Northwood School Laker

June 3, 2022

Vision of the Graduate

Earlier this year, I mentioned that through our work with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, we are working to address a few priorities:

  • Continued work on our curriculum documents to ensure they are current and in a common format across subject areas
  • Assessment and refinement of our practices in supporting students academically and socially in a tiered framework
  • The creation of a "Vision of the Graduate" document that captures the school community's core beliefs, values, and learning expectations.

Over the course of the year, the school's Leadership Team has developed a draft Vision of the Graduate document based on the school's mission and vision statements, the strategic plan, our academic and social values, and input from the faculty and staff.  

This week Northwood School students had the opportunity to review the draft and provide feedback. We are also seeking family and community input to help us finalize the Vision of the Graduate. Please review the draft VOG below and click the button to provide feedback.

We will share the final version in the next few weeks. Thank you and enjoy the weekend!


VOG Feedback

Change to Covid Protocols

In keeping with evolving guidance from NH-DHHS, we will no longer be sending home letters notifying homerooms or grade levels of individual positive covid cases. Please check the "covid info" tab on our website for school-wide data.  

Please continue to notify Mrs. Krochmal in the event that your child needs to isolate or quarantine.  

News from Seventh & Eighth Grades

The 7th and 8th grade students and staff want to thank Hannaford for donating to our wonderful ice cream social that we had yesterday! All the fun toppings really helped to put the cherry on top for a great couple weeks of testing!

News from Kindergarten

We have been learning all about 2D and 3D in kindergarten. Two dimensions shapes are flat, but three dimensional are solid objects.  Drawing these have been a challenge, but with practice we became pros! Look at our cubes we made. They have 6 sides and 8 vertices each. We are very proud of them!

News from the Library

Good news! The Book Fair is back!

This is our first in-school book fair since 2019, so let's make it a great one! The book fair will be here from June 6th-June 10th.

Fliers will be sent home with students the week before, including instructions for setting up E-wallet.

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during the book fair. If you're interested in helping out, please email Erin Mawn

For more information about the Northwood School 2022 Book Fair, please visit: ol22

Meals Information

School & Community News

Important Dates

June 6 - 10 - Book Fair

June 8 - School Board meeting, 6:30

June 17 - Field Day (rescheduled from June 3)

June 17 - Eighth grade semi-formal, 6:00

June 20 - Eighth grade graduation, 6:00

June 22 - Last day of school (early release @ 12:30)

June 29 - Report cards issued

Please see the athletics calendar for information on games.

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