Hello conservation community,
April brings many things, but one thing our Education and Outreach Staff are focused on is the upcoming Earth Day Napa Celebration! We will be busy as bees, coordinating the Community Cleanup and helping everyone get set up for the festivities at the Oxbow Commons. We hope to see you there, taking action and learning right here in Napa County.
Until next time,
Napa RCD
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Program Spotlight
- Creating Community: The Napa Valley Community Forest
News & Announcements
- March Rainfall Summary
- What do YOU want to hear about?
- Rotary Screw Trap - Update
- Earth Day Napa- See you there!
- Hold the Date for the Climate-Friendly Garden Tour!
- Clear as Mud Workshop Series
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In Case You Missed It
- Soil Hub Website Update
- 2023 Spring Trails Challenge
- Upcoming Workshop - Forest Health and Fire History in Napa County
Upcoming Programs
- See below for details- there's a LOT going on this spring!
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Creating Community:
The Napa Valley Community Forest
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Over the past two years, we've worked with the City of St Helena, Sustainable St Helena, various schools and community groups, and the general public to plant native oaks and redwoods in the Napa Valley Community Forest, located in the effluent spray fields at the St Helena Wastewater Treatment Plant along Zinfandel Lane.
But... why? It all started with Napa RCD Board Member Paul Asmuth, his love for redwoods, and an idea for a community forest. In 2012, Paul worked with the City of St Helena to plant 400 redwood trees as a trial run to see if the idea of using effluent spray to irrigate trees would work. It did! Napa RCD got involved in 2021 when Paul asked for our help to get volunteers and crews out to plant another 400 trees, and by the end of 2022 about 1,800 redwoods were in the ground.
Read more about the Napa Valley Community Forest on our website!
Want to help? Join us as we celebrate Arbor Day on April 29! Register HERE today!
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March Rainfall Summary
Paul Blank, Napa RCD Environmental Scientist
March brought 11 storms and sixteen days of measurable rainfall to the Napa Valley. Rain totals observed at the County ALERT monitoring stations (napa.onerain.com) were well above average for the month, ranging between 9.0 inches in the City of Napa and 15.9 inches at Mt. Veeder. These totals represent approximately 35% of mean annual precipitation. On average, we get 13% during the month of March. On the season, we have now received 125% of our annual rainfall, officially making 2022-23 an above-average water year. Seasonal totals range between 33.4 and 56.1 inches.
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What do YOU want to hear about?
Each month, Napa RCD staff produce this newsletter to share highlights of our work with you. We try to select topics that we think you want to hear about.
This month, in a stroke of genius- if we do say so ourselves- we decided to ask all of YOU what you'd like to hear about! Take a moment to review the projects listed in the dropdown menus on our website, and give a little feedback!
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Rotary Screw Trap - Update
Thanks to an above-average water year (see Paul's Rainfall Summary, above) the Napa River has been FLOWING- and yes, we meant that in all capital letters!
The Rotary Screw Trap (RST) is one way we monitor fish in the Napa River- it's a big metal funnel that is partially submerged in the water and is turned by the current of the river. With flows so high, the RST has experienced a few rough weeks and has some damage that needs to be fixed before it can safely catch fish. Our staff are working on it, and we'll keep you updated.
We hope to reschedule our Rotary Screw Trap Open House for late May, but that will be dependent on the fish, flows, and the repairs of the RST. Stay tuned and we'll keep you informed!
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Earth Day Napa- See You There!
SUNDAY, April 23
Join Napa RCD and our partners for the Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup, followed by the Earth Day Napa Festival at Oxbow Commons!!
We’ve got cleanup sites throughout the City of Napa, and even one in Yountville, so we’re sure you’ll find a spot that works for you! Visit our website to view the sites and find a link to registration.
Bring your own bucket, gloves, and trash grabber if you have them, and we will have some to share at each site! Wear sturdy shoes, dress in layers, and bring a full water bottle. We will be done just in time to head to the Earth Day Napa Festival at the Oxbow Commons from 11am-4pm!
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Hold the Date: The Climate-Friendly Garden Tour is May 13 in Napa!
We are excited to share that the Climate-Friendly Garden Tour will be taking place on May 13 in Napa and Yountville! We're going back to basics, and hosting a traditional garden tour that will look much like the tours from years past- gardens will display water-wise, native, and drought-tolerant landscaping that is beautiful and functional. There will also be workshops, a compost and mulch giveaway, and more!
Additional programming in American Canyon will be announced soon, so stay tuned.
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Clear as Mud Workshop Series for Ag Professionals
Join the North Coast Soil Hub and other technical assistance providers at Shone Farm for a half-day focusing on soil health assessment and collaborative approaches to technical assistance. We will discuss in-field soil health assessment, selecting appropriate lab tests, pairing field evaluation with lab analyses, and explore tools for communicating about soil health.
This workshop is first in a five-part series created for ag professionals. Attendance by ag professionals will be prioritized, and the event will open to producers as space allows.
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Did you Notice? The North Coast Soil Hub Website got a new look!
Take a look at the new, easier-to-navigate website that serves as a hub for all things soil health here along the north coast of California. The North Coast Soil Hub is a partnership between Gold Ridge, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Napa RCDs.
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Join the 2023 Spring Trails Challenge!
Join the annual Spring Trails Challenge and get outside to explore new parks and trails while supporting the work of our friends and partners at the Napa Open Space District!
It’s the perfect time of year for exploration here in Napa County with wildflower blooms, green hillsides, and clear days for outstanding views.
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Learn About Forest Health and Fire History in Napa County
Napa RCD is hosting a two-part workshop about forest health and fire resiliency in Napa County. Anyone who is interested in learning more about local forests, fire history and ecology, or how fire is an essential part of our ecology is welcome to join. There will be a virtual talk on Wednesday, April 26, from 6-7pm, and a field day at Linda Falls on May 6 at 9am.
Registration is free, but required.
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Invasive Plant Removal Workday at Newell Open Space
April 8 | 9am - 12pm
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Sudden Oak Death Blitz Community Science Opportunity
April 15 | 9am - 11am
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Earth Day Napa
Community Cleanup
April 23 | 9am - 11:30am
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Fire History and Fire Adapted Ecology Webinar
April 26 | 6 - 7pm
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Invasive Plant Removal Workday at Westwood Hills
April 29 | 9am - 12pm
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Arbor Day Redwood Planting
April 29 | 9am - 12pm
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Connecting to Resilient Forests Field Day at Linda Falls
May 6 | 9 - 11:30am
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Pollinators & Wildflower Hike at Newell Preserve
Now on May 7 | 9:30am - 12pm
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Help support Napa RCD Donate Today!
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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 | NapaRCD.org | | | | |