking them under his wing, they gifted the Rosh Hayeshiva with a beautiful mantel (decorated cloth cover) for his shtender in the bais medrash.

After warmly accepting those presents, the Rosh Hayeshiva lovingly embraced each bochur. Together with his Rebbetzin, he made a list of all their names and said that they would have all these talmidim in mind during their tefillos. It was a highly emotional moment for the Rosh Hayeshiva and all the participants.
Yarchei Kallah
From the perspective of an alumnus: I’ve had the zchus to participate in every winter Yarchei Kallah since they began – each of them was amazingly unique! It’s really an opportunity to recharge your batteries by coming back - like a fish in water – and getting swept up in the rischa de’oraysa of our Yeshiva days – together with many other fellow alumni and friends. It’s my way of continuing to maintain and enrich my shaychus with the Rabbeim and hanhalla, both those whose shiurim I attended while in Yeshiva, as well as the others. Hagaon Harav Yosef Elefant Shlita, Hagaon Harav Moshe Aaron Friedman Shlita, Hagaon Harav Elimelech Reznik Shlita, Hagaon Harav Yehuda Wagschal Shlita, Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wollman Shlita – I’ve had many conversations with them – certainly about the sugya, and also about many other topics.

This year was extra special in that the limudim were very geshmak. “Amira in Kiddushin” was a beautiful sugya to delve into; the shiurim were in true Mir-style, extremely clear. For second seder we learned chiyuvei mazik – also very enjoyable. Spending time with friends – not going bowling –but sitting and learning together in the of koslei beis medrash the Mir makes it that much more special!

When I get back home, I’m always on such a high that my rav asks me to speak at our shul’s shalosh seudos on the following Shabbos. People get inspired when they hear about us. There’s just nothing like going back to Yeshiva and forgetting about everything else – until three o’clock in the afternoon everyone in America is asleep! Nothing but Torah exists!

To listen to shiurim given at the Yarchei Kallah, click here.
Chanuka Mesiba
This year's Chanuka Mesiba in Yeshiva was a true exhibit of sheves achim gam yachad. A huge crowd of the entire spectrum of talmidei haYeshiva – Israelis, chassidim, Americans sang and danced together. They heard inspiring drashos from Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Ezrachi Shlita and the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita, along with zemiros by the popular singer Dudi Kalish, accompanied by a full orchestra. The Rosh Hayeshiva led a special mivchan – challenging the participants with high-level yedios klaliyos questions from kol haTorah kulah. Spirited applause broke out each time a bochur successfully responded correctly! A talmid, Pinchas Menachem Ingber, presented the Rosh Hayeshiva with a special sefer containing shticklach Torah that talmidim were mechadesh during the time when the Covid restrictions were in force.

The mesiba was held on Monday night, the second ner of Chanukah, in the enormous tent that was constructed for the talmidim to have their meals during Yarchei Kallah – when the two regular dining rooms were hosting the visiting participants. The tent was beautifully retrofitted and arranged in honor of this memorable event.
Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita and his Rebbetzin upon the engagement of their daughter

Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita and his Rebbetzin upon the birth of a grandson.

Hagaon Harav Shaya Finkel Shlita and his Rebbetzin upon the engagement of their daughter.

Rabbi Adrian Garbacz and his wife upon the wedding of their son, Pinny.

Mr. Ralph Herzka and his wife upon the birth of their grandson.
Chaim Jacobs
Yechiel Klahr

Son's Wedding:
Elie Horn
Aron Puretz
Avraham Meir Retkinski
Avromi Weinberger

Daughter's Wedding:
Yoily Edelstein
Berish Jacobowitz
Mutty Ribowsky
Shmuel Tversky

Sruly Fischman
Mordy Foxbruner
Gavi Lomnitz
Akiva Rosen
Yoely Silberman

Daughter's Engagement:
Elimelech Feller
Jeff Zuckerman

Son's Engagement:
R' Asher Eisenberger
Yitzchok Levine
Bar Mitzva:
Ephraim Aron
Shui Brick
Eli Dessler
Yoely Doppelt
Mordechai Fishman
Tzvi Aryeh Friedman
Tzvi Gordon
Eliyahu Jacabowitz
Calman Janowski
Chaim Kranz
Adam Pollak
Moshe Rokowsky
Shimshon Rosenberg
Reuven Sternstein
Aharon Tatel
Yisroel Meir Weiss

