Greetings Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,
Happy New Year! The New Year began with a great first week back to school. We hope you had a wonderful break and that the winter break was filled with wonderful memories and experiences. This week’s flyer is filled with lots of important information about upcoming events and activities. I don’t want you to miss any of these important notes so here’s a little list of things to check out in today’s flyer.
You won’t want to miss an informative evening for parents on digital safety and cybersecurity presented by Carole Gundbrandson from the State’s Attorney’s Office and her tech detective canine, Browser. Join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday January 18, 2023
Family Reading Night takes on a new spin with a spaghetti dinner and time for Family Conversation. Come to “The Table” on January 26th at 5:40 p.m. for a fun family evening. No cooking required and fun guaranteed.
Join us on Friday morning January 20th at 9:45 a.m. to cheer on Rondout’s top spellers in the Rondout Spelling Bee. Come to the main entrance and sign in to join the audience.
If you have an Upper School student in grades 6-7-8, we’d like to hear from you as we plan the annual Valentine’s Day Dance from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Rondout. It’s been a few years since we’ve had the dance due to COVID and we’d like to have an idea of how many students will be attending so we can prepare for snacks, dancing with a DJ, raffle prizes and games.
ISLIP reports for students in grades 3 through 8 will be mailed home next week. Take some time to look them over and see how your child has grown over time as measured by the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. Check out the ACT/SAT predicted scores for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Signup to set up a meeting in February with Dr. Wojcik and/or Ms. Davis to review your child’s learning profile by clicking on the link below.
Next week we will share more about other exiting events including the World of Work program for 8th grade, a behind the scenes virtual field trip for K-5 to the Shedd Aquarium to learn about the Amazon Rain Forest, Engineers Teaching Algebra to the 7th grade class, several Virtual Author Visits, The Band Concert on Thursday February 2nd and out next Family Day of Service on February 25th.
These next few weeks are jam packed with lots of learning, family evets and fun. Have a great week ahead. Take care…Until next time...
Dr. Jenny Wojcik
Take care…
Until next time…
Dr. Jenny Wojcik