A Division for Advancing Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT) provides Training and Technical Assistance to HIDTA communities across the nation. The Prevention Post keeps HIDTA communities up-to-date with the latest advances and opportunities in the field.
Director's Message
Dear HIDTA Communities,
You are in for a treat with this quarter’s newsletter!

ADAPT serves as a Translator of evidence, Navigator of strategies, and Connector to peers, partners, and resources. We aim to present information and data in a way that is relatable and digestible, thus translating evidence into more usable forms for your prevention efforts. Getting you connected to prevention resources and other HIDTAs as we showcase the remarkable prevention work HIDTAs are doing across the nation is important to us. 
In this issue, we place a special emphasis on:

  1. Sharing data from partners such as NDEWS, ODMAP, and NETI under a new section titled Public Health/Public Safety Updates.
  2. Connecting you with prevention newsletters AND how to to sign up for them yourselves!
  3. Introducing our 2022 Framing Fundamentals Campaign and workshops (1st workshop is tomorrow!).
  4. Highlighting significant HIDTA activities that bring HIDTA and its mission to life.

We hope this issue will assist you in cultivating prevention in your communities and further prepare you for the EXTRAORDINARY work you do.
Lora Peppard, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Director of ADAPT
Deputy Director for Treatment & Prevention
Washington/Baltimore HIDTA
HIDTA Spotlight
The San Diego and Imperial Valley HIDTA sponsored the Juvenile Opioid Summit called SDNeeds2Know on December 16th, 2021. This county-wide, live-streamed assembly on opioids educated middle and high school students across 116 schools and introduced the Operation Prevention San Diego Curriculum. The event included powerful testimonials from overdose survivors, a short play, a keynote speaker (Chris Herren, a former NBA player) who shared his story of recovery with a focus on the social and emotional health of our youth, and inspiring messages all geared towards encouraging students to make positive choices. Read more about the summit here. For more information, reach out to San Diego Imperial HIDTA's Demand Reduction Coordinator, Aimee Hendle:
Prevention Tip

Framing refers to the choices we make in what we say and how we say it including:

  • What we emphasize
  • How and what we explain
  • What we leave unsaid

Learn more from Frameworks Institute here.
Mark Your Calendars
Join the Campaign and Workshops!

The Framing Fundamentals Workshop Series offers 8 weeks of information and strategies to support you in FRAMING PREVENTION MESSAGES.

January 19, 12:00-1:30pm ET
February 1, 2:30-4:00pm ET
February 16, 2:30-4:00pm ET
Dr. Nat Kendall-Taylor
CEO @ FrameWorks Institute
The National Prevention Science Coalition (NPSC) to Improve Lives has partnered with the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice and PACEs Connection to offer a FREE series of 8 workshops focused on preventing trauma and fostering resilience. The next workshop is in just 3 days. Learn more here!
Public Health/Public Safety Updates
NDEWS: National Drug Early Warning System
2021 Quarter 4 Report on Opioid-related 911 EMS Responses
The National Drug Early Warning System (NEWS) incorporates real-time surveillance to detect early signals of potential drug epidemics and includes an Early Warning Network. From October 2021 through December 2021, the National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) recorded 39,641 opioid-related 911 responses. The highest rates of responses were seen in Kentucky, followed by Florida and Maine.

*See the full report here.
*Subscribe to their Weekly Briefing Newsletter here.
*Share your own local drug-related trends here.
ODMAP: Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program
2021 Report and Overdose Chart
The Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) provides near real-time suspected overdose surveillance data across jurisdictions to support public safety and public health efforts to mobilize an immediate response to a sudden increase, or spike in overdose events. In 2021, ODMAP welcomed 426 new agencies, added over 4,000 new users and currently has over 800,000 overdose events entered since it first started. Additionally, ODMAP released the National Map feature in January 2021 for ODMAP users.

In the last quarter of 2021, there were 64,814 suspected overdose events entered into ODMAP. The chart below depicts the number of overdose events based on the outcome (fatal/non-fatal) and their associated type of naloxone administration (ex. single dose). Overall, the majority of overdose events submitted to ODMAP the last quarter of 2021 were either Non-Fatal: No Naloxone or Non-Fatal: Single Dose Naloxone. For more information on ODMAP, click here.
NETI: National Emerging Threats Initiative
Fentanyl Seizures and Overdose Deaths 2011-2020
The National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) is a poly-drug national trends, intelligence, and best practices sharing initiative designated to coordinate emerging threat strategies in affected HIDTA areas. The graph below presents the relationship between the # of fentanyl seizure instances and the # of overdose deaths from 2011-2020.
r= 0.963, p< 0.05 tttttttttttttttttt
A strong positive correlation exists between seizures and overdose deaths. In other words, overdose deaths and fentanyl seizures both increased at similar and rapid rates during the stated time period.