Baby Boy:
Yitzi Basch
Sholom Brecher
Yechiel Chayn
Levi Chomsky
Dani Cohen
Yehuda Feder
Ami Feld
Aaron Fish
Gadi Fogel
Avromi Gutfreund
Shua Heber
Ari Hershoff
Menachem Herzka
Ari Hirschof
Zrili Klein
Eliezer Krohn
Ari Lichtshein
Yaakov Litke
Eliyahu Nathan
Moshe Neuman
Yosef Nochomowitz
David Ohana
Akiva Sunness
Eli Ungar
Daniel Whitman
Ahron Wolasky
Eli Young

Baby Girl:
Naftoli Abikhzer
Shaya Ackerman
Yitzchok Dov Bamberger
Ahron Becker
Feivel Shneur Belsky
Nussi Dessler
Yehoshua Deutsch
Tzviki Drebin
Yitzchok Drebin
Doni Gross
Chaim Herbstman
Avrohom Kram
Yitzy Levin
Pri Yaakov Oshrat
Yoni Rosenstein
Sruli Schachter
Moshe Yormark

Shmiel Basch
Shlomo Zalman Gutfreund
Yaakov Kaplan
Chaim Schattner
Pinny Stern
Itchie Toder
Jerry Wolasky

Chananya Brody
Dovid Spector
Share your Simcha

Shabbos with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita
At 9:30 on Friday morning Parshas Vayigash, five busloads of talmidim departed from Yeshiva. Their destination was a beautiful campus located near Yam Hamelech, in the city of Arad, where they would spend a special Shabbos together with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita.

Upon their arrival, they were directed to their rooms; it quickly became clear that there were many more bochurim than anticipated. Boruch Hashem, the Yeshiva was able to obtain additional rooms to accommodate even those who decided at the last minute that they didn't want to miss this spectacular Shabbos.

The campus was just perfect – with basketball courts, grassy lawns, breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains – enabling the bochurim to enjoy the fresh air and a change of scenery. At about an hour before Shabbos, the Rosh Hayeshiva was seated on the lawn, where he personally distributed a “Shabbos package” to every one of the talmidim. Shabbos was ushered in with a beautiful Kabbalas Shabbos in the packed shul. The Rosh Hayeshiva spoke between Kabbalas Shabbos and Maariv. Why, asked the Rosh Hayeshiva, would a bochur come to Eretz Yisroel specifically to learn in the Mir? He explained that a bochur needs to acquire a kesher with the Torah and with Rabbeim who are the mosrei haTorah.

The Rosh Hayeshiva added that many parents ask to send their love to their children; he emphasized that every single talmid should know that they are his ben yachid –he will do everything to help them just as their own parents!

The Rosh Hayeshiva continued by offering two incentives: firstly, bochurim who will learn an extra half hour of night seder each night will accompany the Mashgiach Shlita to a makom kadosh on the following Rosh Chodesh to be mispallel together for continued hatzlacha in Torah and avodah. In addition, there will be a siyum celebrating the completion of the main masechta learned in Yeshiva (Bava Basra) at the home of one the gedolei hador.

The Friday night seudah was enhanced with divrei Torah from the Rabbeim and bochurim. One of the highlights at the seudah was the riddle posed by the Rosh Hayeshiva. Many bochurim rushed over with suggestions of possible answers; they were awarded accordingly. At one point, the entire oilam burst into lively song with everyone standing up together with the Rosh Hayeshiva, enhancing the spirit of achdus that prevailed since the Shabbos began.

After taking time out for a learning seder, the oilam came back for an outdoor oneg in the fresh air. The Rosh Hayeshiva shared a very powerful and emotional story – interwoven with songs –that was very much מעורר the crowd. This was followed by a Q&A session, with the Rosh Hayeshiva explaining and discussing a wide range of topics. The oilam got very involved; there was lively give and take about the various subjects that came up. There was plenty of delicious cholent and desserts, of course.

Shabbos morning began with davening, led by skilled chazzanim who created a lively ruach. The Shabbos day meal featured zemiros being sung by all; the Sefardi bochurim even put together a choir with their customary zemiros. A different group of rebbeim and bochurim offered divrei Torah. One of the bochurim who spoke thanked the Rosh Yeshiva for his concern about every single detail, ensuring that the bochurim should have everything they need to learn and shteig in the best way possible. The Rosh Hayeshiva asked another riddle and then posed questions on the parsha based on the Aleph Beis.

Shabbos afternoon was enjoyed by everyone. The weather was just right; many took walks together or learned on the porches – a real מנוחת שבת.

