New Year, New Intentions, Let's Go!
Hello Sunshine , I'm hopeful that your new year is off to a great start. Like most, you're more than likely focused on your new intentions. So I won't hold you; this email is short, sweet, and to the lifestyle point!
Until next time, live well and spread joy!
Live Empowered, Live Transformed!
Don’t let yourself get in the way.
Lots of people short-change their goals because of this block: “How am I going to make it happen?”😫
They overthink the process which convinces them that it’s hard until they give up without taking any action.
One extremely valuable life lessons is to NEVER set boundaries for your goals.

Get the results you want in 2023 and feel great during the process.
Combines the right SYSTEM, the right SUPPORT and the right ACCOUNTABILITY.
Live Healthy, Live Well!
From our friends at ASK THE SCIENTISTS
How to Make a New Habit Stick

Exercising more, writing in a journal, eating nutritious meals—starting a new habit is always a challenge. While this can be discouraging, the psychology of habit-building suggests that learning from past mistakes is the key to building a habit that sticks.

Use these tools to approach your new habits with confidence: New Habits.
20% OFF
For a limited time, January 9–23, save 20% on two bottles of Metabolism+ and Nutrimeal or Nutrimeal Active gusset duos. 

Start something Active in 2023!
Join The LIVE Experience!
The Women Seeking Purpose, Living Dreams Experience brings together some of the best business professionals, coaches, entertainers, speakers, and special guests.

Connect with influential women just like you and receive action centric/curated resources that enable and support your aspirational goals.

Two local non-profit organizations will be honored and become recipients of The Women Seeking Purpose, Living Dreams Community Member Recognition Monetary Award.

Lastly, it wouldn't be a SC event without food and an in-house DJ. Come and enjoy a sophisticated warm breakfast as well get your dance on!
Social Media Hangouts
*Product statements found within this newsletter have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Product suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.