Heartfelt Gratitude

This week, we're going to sit down with our families, have a meal and give thanks for our blessings. The first Thanksgiving in 1621 was started to give thanks for the blessing of the harvest. As I reflect on this holiday, it's fitting that Thanksgiving continues to come after the harvest. However, I think we have lost sight of the original purpose of Thanksgiving. When we express our gratitude during this time of year, I feel the real stars of the season should be our farmers.

As we look at the food on our table, we have farmers to thank. Let us never forget that without you, this day of gratitude would not be possible. So, today and every day, we thank you. Thank you for making these moments with our families possible.

Thank you for choosing to work in acres, not hours. We thank you for your sacrifices, and for the time spent away from your families so ours can eat. We are fortunate to know and work with so many farmers, and we never want to miss the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

From all our families to yours, it's with deep gratitude that we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thank you,

David Scheiderer, President

IAS Yield Trial Results

All of the plots have been harvested and the results are in! Check out the top 20 hybrids and varieties below. See below on how to create an account in MyFarm Solutions so you can take a more in-depth look.

MyFarm Solutions

View the yield trial results in detail along with other data and resources through MyFarm Solutions. Don't have an account? Click on the image below to learn how to create your account.

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