LifeVac Choking Rescue Devices Installed Across Waveny Campuses
Waveny LifeCare Network announces that it has installed seven LifeVac non-invasive upper airway clearing devices across its New Canaan campuses to help mitigate potential risk or injury due to choking.

LifeVac, a portable, non-invasive handheld device, can be used for emergency airway clearance where standard basic life support protocols have failed. The resident can be in any position including sitting, standing or laying down to remove the obstruction using powerful suction created by the device. Continue reading here.
Waveny to Celebrate Volunteers During National Volunteer Week

Volunteerism has been at the heart of Waveny since our inception more than 45 years ago and volunteers continue to enrich the lives of our patients, residents and their families throughout the continuum. Various events are planned across our campuses during National Volunteer Week, April 17th-21st, to celebrating these dedicated individuals.

Volunteers who serve at our Farm Road campus, the Inn, HomeCare, Hospice and the New Canaan Thrift Shop will be welcomed to campus for our specialty coffee cart and celebration. Junior volunteers will join our Care Center residents at an ice cream social. Our sincere thanks and gratitude to all the volunteers who offer their time and talents to enrich the lives of our patients, families and staff!

We would also like to express our thanks to the amazing volunteers at the Turnover Shop of Wilton whose volunteer service supports our Patient Care Fund for home and hospice care in the Wilton community.
Show Your Appreciation to Waveny's Dedicated Nurses During National Nurses Week
Thank you, nurses. Every spring, we pause for a moment to celebrate National Nurses Week by expressing our admiration and gratitude for nurses everywhere. Nurses redefine care and empathy on a daily basis. They know that health care isn’t only about healing the body, but also extending a hand to reassure, an ear to listen, a voice to advocate and a heart to connect.

Nurses make the world a better place, one patient at a time.

We invite you to join us in offering a heartfelt “thank you” to all nurses with a gift today as we celebrate them and their invaluable service as the heart of health care.  Click here to give today.
Waveny to Host Community Health Presentation, "So Many Decisions so Little Time"

Waveny is please to present a community health event titled So Many Decisions So Little Time, Empowering You and Your Family - Resources to Smooth the Path in Preparation for the End of Life Journey on Main Street at Waveny LifeCare Network on Thursday, May 11th at 7pm. Topics include "What, Why, When Hospice?" and "83 Decisions in 72 Hours" plus a question and answer session. We hope you will join us for this important presentation. Materials will be available for take-home. Please click here to RSVP.
Waveny's Expanded Telemedicine Service Program to Available to All!
Waveny's expanded Telemedicine Services Program is open to all residents in our surrounding communities. Watch the video to learn more and schedule your install today!
Waveny has nearly 600 volunteers who serve throughout our network, with 7,500 hours served in the Waveny network and 4,600 at the New Canaan Thrift Shop. Our volunteers come from 26 towns, including New Canaan, Norwalk, Stamford, Wilton, Westport, Fairfield and Darien to name a few.

Fifty percent of volunteers are aged 18 and under, joining us in partnership with organization including National Charity League, ABILIS, Darien Depot, Church Youth Groups, Scouts and more.
Bereavement Support Groups Available

Waveny-Visiting Nurse & Hospice offers Bereavement Support Groups for those who have lost a loved one, including Loss of Spouse, Loss of Parent, Loss of a Loved One and Loss and Change. Groups meet continuously through the year, both virtually and in person at 22 Danbury Road in Wilton, are free of charge and open to the public. Please call Shelia at 203-762-8958, ext 404 for a schedule and to pre-register.
Would you like to become part of our volunteer team?

You can enrich the lives of our seniors throughout the Waveny-VNH continuum of healthcare services and residences!

As a Waveny-VNH volunteer, you will become part of a vibrant and caring team, welcomed and deeply appreciated by residents, patients, staff and fellow volunteers. We have opportunities for all ages and abilities with a flexible schedule.  Choose from a range of volunteer activities which will allow you to make the maximum impact with the time you would like to share. 

If you are fully vaccinated and interested in getting involved, please contact Stella Clarke, Executive Director of Community Engagement and Volunteering at or 203-594-5334.