Shalosh seudos was once again a beautiful meal with inspirational singing and a rousing drasha that prompted the oilam to get up and dance spontaneously to songs about Torah and achdus.
Following Havdalah, everyone packed their belongings and prepared to leave; some went to play ball while the Melave Malka was set up. Delicious fresh pizza arrived; lively music filled the air as the bochurim danced together with the Rosh Yeshiva. Everyone returned to Yeshiva with the shared feeling that this Shabbos was mechazek them in a way that they will never forget!
Houston Shabbos of Chizuk
On Shabbos Parshas Toldos, Harav Hagaon Moshe Aaron Friedman Shlita visited the city of Houston, Texas – home to approximately fifty Mir alumni – for the Yeshiva's third Shabbos of Chizuk in the city.

Upon his arrival on Thursday evening, Rav Friedman was hosted for dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Berger, recent arrivals in Houston who take great pride in the close relationship Gavriel enjoyed with the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Nosson Tzvi zt"l.

Rav Moshe Aaron then delivered a captivating Chumash shiur at the Kollel; a crowd of close to one hundred people hung on to his every word, imbibing every nuance and subtle detail.

Friday morning began with a vasikin Shacharis. Rav Moshe Aaron shared divrei bracha and chizzuk, first at Torah Girls Academy, then at both the boys’ and the girls’ divisions of Yeshiva Torat Emet. He then visited Dr. Zev Munk, the founder and driving force behind the Kollel, schools as well as the overall growth of the Houston kehilla. At the end of first seder, Rav Friedman went to the Kollel to deliver a Sichas Mussar.

Rav Moshe Aaron davened Mincha and Kabbalas Shabbos at the Young Israel of Houston. A beautiful Friday night Oneg, hosted by Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Friedman, was a truly enjoyable experience for all, with spirited singing and inspiring divrei Torah.

On Shabbos morning, Rav Moshe Aaron davened at the 8:00 am Minyan at the Kollel of Houston, where he also said a shiur. He then went to Heimish for Musaf followed by a Kiddush, where he really connected to the crowd and shared Divrei Torah with them.

Mincha and Shalosh Seudos took place at the Young Israel, where Rav Moshe Aaron shared Divrei Torah as well. He took great pleasure in observing so many fathers and sons learning b’chavrusa with geshmak at the the Avos Ubanim program.

The home of R’ and Mrs. Yaakov Polatsek was overflowing with alumni and community members who came to join the Melave Malka. The excitement and camaraderie were palpable.

Rav Moshe Aaron was blown away by the extent of growth and expansion of the Shul and Kollel, and the city at large, since the previous Shabbos of Chizuk in January 2020, just before Covid. It is mind boggling what influence the Kollel, headed by Rabbi Shlomo Littman and run by Rabbi Moshe Friedman, has had and iy”h will continue to have on the city. In the past year, the city has welcomed twenty-five new families! Rav Moshe Aaron was so impressed by the level of chinuch and the vibrancy of Torah and ruchniyus, that he said he’s eagerly looking to visit whenever the next time is – even if it’s this coming Shabbos!

We thank all our hosts, talmidim and the community at large for a most memorable Shabbos.
Toronto Kabbalas Panim
Toronto, which has not seen any Rabbonim or guests from abroad for two years due to the Covid situation, was delighted to welcome back the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Binyomin Carlebach shlita on Tuesday, November 9th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Werner. There was palpable excitement among Mir alumni and parents who waited so long to have the Rosh Yeshiva in their home town once again. A very large crowd attended the event, including many of the younger alumni who are actively becoming involved in Mir happenings. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, with singing, approaching Rav Binyomin for a bracha, and catching up on everyone’s news. Meetings with the Rosh Yeshiva extended far beyond their allotted times; people simply didn’t want it to come to a close.
Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk
The Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Nachman Levovitz Shlita and R"M, Harav Hagaon Meir Zvi Shpitzer Shlita infused the Cleveland community with much chizuk and inspiration during the weekend of Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei, the seventh “Shabbos with the Mir” in the Cleveland community.

The event was especially memorable and inspiring this year, as Rav Nachman – the Yeshiva’s representative in Cleveland – was able to personally attend, accompanied by Rav Meir Zvi.