How can prevention and treatment professionals use this information?
  1. Be aware. The presence and impact of fentanyl on our HIDTA communities remains dire.
  2. Prepare. Is there anything more you can do? Continue to evaluate the impact of your current efforts to determine if they are working. Proven strategies do exist. Explore opportunities to implement these evidence-based strategies or learn more about emerging or promising approaches.
  3. Collaborate. This graph demonstrates very clearly how important it is for public safety and public health (including prevention representatives) to work together in identifying and implementing solutions for the opioid epidemic.
Get Connected
Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC) publishes the ATTC Messenger on a monthly basis. It contains behavioral health/addiction tips, best practices, addiction science articles, information on professional development events, funding opportunities, and other relevant resources.
Applied Prevention Science International
Applied Prevention Science International (APSI) publishes Prevention Nuggets, weekly entries that address topics such as prevention science and practice, etiology models, critical theories, ethics, environments for prevention, and many other fundamental issues to evidence-based prevention practice.
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a comprehensive registry of scientifically proven and scalable interventions that prevent or reduce the likelihood of antisocial behavior and promote a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity. The Blueprints Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter that highlights their work, which includes rating programs and interventions, testing for replication, examples of successful implementation and scaling, and upcoming events.
Danya Institute
The Danya Institute publishes The Dialogue Newsletter bi-monthly as well as a weekly training bulletin. The newsletter is designed to help behavioral and mental health professionals and prevention interventionists keep up-to-date on news and events within D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia while the training bulletin focuses on upcoming webinars and virtual events.
Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) publishes MHTTC Pathways, a monthly newsletter highlighting training opportunities, latest products, events, and resources regarding evidence-based practices, implementation science, and workforce development in the field of mental health.
National Council
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing drives mental health and substance use treatment policy and social change. Subscribe to receive emails containing current mental health and substance use treatment and prevention news.
National Prevention Science Coalition
The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) is dedicated to translating scientific knowledge into effective and sustainable practices, systems, and policies. Subscribe to their mailing list to receive announcements about events such as the trauma workshop series mentioned above!
Overdose Response Strategy
The Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) teams up Drug Intelligence Officers and Public Health Analysts to help communities reduce fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses by connecting public health and public safety agencies, supporting evidence-based interventions, and sharing information. To learn more, subscribe to their newsletter, which highlights their work and substance use news, research, and resources.
Prevention First
Prevention Connection is a monthly e-newsletter featuring Prevention First services, programs, milestones, upcoming trainings and events, community outreach efforts, and more.
Prevention Insights at Indiana University
Indiana University publishes Prevention Insights, a monthly newsletter that announces training, events, and funding related to substance use prevention/treatment, mental health, and problem gambling.
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network
The PTTC Post is a monthly e-publication funded by SAMHSA that communicates tips and information on best practices along with funding opportunities, features, information about national professional development events, links to state-of-the-art online resources, and other electronic publications relevant to the field.
Resources from the Field
Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth
A new guide is available through SAMHSA as a part of their “Evidence-Based Resource Guide Series.” The guide reviews literature, programs, and policies around marijuana prevention for youth, provides considerations and strategies for key stakeholders, describes recommendations, and provides examples of how to implement recommendations. The guide can be downloaded here.
Monitoring the Future 2021 Survey Results
Monitoring the Future, an annual drug use survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, released results from 32,260 surveys collected from February through June 2021. The survey is funded by the The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and conducted by the University of Michigan. The percentage of adolescents reporting substance use decreased significantly, the largest one-year decrease reported since the survey’s first year in 1975. View the results here
New Federal Overdose Prevention Strategy
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the new HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy in 2021. It is designed to address the full continuum of integrated care services for individuals who use substances that can cause overdose. It includes four key target areas: primary prevention, harm reduction, evidence-based treatment, and recovery support. View the strategy here.
CADCA'S 32nd Annual National Leadership Forum
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)'s National Leadership Forum brings together nationally-known experts and policymakers from January 31st through February 3rd to discuss the latest strategies to fight substance misuse. Topics include cultural competency, prevention workforce development, and resilience. Learn more about the conference here.
Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing has released a message guide and toolkit to aid youth-serving providers and organizations with meaningful prevention messaging. The toolkit includes messaging, tip sheets, social media graphics, interactive worksheets, videos, an educational course, and webinars. To learn more, click here. Implementation recommendations and considerations regarding substance use prevention messaging for youth can be found here.
Prevention Climate in Schools: Helping Prevention Professionals Explore Some of the Evidence-based Strategies Now Available
In response to the COVID-19 challenges in communities and schools, Applied Prevention Science International (APSI) has been coordinating virtual resources that address some of the evidence-based strategies that can be implemented for school-based prevention. APSI’s website features free video recordings of Prevention Talks and a number of Prevention Nuggets —i.e., fact sheets on topics, which can serve as a brief introduction to some of the leading concepts in regard to effective school settings where learning and positive youth development can succeed.
The Narconomics Research Project received funding from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to investigate the business model/s of drug trafficking organizations. The goal is to identify the greatest vulnerabilities in these illegitimate businesses to ultimately reduce the drug supply, reduce overdose deaths, and create new strategies for substance use prevention. This project will investigate the illicit drug markets within Baltimore, New York City, Cleveland, Salt Lake City, and Portland through collaborations between five HIDTAs, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To learn more from the W/B HIDTA, click here.
To be notified of upcoming webinars, products, and events, subscribe here!
The ADAPT Team