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Each year as fall gives way to winter, releasing its glorious mantle of leaves and slowing its pulse to gird itself for winter I am reminded of the continuity of life and loss. This year has presented many struggles, some lost and some won, yet each an opportunity to remain relentless in our beliefs and rise to the challenges that impact the health of so many Pennsylvanians. As I look back on the conversations, experiences, and collaborations I've shared with so many of you I'm humbled by the amount of passion that fuels each of you and filled with gratitude for allowing all of us at PSR PA to travel this path with you.

Tonyehn Verkitus

Executive Director

PSR PA News & Blogs

Local Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Tours

by Linnea Bond

Over the 4 days of the Clean Energy Convergence in September, PSR PA partnered with the Breathe Project and Environmental Integrity Project to organize four different tours of petrochemical manufacturing, steel and coal plants, fracking sites producing natural gas, and infrastructure that makes up the midstream section of gas production.

Read, listen, and watch for an at-home experience of Pittsburgh’s steel, coal, and gas infrastructure sites with the Steel Tour.

Continue reading on our blog.

Push for the EPA to Issue a Final Methane Rule

by Marie DeMarco, MPH

The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for shielding communities and the environment from significant health risks and to enforce environmental regulations for the benefit of public health. The harmful effects fracking has on the environment is detrimental to communities and public health.

The Environmental Protection Agency is currently working to issue a final methane rule, otherwise known as the Clean Air Act. The implementation of a final methane rule by the end of 2022 will reduce methane emissions across the United States, not only in Pennsylvania.

Continue reading on our blog.

Petition Amtrak to Cancel Natural Gas Plan for 30th Street Station 

Add your name to this sign on letter that will be sent to the Executive Vice President of Planning and Strategy and the Director of Sustainability at Amtrak. Add your name, and join us in opposing Amtrak’s plan to move from steam loop energy to gas energy at Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station. We are calling on Amtrak to cancel this plan that will lock in further fossil fuel dependence and continue to harm us, our neighbors, and our patients.

Read the entire letter and sign on here.

PSR PA LTEs and Op-Eds

Unhealthy Fracking

by Barbara W. Brandom, M.D., PSR Climate Ambassador and member of Concerned Healthcare Professionals Pennsylvania. 

Read this Letter to the Editor on our blog.

Exchange on Fracking

Key takeaways from the Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz

by Walter Tsou, MD, MPH, PSR PA Board Member

Read this Letter to the Editor on our blog.

In The News

Keep up with PSR PA In the News on our website.

See where toxic PFAS have been used in

Pennsylvanian fracking wells

by Kristina Marusic

Read the entire article on Environmental Health News.

The wisdom of a Totem Pole journey to Pittsburgh

by Debra Diamond Smit

Read the entire article on The Post Gazette.

Upcoming PSR PA Events

Public Health Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on Pennsylvania

When: November 3rd, 4-5pm

Where: Register Now!

Join us for an insightful webinar that will address how the Inflation Reduction Act will impact Pennsylvanians, featuring Chris Chyung Senior Campaign Manager for the State House to White House Initiative at the Center for American Progress, and Julie Becker, M.A., Ph.D., M.P.H., Senior Public Health Scholar and Climate Change Advisor and a PSR PA Board Member

Climate Emergency Film Club: Forests

When: November 17th, 6 to 7 PM

Where: Register Now!

Join Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania for the final panel discussions on Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops.

The world’s forests are responsible for removing a quarter of all human carbon emissions from the atmosphere and are essential for cooling the planet. But that fraction is shrinking as the three major forests of the world—tropical, boreal, and temperate—succumb to the effects of climate feedback loops. The resulting tree dieback threatens to tip forests from net carbon absorbers to net carbon emitters, heating rather than cooling the planet.

The panelists are: Michael Coe, Ph.D., Tropics Program Director and Senior Scientist, Woodwell Climate Research Center; Beverly Law, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, College of Forestry, Oregon State University; and Susan Masino, Ph.D., Vernon D. Roosa Professor of Applied Science, Trinity College. Moderated by Daniel Wolk, MD.

Physician CME: this activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Pharmacy CEU: this program is approved for 1 CEU (1 hour). ACPE # 0097-9999-21-023-H04-P. Nurses who attend will receive a certificate for 1 hour at the conclusion of the program. Pharmacy and Nursing credit is only available for individuals with a Pennsylvania license.

Shifting Paradigms:

A Grassroots Response to Industry and Climate

When: December 9th, 12:00-4:30pm

Where: Register Now!

Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania (PSR PA) is proud to convene Shifting Paradigms: A Grassroots Response to Industry and Climate. 

This half-day, virtual conference will focus on organizational and individual roles in preserving the health of fenceline and frontline communities while fighting climate change and the industries that harm them.

Learn more on our website.

Past Events

Climate Emergency Film Club Part IV: Albedo Watch Here

Climate Emergency Film Club Part III: Atmosphere Watch Here

Have questions or suggestions for PSR PA? Email us at
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