Rav Levovitz delivered sichos mussar at Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai in University Heights on Thursday evening, and at Kollel Ateres Nachum Zev on Friday morning. He then addressed a crowd of about 250 older elementary and high school students at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, whose Financial Director, Rabbi Eli Dessler, is a talmid and a longtime friend of the Yeshiva who had initiated Rav Nachman’s visits to Cleveland over thirty years ago.

On Friday night, he spoke following Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos at Ahavas Yisroel. Following the seudah, a well-attended Oneg Shabbos was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Pollak in Cleveland Heights. The next morning, Rav Levovitz spoke after Shacharis at Shomre Shabbos, and then during Shalosh Seudos at Khal Yereim.

Rav Shpitzer delivered a Shiur Iyun on the sugya of Prozbul at the Torah Life/Agudah Building on Friday morning. He spoke after Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos at Zichron Asher Zelig. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Malcmacher arranged a beautiful Oneg Shabbos in their home in University Heights following the Friday night seuda. An impressive crowd of over one hundred people from the community participated, some walked from a considerable distance. Rav Shpitzer’s Divrei Agada were followed by a lively and informative Q&A session on intriguing halacha questions.

On Shabbos morning, Rav Meir Zvi davened at the Young Israel of Cleveland; for Mussaf and Kiddush, he joined Bais Avrohom (Rav Nissim Abrin’s shul). In the afternoon, he delivered a halacha shiur at Zichron Chaim, where he stayed for Mincha and Shalosh Seudos.
On Motzei Shabbos, Rav Nachman and Rav Meir Zvi graced the Annual Alumni Melave Malka, hosted by Rabbi and Mrs. Eby Schabes, who recently moved back from Eretz Yisroel and are continuing the path of friendship with the Yeshiva of both sets of their grandparents – the Schnells of Chicago and the Kleins of Cleveland.

We thank all our hosts, talmidim and the community at large for a most memorable Shabbos.
Cincinnati Kabbalas Panim
The Cincinnati community had the zchus of hosting Hagaon Harav Nachman Levovitz Shlita, the first ever visit by one of the Mir Roshei Yeshiva to Cincinnati. He was graciously hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wilheim.

Harav Nachman was able to touch and provide chizuk to so many people in the short time he was there. He visited the Cincinnati Hebrew Day School and was greeted by dozens of boys singing “Yomim” together, dancing Rav Nachman into the Bais Medrash where the Rosh Yeshiva spoke and then greeted every boy.

Harav Nachman moved on to daven mincha in the Communicare offices in Blue Ash and had lunch with many of the frum employees there. Harav Nachman interwove the relationship of Eliezer and his master Avraham into a mission for us to realize our true purpose to be m’kadesh shem shamayim while keeping true to the tznius that yiddin are supposed to be living with.

The Cincinnati Kollel then hosted Harav Nachman for a shmooze given to the yungeleit, followed by a tour given by Rabbi Heinemann. Harav Nachman toured Atara High School and spoke to the girls right before dismissal before moving on to a dinner at the Mesivta of Cincinnati with the bochurim, Rabbeim, and fathers. He regaled the boys with stories and lessons in his almost 60 years of being part of the Mir as well as from his Zeidy, the Mir mashgiach, Hagaon Harav Yeruchem Levovitz zt’l.

After Maariv, Harav Nachman joined dozens of Mir alumni and friends at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Zoimen. There was a palpable energy of excitement and recognition of having one of the ziknei Rosh Yeshiva of Eretz Yisroel take his precious time out to come visit Cincinnati, to give chizuk. R’ Yosef Zoimen introduced the program and spoke of the hakoras hatov and excitement on everyone’s mind. R’ Mechael Soroka then shared his memories and reminisced of Harav Nosson Zvi’s zt’l herculean efforts to make time to learn with each chaburah and each bochur that wanted, no matter how he was feeling or what was going on. R’ Michy Fishman remembered the coziness that was felt every first seder on the same benches used for the last seventy years and discussed how alumni started a post Yom Kippur seder they had in the Mir and then took that idea and brought it to Cincinnati, where it has thrived every Motzai Yom Kippur over the past ten years. Harav Nachman in his address remarked on those memories and implored the oilem to come together again as a chaburah. Just as the Mir bochurim in Shanghai had started mailing divrei Torah to one another that lasted long after they left the daled koslei hayeshivah, so too should the Cincinnati Mir Chaburah work to develop a program to be able to share divrei torah with one another in a meaningful and constant way.

Early the next morning, Harav Nachman was on his way back to New York to catch a flight back to Eretz Yisroel, taking with him the varmkeit of the Cincinnati community. 
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